LUETIĆ, TihanaKeywords
Božena Kralj, Deželići, 20. st., HKAD »Domagoj«, visoko obrazovanje, ženska povijest.Božena Kralj, Deželić family, 20th century, Croatian Catholic Academic Association »Domagoj«, higher education, gender history.
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U tekstu se govori o studentskim danima jedne od pripadnica prvih generacija studentica koje su upisale Kraljevsko sveučilište Franje Josipa I. u Zagrebu Božene Kralj, udane Deželić, kasnije članice ženske sekcije Hrvatskoga katoličkog seniorata. Studentica slavistike na zagrebačkom Filozofskom fakultetu, bila je prva djevojka stipendistica tadašnje Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti na Sveučilištu u Moskvi, gdje odlazi na specijalizaciju, te izvanredno studira na Imperatorskom moskovskom univerzitetu u vrijeme dok u Rusiji djevojkama nije bio dozvoljen studij (1912./1913.). Još jedna od barijera koju je probila bila je i članstvo u Hrvatskome katoličkom akademskom društvu Domagoj 1911. godine, u kojem je bila prva primljena ženska članica. Zapisi o njezinu studiranju zapravo otkrivaju niz podataka o životu djevojaka u akademskom svijetu početkom 20. stoljeća, o društvenom životu katoličke mladeži ali i o predrasudama okoline s kojima se susretala.Author analyzes university days of Božena Kralj, married Deželić, one of the first female students at Royal University of Franz Joseph I. in Zagreb. In the society of that time she made a breakthrough into strictly manly world – in 1911 she became the first girl accepted in the Croatian Catholic Academic Association »Domagoj«. This, naturally, provoked numerous reactions but in spite of isolation her contacts from that period remained stabile even in her later days when she became teacher in high school, wife of Velimir Deželić Jr. and active member of female section of Catholic seniorate. Beside her activities in the social section of »Domagoj« Božena Kralj during her university days worked on literacy of illiterate persons within »ABC club« at the University. With such a social life, which was followed with many rumors within conservative bourgeois environment, Božena Kralj also won many battles in the academic field. She was supported by her family and friends, and managed to graduate at Faculty of philosophy in Zagreb. Soon after she also defended doctoral dissertation and became doctor of philosophy. During her studies she received bursary from Foundation of Julije Bubanović of Yugoslavian Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was indicated as the best candidate for specialization in Slavic studies at University in Moscow in 1912/1913. Although, in contemporary Russia girls were not allowed to study at University, and their higher education was organized on level of High courses for girls, Božena Kralj was permitted to study at Moscow Imperial University as a part-time student.