Bio-ethical and Eco-theological Stimulation for Environmental Protection
Tomašević, Luka; Catholic Faculty of Theology, University of Split, Split, Croatia; ltomasevic@kbf-st.hrVuletić, Suzana; Catholic Faculty of Theology in Đakovo, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Đakovo, Croatia;
ambient bioethics; eco-theology; ecology; biotechnology; environmental risks; "anthropology destruction"; ethical models; the contribution of the Catholic Church's Magisterium; moral responsibility; "sustainable development"; the precautionary principle;, bioethical ecumenismekološka/okolišna bioetika; ekoteologija; ekologija; biotehnologija; ekološki rizici; „antropologija razaranja“; etički modeli; doprinos kršćanskoga crkvenog Učiteljstva; moralna odgovornost; „održivi razvoj“; načelo opreza; bioetička ekumena
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Biotehnološkim ovladavanjem prirode, suvremeni je čovjek despotski preuzeo dominirajuću ulogu nad stvorenim ambijentom, ne poštujući njegove intrinzične zakonitosti izvorne stvorenosti, ograničenosti prirodnih izvora i ne/mogućnosti njihova obnavljanja. Poticaj bioetičkom diskursu dolazi s činjenicama globalnoga pogoršavanja uvjeta života na Zemlji, dosadašnjim postignućima znanosti i mogućnostima tehnike, osobito u bio-tehnologijama i gen-tehnologijama te porašću svijesti o njihovim mogućim i/racionalnim posljedicama. Biotehnologija, bioindustrija i bioekonomija industrijskoga društva razvijaju svjetsku trgovinu prirodnim resursima na osnovi instrumentalnoga vrjednovanja prirode pragmatičnim interesima koji se ne obaziru na etičke imperative. Kao posljedica čovjekove agresije na biosferu nastaje ekološka degradacija. Problemi ugrožavanja okoliša i života prerasli su od lokalnih u globalne probleme; od znanstvenih i tehničkih u etičke probleme; od segmentarnih ekoloških i bioetičkih u kompleksan bioetički problem očuvanja te kontrole života i smrti na planetu. Budući da suvremena znanost, vođena pluralističkim etičkim paradigmama, ne može dati univerzalno zadovoljavajući odgovor na taj izazov, potrebni su interdisciplinarni i multidisciplinarni pristupi koji polaze od bioetičkih načela. U buđenju etičke ekološke svijesti, ističe se ekološka nadležnost okolišne bioetike, koja je značajno obogaćena intervencijama kršćanskoga crkvenog Učiteljstva, koje je kreiralo novi pojam teologije stvaranja, ekoteologije. Sintezom ekološke bioetike i ekoteologije ističu se bio-etički i eko-teološki poticaji za ekološkom zaštitom i odgovornošću načelom opreza, paradigmom održivoga razvoja i bioetičkom ekumenom.According to the biotechnological domination of nature, contemporary man has took despotic and dominant role above the whole created ambience, not respecting its intrinsic legality of the original being created, limited natural resources and the inability of their recovery. Stimulation to the bioethical discourse comes with the facts: of global deterioration of living conditions on Earth, past achievements and progressive possibilities of science and technology, particularly in bio- and gen-technology, as also by the increased awareness of their possible irrational consequences. Bio-technology, bio-industry and bio-economy of modern industrial society are developing world trade of natural resources, based on the evaluation by instrumental use of nature, led by their pragmatically interests which disregard ethical imperatives. Consequence of man’s aggression on biosphere is resulting as an environmental degradation and “ecocidium”. Problem threats to the environment have grown from local to global problems; from scientific and technical issues to the ethical problems; from segmented environmental and bioethical issues to the complex bioethical problem of preservation and control of life and death on the whole planet. Since the modern science, guided by the pluralistic ethical paradigms, cannot provide a universally satisfactory answer to these challenges, they require interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, which range of the bioethical principles. The ethical awakening of environmental consciousness emphasizes the ecological competence of environmental bioethics is significantly enriched with the interventions by the Christian Church's Magisterium, which has created a new concept of the theology of creation, called, eco theology. By the synthesis of bioethics and environmental eco-theology, bio-ethical and eco-theological incentives are highlighted, with particular accent on environmental protection and moral responsibility, by the principle of precaution, paradigm of sustainable development and bioethical ecumenism.