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Peer-reviewed journal published in June and December by Lembaga Penelitian & Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) of the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai, Gorontalo-Indonesia. Fokus muatan Al-Ulum adalah kajian keislaman meliputi Pendidikan Islam; Kebudayaan Islam; Hukum Islam; Pemikiran Islam; Ekonomi Islam;Komunikasi Islam; Dakwah; Konseling Islam; Filsafat Islam.
The Globethics library contains articles of Al-Ulum as of vol. 10 no.2 to current.
Recent Submissions
Religious Moderation: Concept and Implementation in State Islamic Religious UniversitiesThis research aims to analyze the concept and implementation of religious moderation at two State Islamic Religious Universities (PTKIN), namely IAIN Manado and IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo. In qualitative research with a sociological approach, the research results show that the two PTKINs have succeeded in implementing the concept of religious moderation by prioritizing moderate attitudes, tolerance, and dialogue between religious believers in the campus environment. However, challenges such as skepticism and negative perceptions of religious moderation remain obstacles. The role of lecturers and education staff has a significant impact in supporting the implementation of religious moderation. Training programs and special initiatives have proven effective in increasing understanding and awareness of religious moderation among the academic community.
Transformation of Religious Moderation and Islamic Law: Reflections on Siri' Na Pesse Culture in Bugis CommunityThis study discusses the transformation of religious moderation and Islamic law: a reflection of siri’ na pesse culture in Bugis community. The research methodology is qualitative, descriptive analytical, normative theological approach, normative juridical and formal, socio-anthropological, data analysis with religious moderation, al-urf and maqasid al-syariah theory in Islamic law. The research results show that siri’ na pesse is constructed with various pappaseng which function as advice and benchmarks in Bugis community to strengthen solidarity, unity, create harmony, order, peace and peace in community life. Religious moderation and Islamic law are one unit to maintain human harmony, foster love through siri’ na pesse as an inner bond, thoughts, and foster hearts to forgive each other, be full of understanding, eliminate hatred, violence, radicalism, extremism, and terrorism in good human relations.
Reinterpretation of Women's Inheritance Rights in Islam: A Study Qs. Al-Nisā’/4: 11One of the problems that arise after death is regarding the distribution of property to whom and how much share will be obtained, this has been regulated in Islamic inheritance law, but an issue that until now is often debated and prone to conflict in the family is the inheritance rights of women who in the Islamic inheritance system are different from men so that there is a stigma that Islamic inheritance law tends to be discriminatory and gender biased,  This is due to the assumption that the inheritance system in Islam is something patent and cannot be changed, whereas the formulation of inheritance in the books of fiqh is the interpretation of scholars in the social setting where the ulama live, therefore it is necessary to reinterpret the inheritance system for women because the law is actually a social response that will continue to interact with the social construction of community life.
The Analysis of Fatwa of Indonesian Ulema Council in West Java Province on Marketing Product for Ecco RacingThis study emerged from the concern of the Muslim community regarding the circulation of businesses that use a multi-level marketing system in the form of multi-level marketing for Eco Racing products. Due to this concern, the Indonesian Ulema Council (Majelis Ulama Indonesia=MUI) issued a fatwa to respond to this product. This research aims to analyze the istinbat method by the MUI to reduce disputes among the people in their worship and muamalah. This qualitative research uses a literature approach: examining the MUI fatwa decision using several fiqh literature and scientific articles related to the MUI istinbat method. The research results show that the decision of MUI in West Java Province needs a complete review of the Eco Racing marketing system and the Islamic concept of muamalah. It is due to two things, including the imperfect explanation from PT BEST management to the MUI fatwa commission in West Java Province regarding the mechanism for regulating the Eco Racing product sales and bonus system and the limited number of experts in the MUI fatwa commission by existing knowledge. It is needed to respond to the dynamic development of sharia economics in Indonesia, especially in West Java.
The Ideality of Pancasila and Reality of Maqaashid SyariahThis study discusses the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, which is not a religious state, but the Pancasila, produced based on a formulation of taste, nobility, customs, culture, religion, and beliefs that exist and grow in Indonesia. Because Pancasila was born from the womb of the Indonesian nation, even though the majority of the population is Muslim, Pancasila has succeeded in establishing itself as the basis of the state, state philosophy, and state ideology for many years now. It shows how powerful and great Pancasila is. However, recently, Pancasila has again clashed with Islam. Pancasila is considered a taghut system, created by infidels, and a secular system that is no longer relevant to the life of the Indonesian nation, which is predominantly Muslim. This research uses a qualitative approach with literature research methods. Primary and secondary data are from books, articles, news, and journals. The theory used in this research is the maqashid sharia approach as a cognitive, open, comprehensive, hierarchical, multidimensional, and purposeful system. Hence, it is found that the ideality of Pancasila rests on the reality of the Indonesian nation's activities in implementing the substantive values of Pancasila and Islam, not on its format. So, it was found that Pancasila and Islam met simultaneously in protecting their people, especially in protecting religion, soul, reason, property, lineage, and honor.
Reconstruction of Hadanah With The Concept of Shared Parenting in Religious CourtsThis study aims to introduce the concept of shared parenting as a solution to child custody disputes in religious courts. This research is a normative legal research, by analyzing the decision of Tarempa Religious Court Number 27/Pdt.G/2023/PA.Trp, the decision of Tarakan Religious Court Number 408/Pdt.G/2019/PA. Tar, and decision of Syar'iyah Kualasimpang Court Number 50/Pdt.G/2021/MS.Ksg. The results of this study show that the concept of shared parenting is one of the right choices to resolve child custody cases, this pattern is taken to break up situations when both parents fight each other for the right to hadanah. With this concept of co-parenting, it is hoped that after divorce, the relationship between parents and children will continue to be good and harmonious. The implementation of the concept of shared parenting in disputes in religious courts can be found in two products, namely rulings and peace deeds. The peace deed is also in the form of a ruling, but more specifically related to the legitimacy of the peace agreement that occurs in the mediation process, both within the court and outside the court.
Dynamics of Al-Qur'an Interpretation in Contemporary Thought (Case Study of Tafsir Al-Manar)Tulisan ini bertujuan menemukan paradigma tafsir al-Manar dalam beberapa pandangan ulama yang memuji dan mengkritik serta dalam menginterpretasikan Al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini menghasilkan data deskripsi. Temuan dalam tulisan ini adalah Rasyid Muhammad Ridha menggunakan metode tahlili (analisis) yang bercorak adabi wa ijtima'iy (sastra dan kemasyarakatan). dua hal penting yang menjadi pijakan dalam penulisan al-Manar, yaitu pandangan penulis al-Manar tentang hakikat tafsir dan pandangannya tentang al-Qur`an. Dua pandangan tersebut bisa disebut sebagai paradigma penafsiran yang mendasari kerja interpretasi al-Qur`an yang dilakukan oleh penulis al-Manar. Bahkan dalam konteks penafsiran al-Qur`an Muhammad ‘Abduh berpandangan bahwa apabila terjadi pertentangan antara teks dengan akal, maka posisi akal diprioritaskan, dengan cara menempuh metode takwil. Kirik atas tafsir al-Manar; Syaikh Muhammad Rasyid Ridha adalah mufassir yang terlalu berani dalam menggunakan teori-teori seorang mendukung untuk ilmiah penafsirannya. Sehingga terkadang dirasakan adanya usaha membenar-benarkan teori ilmiah, sekalipun yang belum mapan dengan ayat-ayat al-Qur'an
The Importance of Prophetic Communication Principles (A Critical Study of the Hadith of Communication)This article describes the principle of prophetic communication in the Hadith. This type of research is qualitative. The primary data source is Kitab Shahih al-Bukhari. in comparison, the secondary data comes from related references. The research instrument uses the HadisSoft application. We discuss ten hadiths on prophetic communication, categorized into three points. Content analysis explicitly and implicitly extracts the principles of prophetic communication in Hadith to conclude. The analysis results show that the focus of prophetic communication is honesty. Honesty is a prophetic identity that must be attached to every form of communication. The implication is that violating honesty as a principle of communication is equivalent to breaking human interests. This article's main contribution is to enrich Hadith's study from the perspective of communication, which is still lacking. Research on the principles of prophetic communication in Hadith can be developed, for example, the ethics of communication between cultures.
New Marriage Agreement: Maqashid Sharia-Based Marriage Agreement Model as a Solution to Strengthen Family ResilienceThis article aims to discuss marriage agreements in strengthening family resilience in Indonesia and tries to implement them with a different concept than the previous concept through the basis of Maqashid Syariah as its construction epistemology. This article is a juridical-normative research, which uses the maqashid sharia approach and gender through descriptive-qualitative analysis. This article finds that marriage agreements in Indonesia are described or based on several existing laws, including; the Civil Code, Marriage Law (UUP), and Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI). The marriage agreement must be implemented because the marriage agreement itself is considered very important to be formed by each family because it can lead the family to become sakinah, mawadah, and waramah. In addition, marriage agreements, both formal and substantial, need to be revised in detail and not discriminate so that they have a new concept that is more up-to-date and represents legal objectives so that it can strengthen the resilience of families in Indonesia, the impact of which is to reduce the ever-increasing divorce.
The Perception of PTKI Students in the Province of Bengkulu on Religious Moderation and Tolerance HadithsThe aim of this research are firstly to describe the perceptions of PTKI students in the province of Bengkulu with backgrounds from pesantren and non-pesantren environments on religious moderation. Secondly, to describe the perceptions of PTKI students in the province of Bengkulu regarding tolerance hadiths. Thirdly, to describe the implementation of religious moderation among students from pesantren and non-pesantren backgrounds in PTKI in the province of Bengkulu. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation, and were analyzed inductively and qualitatively, presented in a descriptive narrative. The research findings indicate that: firstly and secondly, PTKI students in the province of Bengkulu have diverse perceptions of religious moderation. Students with pesantren backgrounds have a good and comprehensive understanding of religious moderation and are familiar with tolerance hadiths, while non-pesantren students exhibit the opposite. However, all students agree with the religious moderation program and have a good understanding of tolerance hadiths. Their understanding tends to be more moderate and persuasive, accepting and acknowledging different groups or religions. Thirdly, PTKI campuses in the province of Bengkulu have implemented religious moderation programs, evident in the establishment of moderation houses, the integration of moderation values, and the formation of discussion forums.
The Manifesto of Nahdhatul Ulama: (Understanding the Meaning, Political Integration and Identity of NU)This article aims to analyze the political values of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) from Khittah's perspective and its position in political practice. The debate occurred because Nahdlatul Ulama was considered to be playing practical politics, and on the other hand, the Nahdlatul Ulama Khittah was always discussed, saying that Nahdlatul Ulama should not enter into practical politics because of the 1926 NU Khittah. The type of research used was library research. Researchers studied documents, books, journals, magazines and various literature related to NU's position on politics in the 1926 NU Khittah and its position in political practice. The results of the research show that there are two meanings of khittah: the “khass” (far'i-juz'i) namely the NU Khittah text resulting from the Situbondo Congress, and the "am-kulli" namely all the himmah, ideals and guidelines for NU's struggle for religion. and nation. NU politics is part of the broad set of Khittah substance, which includes all the service and dharma of devotion to the nation in two strategic domains: social-national development: and, socio-economic-political dimensions which are based on justice and benefit.
Transformation of Family Support in Islamic Marriage in the Contemporary Era: A Critical Analysis of Sanad Hadith.This study aims to explore and analyze the transformation of the concept of family support in the context of Islamic marriage in the contemporary era. This research method includes analysis of hadith documents, interviews, and surveys to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the changes and dynamics that have occurred. The results show that this transformation includes shifts in values, gender roles, and economic demands that influence the view and implementation of family livelihoods. These challenges include economic equality between husband and wife, changes in traditional roles in the family, and adaptation to changes in the social environment. On the other hand, there are opportunities to strengthen gender equality values, increase understanding of the concept of livelihood, and develop more inclusive financial strategies. The implications of this research contribute to further understanding of how Islamic marriage adapts to changing times, as well as providing a basis for developing practical guidelines for husband-and-wife couples in managing family support in the contemporary era. This understanding can provide a more holistic and relevant view of the role of income in Islamic marriage amidst the dynamics of contemporary society.
The Construction of Islamic Law on the Law on Halal Product Assurance from the Maqashid Sharia Perspective (Law No. 33 of 2014 and Law No. 11 of 2020 Article 48)This article describes the construction of Islamic law on the halal product guarantee law that applies in Indonesia. The shifting of operators in halal product guarantees from private institutions to the government has strong legitimacy, which requires business actors to comply. The status of halal certification has increased from voluntary to mandatory in line with the 1945 constitution, and Sharia principles should be achieved. However, the weakness of this law is that there are no strict sanctions for business actors who need to certify their products. This type of research is an explanatory qualitative with a mashed Sharia approach and a review of Islamic law. The research findings show that Sharia obligations that do not contain legal sanctions cause individuals or groups not to comply; this has implications for Muslim consumers being unprotected from the need for halal products because there are still many products that are not halal certified. In conclusion, the construction of Islamic law regarding the guarantee of halal products in Indonesia is still weak but better than before.
Issuance of Family Cards: An Overview of Maslahah Against Legitimacy of Marital Status for Sirri Married CouplesThis study aims to comprehensively describe the issuance of Family Cards in the perspective of maslahah (social benefit) and justice for the legitimacy of marriage for sirri married couples in Bengkulu Province. This research is a qualitative empirical research with a statutory approach, a case and field approach, and a concept approach. This study found that the issuance of Family Cards for marriages of unmarried couples is a form of upholding justice in a social (commutative) framework where everyone has the same rights over marital status. On the other hand, the issuance of a Family Card for unmarried couples can be categorized as maslahah al-khassah (special benefit) which benefits only a few parties, not maslahah al-ammah (general benefit) which applies to the whole community. This study also found that the impact of including the statement "Unregistered Marriage" in the issuance of Family Cards for unregistered married couples can lead to maslahah al-mulghah in the form of legal confusion regarding the legality of one's marriage while at the same time hindering the updating of centralized data which is on the government's agenda.
The Integration of One-Stop Integrated Service Policy in the Religious Judicial System in IndonesiaThis study aims to depict the problems faced in the implementation of a one-stop integrated service policy in the religious judicial system. Data were also obtained through direct interviews from a number of informants, mainly the judges of the provincial and district High Religious Courts (Pengadilan Tinggi Agama) and (Pengadilan Agama). This study finds out that competence of judges in religious courts was minimal, and their selection requirements were laxer, as there were no special criteria for studying Islamic sciences. Consequently, judges preferring decisions on material laws over Islamic precepts. Therefore, judges’ decisions in establishing regulations tend to be fixed on material laws, which is evident in cases such as, divorce lawsuits.
Issuance of Family Cards: An Overview of Benefit Against Legitimacy of Marital Status for Sirri Married CouplesThis study aims to comprehensively describe the issuance of Family Cards in the perspective of benefit and justice for the legitimacy of marriage for Sirri married couples in Bengkulu Province. This research is a qualitative empirical research with a statutory approach, a case and field approach, and a concept approach. This study found that the issuance of Family Cards for marriages of unmarried couples is a form of upholding justice in a social (commutative) framework where everyone has the same rights over marital status. On the other hand, the issuance of a Family Card for unmarried couples can be categorized as maslahah al-khassah (special benefit) which benefits only a few parties, not maslahah al-ammah (general benefit) which applies to the whole community. This study also found that the impact of including the statement "Unregistered Marriage" in the issuance of Family Cards for unregistered married couples can lead to maslahah al-mulghah in the form of legal confusion regarding the legality of one's marriage while at the same time hindering the updating of centralized data which is on the government's agenda.
Reconstruction of Women's Marginalization in The Tradition of Khatam Qur'anThe focus of this paper is to explore how the tradition of khatam Qur’an for women is the entry point for empowerment. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, collecting data through in-depth interviews with four female research participants and observing their family life. The results of the research show that the tradition of khatam Qur'an has opened up opportunities for women’s freedom. In the first generation, women were still cooped up, illiterate and shy, in the second generation, opportunities for freedom were given with the excuse of leaving the house to learn the Qur’an reading. In the third generation, women are equal to men in education to obtain public roles. However, they cannot let go of their domestic role. In the end, women have a dual role. This study concludes that ongoing empowerment efforts have reconstructed the marginalization of women.
Traditional Islamic Religious Practice Arguments: Criticism of The Concept of Bid'ah of Islam Salafi-WahabiThis paper discusses traditional Islamic criticism of the concept of heresy in Salafi Islam, categorizing every new act in religion as iconoclastic heresy. Based on this concept of heresy, ritual ceremonies and practices of traditional Islamic religious traditions are classified as acts of heresy. Through literature research based on literary document sources using abstractive inductive logic methods and content analysis, this study found that ritual ceremonies and practices of traditional Islamic religious traditions are not acts of heresy because they are based on theorem (al-Quran, hadith and allegiance) it is new. New actions (mutants) are categorized as bid'ah if they conflict with the Quran, hadith, and a tsar. Traditional Islam criticizes the concept of heresy in Salafi-Wahhabi Islam for being ahistorical because several traditions show that the innovation of a friend, tâbi'u tâbi'uttab'în, while this innovation was not ordered and practiced by the Prophet; instead, was carried out by the generation of the Salaf.
Constructing Trust in Media Through Islamic Values: Countering Hoaxes and DisinformationThe purpose of this study is to find out more about the role and credibility of the media in the midst of the rise of hoaxes, fake news, and disinformation in recent years. The research method used is qualitative, using literature methods. To conduct this research, extensive literature reviews are conducted through journals, books, and other literature. The results showed that Islamic values such as honesty and accountability can be used to counter deception and disinformation, as well as promote trustworthy communication. By upholding these values, media outlets can ensure accurate news reporting and regain public trust.
Analyzing the Practice of Hibah in Lieu of Inheritance among the Indonesian Muslim CommunityThis study aims to explore the patterns of Hibah practice as a substitute for inheritance in Indonesian society and the reasons they do so. The research locations include Gayo, Aceh, North Sumatra, Jambi, Madiun, Kediri and Surabaya. In this qualitative study, data were collected through interviews. The participants consisted of ulama, academics, and the community who practice Hibah as a substitute for inheritance. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed through content analysis. This study indicates three patterns of Hibah practice as a substitute for inheritance. First, the Hibah is given at the beginning with a portion of 2:1, which is also considered an inheritance when the parent dies. Second, the Hibah is divided equally as well as the surviving parent gets a share. When someone dies, the assets owned by the parents are divided equally. Third, the Hibah is divided unequally, and after the parent dies, the property becomes a portion of the inheritance calculation. This study concludes that the practice of Hibah is becoming more popular among the people in distributing the inheritance, while Islamic inheritance is increasingly insignificant. The position of religious law which is so important in Indonesian Muslim society is critical.