Ambigua: revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales es una publicación electrónica que aparece en forma de monográfico y aborda aquellos temas que se encuadran dentro de las investigaciones sobre el género y los estudios culturales desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar. El público al que va dirigida es de índole internacional, ya que acepta la publicación de artículos escritos en distintas lenguas de la Unión Europea (español, francés, inglés) y nacionales (catalán).


The Globethics library contains articles of Ambigua: revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales as of vol. 1(2014) to current.

Recent Submissions

  • Rewriting Classical Epic:: A Panorama of Female-Authored Novels on the Trojan War in the Twenty-First Century.

    Nisa Cáceres, Daniel; Moreno Soldevila, Rosario (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-18)
    This paper overviews contemporary female-authored rewritings of the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Aeneid. In the 21st century, there has been a noticeable explosion of novels on this theme (especially but not exclusively in the English-speaking world), within the more general framework of retellings of the classics; noteworthy is also their generic and creative variety. This study succinctly traces the lines of evolution of this phenomenon, provides different possibilities for critical exploration and analyses some key characteristics of these narratives, while reflecting on the factors that have led to this expanding literary trend.
  • Hegemonic masculinities. An autoethnographic view of power, domination, virility and violence among men.

    Recio Saucedo, Sergio Raúl (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    The social relationships between people are subject to the historical and cultural conditions of societies because they are the ones that provide the identity principles that indicate the ways of being in the world. Social positions have been defined by the possession of power, generating dynamics of domination and subordination between people, specifically, processes of submission exercised by men towards women have been observed. The oppression is due to the learning of masculinities and femininities that indicate the personal traits of males and females, indicatingtheir place in the social body. It is precisely the theme of masculinities that is of interest in this article because it helps in understanding the dynamics of power exercised between men towards other men and women in the different stages of life of individuals. In other words, it allows us to understand the processes of dominationand violence exerted by certain masculine identities in societies. Therefore, the approach to masculinities was possible through the use of autoethnography as a methodological tool aimed at exploring my personal history, which brought me closer to reflecting on experiences I had with people who consciously or unconsciously had sexist behavior. The reflections were accompanied by bibliographic sources that gave a theoretical support to the exposed ideas and to the narrative thread developed in the article. It concludes by pointing out the need to configure new forms of masculinity away from traditional stereotypes that harm people and their forms of social interaction.
  • Materialist Feminisms:: dialogues and interhistoricity between Europe and Latin America.

    Bolla, Luisina (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    This paper focuses on two inflections of Materialist Feminism. The first took place in France in the 1970s, developed by Christine Delphy, Nicole-Claude Mathieu, Colette Guillaumin, Monique Wittig, and Paola Tabet. The second inflection arises inspired from that and was developed in Argentina from the late 1970s to the mid-80s, thanks to the encouragement of Alicia Lombardi and Silvia García. This article aims to recover the history of the dialogues between these two lines of thought. In order to do this, it starts by situating the general features of the Materialist Feminist currents, their inevitable polysemy as a multicentric field. Then, it focuses on the Materialist Feminist current that arises in France to systematize its main theoretical contributions. Next, the receptions and subsequent reworkings that took place in Argentina between the late 1970s and the early 1980s are discussed. Finally, it reflects on new directions of analysis that are opening up thanks to transnational exchanges, introducing the category of inter-historicity.
  • Violencias contra las mujeres desde un enfoque artístico-literario y sociocultural

    Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Rocío; Terceño Solozano, Candelaria; Marin-Conejo, Sergio (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2020-12-14)
  • Rewriting Classical Epic:: A Panorama of Female-Authored Novels on the Trojan War in the Twenty-First Century

    Nisa Cáceres, Daniel; Moreno Soldevila, Rosario (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-18)
    This paper overviews contemporary female-authored rewritings of the Iliad, the Odyssey and the Aeneid. In the 21st century, there has been a noticeable explosion of novels on this theme (especially but not exclusively in the English-speaking world), within the more general framework of retellings of the classics; noteworthy is also their generic and creative variety. This study succinctly traces the lines of evolution of this phenomenon, provides different possibilities for critical exploration and analyses some key characteristics of these narratives, while reflecting on the factors that have led to this expanding literary trend.
  • Militancy of popular feminism in the theater from the Argentinian Northwest region (2015-2020)

    Rosenzvaig, Marina (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    This article analyzes militancy of popular feminism extended in the theater fromthe Argentinian Northwest region between the years 2015 to 2020, in the masscontexto of movilizations against gender violence of Ni Una Menos and and thefight for legal, safe and free abortion. The militancy are an exercise in participationand collective organization in whose politicization the empowered people becomeaware of the need to act to reverse the situation of social inequality (Selci, 2018).In this period developed a powerfull multiplication of popular feminist militancy inat least three áreas of theatrical action: 1. Performance of demonstrations, 2.Institutional management in theater (public and independent), 3. Performances of plays. This writing stops especially in the second field of action, linkinginstitutional militancy and independent theater .
  • Water and landscape with gender perspective

    Martos Nieto, Miriam (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    Landscape affects the articulation of gender roles and relationships, especially one of its components: the water. The water is related to labors of sustenance and maintenance, such as cooking, cleaning, supplying water, etc.; all of them are laborers associated typically with women. Due to the landscape and social characteristics, Panama Viejo is one of the best places to study the correlation between water, society, and gender. The archaeological site became famous because of a chronic shortage of water near the settlement, as a consequence of the pollution and cloudiness of the Abajo`s River. That situation made the city to search for natural water resources in the limits of the settlement control or to build rain catchments systems, like the tank from the Limpia Concepción Convent, which, also, protected their purity and became a font of social-economic power.
  • Women and Men in Casilda Antón de Olmet's Cancionero de mi tierra

    Moreno-Lago, Eva (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-18)
    The Cancionero de mi Tierra (Songbook of my land) by Casilda Antón del Olmet, published in 1917, constitutes a significant example of the neopopularism that was gaining prominence in Spanish poetry during those years. It also reflects the Catholic and conservative ideology of its author. Our work analyzes the gender relations present in the text through the different representations of women and men, which are influenced by two factors. The first factor is the misogynistic tradition of popular poetry and the folkloric and paronomastic sources from which the Cancionero de mi tierra inherits. The second factor is the moralizing intention of its author and the patriarchal perspective she adopts, through which she paternalistically observes women, especially those who do not belong to her social class. Our study delves into the interpretation of the imaginary constellations and the mythical and unconscious vision that primarily underlies the relationships between women and men. Secondly, it explores the doxa present in the popular ideological substrate and the cultural Catholic and elitist position of its author.
  • It's not (just) eroticism, it's rape. La mujer desnuda and critique:: a case of epistemic injustice.

    GUILHEM, Nadège (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    In this paper we aim to make the connection between academia and militancy, insisting on updating academic practices on the basis of current feminist struggles for more (epistemic) justice. Starting from a dispute that took place in France in 2017 about the pertinence of the use of the term "rape" to characterise a sexual relation in a play by Chénier, we intend to demonstrate the need for a (feminist) political reading from the academy. With this intention, we proceed to a novel analysis of the nouvelle La mujer desnuda (1950; 1967) by the Uruguayan writer Armonía Somers focusing on marital rape. The numerous studies on Somers’s work have focused on the analysis of eroticism, leaving aside what is one of the major taboos of western cisheteropatriarchal society. By focusing our work on this theme, we aim not only to complete and complexify the readings that have been done so far, but also to do justice to Somers's political discourse, which - like most women writers of the same period - has been largely silenced. Throughout the article, we ask why works - even feminist ones - have neglected the subject of marital rape. To do so, we first compare the definition of rape with an excerpt from the nouvelle before proceeding to its analysis in order to justify the use of the term "rape" and to show how Somers deals with this theme. Finally, by broadening the focus, we propose several hypotheses on the reasons why this theme has been ignored. These hypotheses lead us to think about the power relations that sustain the literary field and the academic field.
  • Militancy of popular feminism in the theater from the Argentinian Northwest region (2015-2020).

    Rosenzvaig, Marina (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    This article analyzes militancy of popular feminism extended in the theater from the Argentinian Northwest region between the years 2015 to 2020, in the mass contexto of movilizations against gender violence of Ni Una Menos and and the fight for legal, safe and free abortion. The militancy are an exercise in participation and collective organization in whose politicization the empowered people become aware of the need to act to reverse the situation of social inequality (Selci, 2018). In this period developed a powerfull multiplication of popular feminist militancy inat least three áreas of theatrical action: 1. Performance of demonstrations, 2. Institutional management in theater (public and independent), 3. Performances of plays. This writing stops especially in the second field of action, linkinginstitutional militancy and independent theater. 
  • Structural violence against girls from a coeducational perspective: : Strategies for feminist education inside and outside the classroom.

    Otero Gutiérrez, Gema (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    Structural violence against women is part of girls’ daily lives. Socialization continues to normalize sexist discourses, narratives, practices and imaginaries which girls and boys live with on a day-to-day basis. Misogyny is still prevailing because the patriarchal discourse of the inferiority of women is internalized in all areas of our system. Being born as a girl is a prerequisite for oppression and structural violence in any corner of the world. A feminist education is key to the identification and conceptualization of gender malaise which are clear indicators of a continuous oppression suffered by girls and women. Coeducation strategies are articulated in order to ease emancipation and humanization that patriarchy snatches from girls. This article provides coeducational keys to promote a feminist culture from childhood, inside and outside the classroom.
  • The Left Hand of Darkness:: A manifesto against homophobia.

    Fernández Crespo, Belén (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    The Left Hand of Darkness is not a feminist novel but a manifesto against homophobia. Le Guin’s deficient depiction of androgyny, her use of the pronoun “he” to refer to the menwomen characters and the narration of heterosexist, gender-biased Genly bring homophobia forward. Even if an atypical manifesto—for it does not openly declare its intentions and motives-- the novel addresses readers and asks them to take action through Genly’s journey of unlearning. The novel heuristically reeducates and changes readers into real humans able to love beyond gender limitations. Also, it transforms social hostility against homosexuality into acceptance by providing readers with a positive, practicable alternative to their historical context of heterogendered discourse and gay discrimination. 
  • Water and landscape with gender perspective.

    Martos Nieto, Miriam (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    Landscape affects the articulation of gender roles and relationships, especially one of its components: the water. The water is related to labors of sustenance and maintenance, such as cooking, cleaning, supplying water, etc.; all of them are laborers associated typically with women. Due to the landscape and social characteristics, Panama Viejo is one of the best places to study the correlation between water, society, and gender. The archaeological site became famous because of a chronic shortage of water near the settlement, as a consequence of the pollution and cloudiness of the Abajo`s River. That situation made the city to search for natural water resources in the limits of the settlement control or to build rain catchments systems, like the tank from the Limpia Concepción Convent, which, also, protected their purity and became a font of social-economic power.
  • Women and Men in Casilda Antón de Olmet's Cancionero de mi tierra.

    Moreno-Lago, Eva; Duraccio, Caterina (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-18)
    The Cancionero de mi Tierra (Songbook of my land) by Casilda Antón del Olmet, published in 1917, constitutes a significant example of the neopopularism that was gaining prominence in Spanish poetry during those years. It also reflects the Catholic and conservative ideology of its author. Our work analyzes the gender relations present in the text through the different representations of women and men, which are influenced by two factors. The first factor is the misogynistic tradition of popular poetry and the folkloric and paronomastic sources from which the Cancionero de mi tierra inherits. The second factor is the moralizing intention of its author and the patriarchal perspective she adopts, through which she paternalistically observes women, especially those who do not belong to her social class. Our study delves into the interpretation of the imaginary constellations and the mythical and unconscious vision that primarily underlies the relationships between women and men. Secondly, it explores the doxa present in the popular ideological substrate and the cultural Catholic and elitist position of its author.
  • Aesthetics and Dominion: The Impact of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on the Aesthetic Devaluation of Women in the 20th Century: : A New Interpretation of the Empusa.

    Seco Martínez, Jose María (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    The thought of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer would be decisive in the design of a new female stereotype, linked to a particularly exaggerated idea of the evil woman, which would end up populating, through artistic and literary bohemianism, the aesthetic imaginary of the twentieth century. Their philosophy would serve as a binding force for many writers and artists and would have a decisive influence on the spiritual state of their time. A new, more degraded and belittling image of women emerged, which now represented not the masculine fear of the feminine -a constant in history - but the horror of that non explored feminine other who violates the limits that patriarchal morality and culture have assigned to her.
  • Introduction to the 10 (X) issue.: Feminist research from a reflective practice.

    Pacheco Costa, Verónica; Pérez Bernal, Marian; Marín-Conejo, Sergio (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-18)
  • Hegemonic masculinities. An autoethnographic view of power, domination, virility and violence among men

    Recio Saucedo, Sergio Raúl (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    The social relationships between people are subject to the historical and cultural conditions of societies because they are the ones that provide the identity principles that indicate the ways of being in the world. Social positions have been defined by the possession of power, generating dynamics of domination and subordination between people, specifically, processes of submission exercised by men towards women have been observed. The oppression is due to the learning of masculinities and femininities that indicate the personal traits of males and females, indicatingtheir place in the social body. It is precisely the theme of masculinities that is of interest in this article because it helps in understanding the dynamics of power exercised between men towards other men and women in the different stages of life of individuals. In other words, it allows us to understand the processes of dominationand violence exerted by certain masculine identities in societies. Therefore, the approach to masculinities was possible through the use of autoethnography as a methodological tool aimed at exploring my personal history, which brought me closer to reflecting on experiences I had with people who consciously or unconsciously had sexist behavior. The reflections were accompanied by bibliographic sources that gave a theoretical support to the exposed ideas and to the narrative thread developed in the article. It concludes by pointing out the need to configure new forms of masculinity away from traditional stereotypes that harm people and their forms of social interaction.
  • The Left Hand of Darkness:: A manifesto against homophobia

    Fernández Crespo, Belén (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    The Left Hand of Darkness is not a feminist novel but a manifesto against homophobia. Le Guin’s deficient depiction of androgyny, her use of the pronoun “he” to refer to the menwomen characters and the narration of heterosexist, gender-biased Genly bring homophobia forward. Even if an atypical manifesto—for it does not openly declare its intentions and motives-- the novel addresses readers and asks them to take action through Genly’s journey of unlearning. The novel heuristically reeducates and changes readers into real humans able to love beyond gender limitations. Also, it transforms social hostility against homosexuality into acceptance by providing readers with a positive, practicable alternative to their historical context of heterogendered discourse and gay discrimination. 
  • Husbands and clients: : the sexual bonds of South American travesties and transgender women who live in the AMBA

    Perez Ripossio, Ramiro Nicolas (Seminario de Investigación de Género y Estudios Culturales, 2023-12-19)
    The article analyzes the different types of sexual-affective ties that South American transvestites/trans constitute after consolidating migration in the AMBA (Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area) during the years 2017-2019. These ties are established with clients and husbands both in the exercise of prostitution/sex work and in nightlife and affect the adaptation of migrants in the receiving society. Transvestites/trans move as a consequence of the various hostilities they experience in their countries of origin when they want to express their gender identities. By joining the AMBA, they try to access rights, improve their economic resources and establish sociability of different kinds, including sexual-affective ties with cisgender men. The focus of the article is qualitative and the method used was the Grounded Theory that allowed for the preparation of a theoretical sample that contained 44 in-depth interviews. In addition, participant observations were made in different spaces in which this population engages in prostitution/sex work and interacts for recreational purposes. The information was processed and analyzed using the constant comparison method, allowing the delineation of categories, properties and dimensions that were carried out with the support of the ATLAS.ti computer program. It was found that in the sexual-affective ties constituted by this population, affections and money overlap. In addition, they are fluid ties because clients can become dating ties or vice versa and in which a set of characteristics can be observed, namely: experimentation of sexuality, mutual accompaniment, possibilities of developing affections, gender violence and monetary exchanges.

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