Egalitarianism, Welfare Policies and the Legitimation of Political Regimes. The Case of the Czech Republic
Rákosník, JakubFaculty of Arts – Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Čehoslovačka; Republika Češka; socijalna prava; puna zaposlenost; distributivna pravednost; socijalna državaCzechoslovakia; Czech Republic; Social Rights; Full Employment; Distributive Justice; Welfare State
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Članak se bavi razvojem socijalnih politika u Češkoj tijekom 20. i na početku 21. stoljeća, s posebnim osvrtom na njihovu legitimizaciju. U dijelu literature se razmjerno snažne težnje prema egalitarizmu u suvremenom češkom društvu nakon 1989. godine objašnjavaju kao prežitak komunističkih stereotipa (tj. kao neka vrsta češke inačice ostalgije). Drugi autori to pokušavaju objasniti kroz prizmu povijesti, smatrajući da je riječ o prežitku protestantske tradicije u kolektivnom mentalnom zemljovidu. U radu se iznose argumenti protiv obaju navedenih objašnjenja. Težnje prema egalitarizmu u suvremenom češkom društvu nisu tek puka posljedica života u socijalističkoj diktaturi između 1945. i 1989. Nadalje, vrlo je teško pokazati uzročno-posljedičnu vezu između ranog modernog protestantizma i suvremenog mentalnog zemljovida društva. Stoga se u radu nudi novo objašnjenje dugotrajne veze koja se javila tijekom izgradnje moderne češke nacije između kolektivnog mentalnog zemljovida i strukture društva. Pokazuje se da je ta veza preduvjetom nastanka društvenog konsenzusa koji je temelj legitimizacije svake socijalne politike. Članak se temelji na historiografskim podacima i suvremenim empirijskim sociološkim istraživanjima.Economic and social rights have been effectively used for the legitimation of the political regime both by pluralist democracies and, in their own way, by fascist or communist movements during the 20th century. These rights provide a basis for a type of distributive justice in the modern society. Sociological studies have indicated relatively strong egalitarian tendencies in the Czech society during the post-communist transformation after 1989, which were not easy to explain. In this article we will argue that the explanation should not be sought only by putting forward the obvious argument of the persistence of communist stereotypes or some kind of Czech Ostalgie. Rather, we will try to demonstrate that such egalitarian tendencies could be rooted deeper in the collective experiences shaped by the confrontation with the world wars and the particularities of the formation of the modern Czech nation. We may formulate this statement even more radically. Egalitarian tendencies in the present-day Czech society are not merely a result of the fact that the country was under socialist dictatorship between 1945 and 1989. On the contrary. The birth of a socialist dictatorship after the Second World War made these egalitarian tendencies easier, however the tendencies themselves are historically older, and they formed a strong consensus for the need for social reform in the Czech society, enabling the Communist Party to monopolize power much more easily. This article is divided into three thematic sections. The first one traces the formation of a post-war consensus for reform, which was the basis for the rapid growth of social expenses on both sides of the Iron Curtain, as a result of industrial crises and conflicts following the Second World War. The second part elaborates on the specific issues arising in the implementation of social rights under the conditions of the socialist dictatorship, whereas the third and final part concentrates on the formation of public opinion among the Czech population related to guaranteeing social rights in a transition economy.