Tipologi Spasial Permukiman Transmigrasi Spontan Di Desa Tolai Kecamatan Sausu Kabupaten Donggala Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah
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The spatial typology of a settlement is a conceptual mechanism used as a tool to classify a particular settlement based on its physical characteristics and the individuality of its formal structure (Lawrence, 1987). According to historical architects, Pevsner (1976) included, spatial typology is an instrument for classifying buildings by style and social function. In the spontaneous transmigration settlements in Tolai Village, where the residents of Balinese, Javanese, Bugis and Mori (indigenous people) ethnic origin have 'built' their environment together, spatial typology is used to classify this settlement according to their traditional culture and beliefs. This is evident from the efforts of the Hindu Balinese residents to apply their concept of cosmological orientation, with shrines (porn) being the 'distinguishing feature' of Linggasari, Mertojati, and Gunungsari hamlets, and from the noble fourth (petnpatan agung) orientation of their main roads which cross east-west and north-south. This crossroads is viewed as the centre of the village since the majority of inhabitants are of Hindu-Balinese extraction (Gelebet, 1984). Additionally, each house occupied by Hindu Balinese contains a household shrine (sanggah). The Catholic and Protestant Balinese, meanwhile, have erected churches as the 'distinguishing feature' on their main roads, seen in Tolai Lama, Anekasari, and Kasihsari hamlets. The houses in these hamlets still retain Balinese features, as evidenced by shrines (bentar) erected at the front of the lot, and by the aesthetic features of their homes. The Javanese and Bugis, the majority of whom are Muslim, have erected mosques on the main roads as the 'distinguishing feature' of their environment, although the spatial pattern of the hamlets occupied by a majority Javanese and Bugis in general, follow the existing road pattern, as seen in Buanasari hamlet. In addition, settlements occupied by Bugis retain their traditional social structure (timbasila). Unlike their traditional cluster settlements, these settlements are linear in form, although in accordance with their traditions, their houses do face west. The Mori (indigenous populace) occupy their new environment following the spatial pattern of their former settlements, which is a grid 'system. These settlements tend to follow a linear pattern of development and are adjacent to their place of work.Date