Peranan Pendidikan Agama dalam Pembentukan Etika Sosial Persaudaraan dan Perdamaian (Studi di Malaysia dan Indonesia)
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The study was conducted to investigate the Islamic Education role in some regions in Indonesia andMalaysia. Social conflicts remained an unresolved problem for both Indonesia and Malaysia. Thetwo countries faced cases of violence, graft, juvenile delinquency, ethical and moral violation inalmost all parts of the country. In addition, the number of the cases was continuously increasingevery day. In response to the facts, the role of Islamic Education in shaping morality, ethics, andpersonality was certainly questionable. Therefore, Islamic theologians, including Islamic educationteachers, were expected to improve their role in shaping public moral and ethics through theIslamic Education.PERANAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA DALAM PEMBENTUKANETIKA SOSIAL PERSAUDARAAN DAN PERDAMAIAN(Studi di Malaysia dan Indonesia)Oleh :Tobroni *)En. Asyraf Isyraqi **)*Fakultas Agama Islam UMM**Fello SLAI pada Akademi Pengajian IslamUniversity of Malaya Malaysia