Pengaruh etos kerja islam dan komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja karyawan (studi kasus pada Bank Syariah Mandiri Kc Ciputat)
The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment on Job Performance at Bank Syariah Mandiri KC Ciputat. This research uses Non-Probability Sampling with census method. The samples in this research were 40 respondent. The independent variables of this research are Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment, the dependent variable is Job Performance. Statistical method used in this research is multiple-linear regression method.
 The result of this research suggest: Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment have significant influence to Job Performance simultaneously. Partially, there is Organizational Commitment has significant influence to Job Performance, while Islamic Work Ethics has no influence to Job Performance. And then, the value of coefficient determination (R square) show that Islamic Work Ethics and Organizational Commitment have influence to Job Performance 29,2% and the remains 70,8% are influenced by other variables that have not been known and not been included in to research.Type