Pengaruh Etos Kerja Islam Terhadap Implementasi Keadilan Organisasi Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Keinginan Pindah Kerja
Galih Noer MuchamadContributor(s)
Dr. Amilin, M..Si.,Ak.,CA.,QIA.,BKP
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The puspose of this research aimed to analyze and to examine the hypothesis about the influence of islamic work ethic of the implementation of organizational justice and impact on intention to leave (Survey on Accounting Profession in Islamic Finance Industry in Indonesia). Respondents in this research are accountant in a bank Islamic financial institutions and non- bank those located in Jakarta , Depok and South Tanngerang. In this research the sampling method using a convenience sampling technique. Data were collected through distribution of questionnaires on 202 respondents in Islamic Finance. Data were analyzed by using structural equation modeling (SEM) with AMOS 18 program.
 The result of this research indicates that (1) Islamic work ethic significantly influence to organizational justice (Distributif, Procedural, and Interactional). (2) Organizational justice (Distributif and Procedural) significantly influence to intention to leave, whereas for interactional justice did not significantly influence Intention to Leave. (3) Islamic work ethic did not significantly influence intention to leave, but by including variables of organizational justice as an intervening variable is able to improve the relationship between Islamic work ethic with intention to leave, although did not significantType