Pengaruh etika kinerja islam, locus of control (LoC) dan spiritual quotient (SQ) terhadap kinerja sumber daya manusia (SDM) pada bank syariah (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan Bank Syariah di Kota Bogor)
This research aims to find out whether there is influence of islamic work
 ethic, locus of control and spiritual quotient to the performance of employees
 islamic banks. This research done with taking samples from three bank syariah in
 the Bogor city as much as 62 respondents.Data obtained by using questionnaires
 that gives the statemet is directly to the respondents. Data analysis techniques
 used in this research are multiple linear regression with IBM SPSS operated 21
 on the level of significance of 5 percent. The results in the test F (simultaneous)
 suggests that islamic work ethic, locus of control and spiritual quotient are
 significantly influential against the performance employees.The t-tests results
 (parsial) showed that the islamic work ethic not significantly influences the
 performances of islamic banking employees. And another variable locus of
 control and spiritual quotient significantly influences the performances of islamic
 banking employees.Type