The Chinese Theological Review is the product of a desire to make available to a wider readership a broad spectrum of current Chinese theological writings. Its aim is to be a link between the Christian community in China and those abroad through the more widely current medium of the English language, providing to those outside China a vivid picture of Chinese Protestant thinking as it has been evolving over the last five years. At the same time, through both current writings and by the inclusion of a much earlier piece, the Review seeks to show the background as well as the underlying continuity of developments as reflected in the self understanding of Chinese Christians.


The Globethics library contains vol. 1(1985) to current.

Recent Submissions

  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 32, 2023]

    Carino, Theresa C.; Longchar, Wati (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 2023)
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 31, 2022]

    Carino, Theresa C.; Wilson, H. S. (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 2022)
    Further Contextualize Christianity in China, Promote the Tradition of Love for Church and Country, and Run the Church well in the New Era / Xu Xiaohong. - Continue the Further Contextualization of Christianity in China and enhance the Church’s adaptation to Socialist Society / Wu Wei. - Promoting the Further Contextualization of Hymns: Experience and reflections on editing the New Hymnal and its Supplement / Cao Shengjie. - Exploring Biblical Theology from a Historical Perspective can lay the Foundation for a Chinese Contextual Theology in the New Era / Gao Feng. - K. H. Ting’s Theological Thoughts Enlighten the Further Contextualization of Chinese Christianity / Chen Yilu. - Incarnation – The Word of God and the Further Contextualization of Christianity in China / Chen Yong Tao. - Cultural elements in the construction of a Chinese Christology / Wang Jiawei - Keeping Faith and Transforming Tomorrow: Impact, Challenge and Opportunity of COVID-19 / Lin Manhong.
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 30, 2020]

    Chen, Yilu; Zhang, Hua; Duan, Qi; Chen, Yongtao; Wen, Ge; Meng, Yanling (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 2020)
    On the Growth of an Ecclesiology for the Chinese Church / Chen Yilu. - The Church’s Decisions to Persevere in and Deepen Union Worship / Zhang Hua. - The Historical Path to Unity in Chinese Protestantism (2) / Duan Qi. - Chinese Church Unity: History, Reality, Future / Chen Yongtao. - Reviewing K.H. Ting’s Historical Mission: Theological Reconstruction / Wen Ge. - An Approach to Biblical Exegesis for Evangelical Women: The story of Dinah in Genesis 34 / Meng Yanling.
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 29, 2018]

    Chen, Yilu; Cao, Shengjie; Zemin, Chen (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 2018)
    “Knowledge Will be Pleasant to Your Soul”—Sermon at the memorial service for Chen Zemin, Dean Emeritus of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary / Chen Yilu. - Remembering Chen Zemin and His Efforts on behalf of the Sinicization of Christianity / Cao Shengjie. - Theological Construction in the Chinese Church (1956) - Faith Seeking and Theological Exploration / Chen Zemin. — Chen Zemin and his Seeking and Witnessing - Works of Chen Zemin Published in the Chinese Theological Review / Liu Ruomin. - Wei Zhuomin’s Theological Proposals for the Sinicization of Christianity / Hu Yingqiang. - Theological Education and the Requirements of Modern Church Development / Su Zhiming. - Not to be Served but to Serve: The Path to Service for a Sinicized Christianity / Qiu Zhinghui. - Evangelism as Contextual and Prophetic: A Chinese Perspective / Lin Manhong.
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 28, 2017]

    Gao, Feng (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 2017)
    From the Editor - Build Up the Chinese Protestant Church through Sinicization / GAO FENG - Feminist Theology and the Chinese Church / CAO SHENGJIE - A Brief Look at Women’s Ministry in the Chinese Church / GAO YING - A Biblical Perspective on Women’s Role in the Church / SUN MEICI - Understanding Paul’s Prohibitions against Women in First Corinthians / WANG PENG - Women, Faith, Marriage—The Challenges of Marriage for Women:A Feminist Perspective / MENG YANLING - Nanjing Theological Review 2016: Contents
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 1, 1985]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1985)
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 3, 1987]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1987)
    The Constitution of the China Christian Council - The Constitution of the Chinese Christian Three-Self Patriotic Movement - On the Revision of the Constitutions / Wu Gaozi - Prospects of Christianity in China / Zhao Fusan - Address to the Lutheran World Federation / K.H. Ting - Experiences on the Road to Church Unity / Shi Zesheng - Three-Self Continues to Move Forward / Shen Mingcui - Seeking the Common Ground and Unity / Shen Xilin - On Nanjing Theological Seminary / Chen Zemin - From Three Self to Three Well / Sun Xipei - An Appeal to Mr. Wang Mingdao / Jiang Peifen - The Four Marks of the Catholic Church / Lu Xuedi - The Church in China: Past and Present / Aloysius Jin Luxian - A Reconciling Faith / K.H. Ting - The Heavenly Vision / Chen Zemin - Offering and Sign / Han Pide - Seeking the Place Where the Lord Is / Wu Ai'en - God's Loving Hands / Qi Tingduo - Reconciliation / Zhang Jinglong - The Church of Our Lord / Gao Ying - Salt in New Bowls / Ji Tai - Seal Carving with Christian Themes - Lilies of the Field (Excerpts) – A book of devotions by Wang Weifan - My Experience in the Countryside / Liu Qingfen - Women and Evangelism in the Chinese Church / Jiang Peifen - As Thou Wilt / Peng Cui'an - To Be a Person with a Beautiful Spirit / Wang Zhu - Lao She and Christianity / Shu Bo
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 8, 1992]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1992)
    Theological Writings from Nanjing Seminary / K.H. Ting - A Brief History of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary 1952-1992 / Xu Rulei - Forty Years Ago at the Seminary / Cao Shengjie - Forty Years of Chinese Christianity / Wang Weifan and Ji Fengwen - Christ And Culture In China: A Sino-American Dialogue / Chen Zemin - The Word Was Here Made Flesh - Wang Weifan - The Bible in Chinese / Wang Weifan Religious Liberty: A Chinese Perspective / S h e n Y i f a n - Encountering God in Quietness / Li Yading - God's Wishes / Zhang Junhua - Profound Experiences of Life / Wang Jianguo - A Wilderness Spirit / Li Xinnong - Seeking Jesus / Liu Yajun - Pressing On And Striving - Li Dawei - No Salvation In Any Other / Peng Zhaodeng - The Way, The Truth and The Life / Chen Yongtao - The Spiritual Race / Bao Dexin - The Light of the World / Liu Chendong
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 6, 1990]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1990)
    The Second (Enlarged) Plenary Session of the Joint Standing Committees of the National Three-Self Patriotic Movement and the China Christian Council: Work Report - Address to the Plenary Session / K.H. Ting - The Pattern and Pilgrimage of Chinese Theology / Wang Weifan - On Religion / Yang Zhouhuai - Reflections on the Question of Religion Under Socialism / Liang Zhigao - A Survey of the Situation of Seminary Graduates in Jiangsu Province / Sha Guangyi - In Defense of Our Seminary Graduates / Bat Shui - Interview with Dr. Chou Lien-Hw / Ya Min A "True Israelite" / Xu Rulei - Preface to Selected Lyric Poetry of the Bible - Sun Xiaoping - Xu Dishan and the "New Man" in his Fiction / Wang Shu - Letter to Qiaonan Village / Wang Sanyuan - The Seminarian's Bookshelf
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 2, 1986]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1986)
    Three-Self in the Context of Church History / Sun Hanshu - Self-Propagation in the Light of the History of Christian Thought / Chen Zemin - Changes in Theological Thinking in the Church in China / Wang Weifan - Three Tasks in Chinese Theological Work Today / Su Deci - Inspirations from Liberation Theology, Process Theology and Teilhard de Chardin / K.H. Ting - The Lord Has Done Another Great Thing For Us (on the publication of the simplified character Bible) / Shen Cheng'en - Dr. T.C. Chao's Last Letter to Me / Luo Zhenfang - On the Appreciation of Christian Art / He Qi - Artwork - In Search of the Dove / Cheng Naishan
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 4, 1988]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1988)
    "Truly, You Are the Son of God" / Xu Rulei - Church Reconstruction and Theological Training in China / Cao Shengjie - Theological Reflection in the Chinese Church / Shen Yifan - Chinese Culture and Christian Faith / Zhao Dianpeng - Form in Christian Art / He Huibing - Living as Christians Today: Biblical Insights / Chen Zemin - Living as Christians Today: Sociological Insights / Zhang Guangzheng - Recent Developments in the Study of Religion / K.H. Ting and Wang Weifan - A Tentative Enquiry into the Problem of the Compatibility between Religion and Socialist Society in China / Xiao Zhitian - Christianity and Western Civilization / Zhao Fusan - Address to the Seventh Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference / Zhao Puchu - God is Our Guard and Eternal Home / He Huibing - Divine Love / Wang Weifan - The Lord Comes in Search of Me / Luo Zhenfang - Matthew 13: 31-32 / K. H. Ting - John 18: 22-24 / K. H. Ting - Responsibility and Mission / Peng Cui'an - Know Christ, Follow Christ / Xu Minghan - Selah (I) / Sun Hanshu - Selah (II) / Sun Hanshu - The Lord Has Need of It – Can Huixiang
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 7, 1991]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1992)
    God's Indescribable Grace (Work Report) / Shen Derong (Mr.) - Church Order for Trial Use in Chinese Churches Adopted by the Joint Standing Committee of the TSPM and CCC, 30 December, 1991 - The Constitution of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of the Protestant Churches in China - Constitution of the China Christian Council - The Revised Constitutions / Luo Guanzong - Resolution of the Fifth National Chinese Christian Conference - Closing Address / K.H. Ting
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 9, 1993]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1993)
    Welcoming Speech for the Fortieth Anniversary of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary / K.H. Ting - International Ecumenical Relations and Running the Church Well / Han Wenzao - Strengthen the Body of the Church and Run the Church Well According to the Three-Self Principle - Closing Address to the Joint Standing Committees / K.H. Ting - Message at the Plenary on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches / Gao Ying - The Old Testament Commentaries of Rev. Jia Yuming / Zhao Qiusheng - The Christian Church in Its Chinese Context / Kan Baoping - Challenges to Theological Reflection and Education in China / Zhang Jinglong - Ba Jin's Philosophy of Love and His Humanism / Xu Zhenglin - Lin Yutang's Journey of Faith / Lou Shibo - The Passageway to Enlightenment: On Xie Fuya's `Mystical Union' / Chen Yongtao - Come, Lord Jesus / Peng Cuian - Creation and Redemption / K. H. Ting - "Follow Me!" / Kan Baoping - Friend, Will You Work for the Lord? / Zhang Yongquan - When the Wine Ran Out / Chen Yiping - “May Your Kingdom Come” / Jiang Peifen - The Solitude of God – Wang Weifan
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 10, 1994]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1994)
    Youth and Religion - Reading the Bible at Christmas: A Meditation Asia, China and the Chinese- Two Reflections on Evangelism - The Lamb of God (excerpt) - Between God and Humankind - A Letter to Alumni/ae of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary 9.Co-workers in the China Christian Council / Bao Jiayuan - Wise as Serpents and Harmless as Doves / Simone Frutiger Bickel - Cosmic Christ and Ecumenical Fellowship / Theresa and Feliciano Carino - Working Together in the Era of Openness and Reform / Wenzao Han - A Bishop with Charisma / Peter K.K. Kwong - Friends of Different Faiths / Li Pingye - A Life of Love, to God's Purpose / Li Yading - A Man with the Church at Heart / Luo Guanzong - The Student Christian Movement and the Chinese Church / Philip Potter - A Church Leader of Vision / Wang Weifan - The Love, the Light and the Language of Christian Mission / Raymond Whitehead - With Regard to Anglicanism / Robert Whyte / An Ecumenical Theologian / Philip L. Wickeri - An Intentional Life / Lois Wilson
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 5, 1989]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1989)
    Facing Reality and Responding to Challenges: On Ten Years of Chinese Church Reconstruction / Bao Zhimin - On Religious Freedom / Yang Zhouhuai - Re-ordering the Relationships / K.H. Ting - How to View Religious Activities / Bao Zhimin - Religious Questions in the Early Stages of Socialism / Luo Zhufeng - What Can We Learn from Y.T. Wu Today? / K.H. Ting - Wu Yaozong and Wang Mingdao / Wang Weifan - The Influence of Church-Run Universities and Hospitals on China's Modernization / Xiao Anping - Xia Yu and Jesus: A Comparison / Wang Xuefu - God is God (in memory of Karl Barth) / Liu Xiaofeng - A Christian Perspective on the Traditional Chinese Concept of Man / Zi Zhu - Summoning Personality and Spirit / Wang Weifan - Knowing the Lord's Will / Ji Jianhong - How to Lead People to Christ / Kong Xiangjian - Is it Wrong to Get Rich? / Kong Xiangjian - The Grace to Discern Spirits / Kong Xiangjian - Inspiration from the Three Wise Men / Wan Chao - "Do You Love Me?" / Yang Xuan - The Lord of Sorrows / Wang Weifan
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 15, 2001]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 2001)
    The Study of Christianity in China Today / ZHUO XINPING - The Nature and Purpose of Theological Reconstruction in the Chinese Church / WANG AI-MING - Adapting Christianity to Socialist Society: Theological Changes / XIAO ANPING - What Is Theology? - -with a Reflection on the Theology of K.H. Ting / YAN XIYU - Theological Education and Church Development in China / KAN BAOPING - Feminist Theology and the Chinese Church / CAO SHENGJIE - On Paul's Prohibitions on Women in 1 Corinthians / WANG PENG - Women's Status and the Creation Stories in Genesis / CHEN KUANRONG - In Memory of Luo Zhenfang / XU DINGXIN AND MO RUXI - Living is Christ and Dying is Gain / CHEN ZEMIN - The Choosing of the Seven / WANG AIMING - Imitate What is in Jesus / MANHONG LIN - "The Shepherd and the Sheep" / SHEN YIFAN
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 11.2, 1995]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1995)
    From the Editor - Introduction / Chen Zemin, Erskine Clarke, Robert Evans, Guest Editors - The Church and Changing Societies: A View from the United States / Justo L. Gonzalez - Churches in a Changing Society / Walter Bruggemann - Making Connections: Christianity and Culture in the Sino-American Dialogue / Philip L. Wickeri - Christianity and Chinese Intellectuals: History and the Present / K.H. Ting - Chinese Theology and Its Cultural Sources / Wang Weifan - Inculturation of the Gospel and Hymn Singing in China / Chen Zemin - Gospel and Culture: Interpretation and Reinterpretation / Ji Tai - Theology in the Contemporary Chinese Context / Kan Baoping - Doing Theology in Chinese / Richard X.Y. Zhang
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 12, 1996]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1996)
    The Sixth National Chinese Christian Conference - Greetings to the Sixth National Chinese Christian Conference / K.H. Ting - Build Up the Body of Christ with One Heart and United Effort: Running the Church Even Better According to the Three-Self Principle / Wenzao Han - Constitution of the National Committee of the Three-Self Patriotic Movement of Protestant Churches in China - The Constitution of the China Christian Council - On The Revisions to the Constitutions / Wang Juzhen - Christian Church Order - The Sixth Standing Committee of The Chinese Christian Three-Self Patriotic Movement - The Fourth Standing Committee of The China Christian Council - Resolution of the Sixth National Chinese Christian Conference Resolution of the Sixth National Chinese Christian Conference Endorsing the "Resolution of the Central Committee on Important Issues in Strengthening Construction of Socialist Spiritual Civilization" - Sharing Women's Work / Presented by Gao Ying - Working Well at the Grassroots / Xu Xiaohong - Self-Support Difficulties in Mountain Churches - Luo Yingzhong Family, Body and Spiritual Home / Sun Xipei - Renewal / Li Yonghong - Work Together with One Heart to Build Up the Body of Christ / Wenzao Han Closing Address / Luo Guanzong - Beyond the Conference - Hermeneutics in the Chinese Church / Ji Tai - Honor the Lord as Head; Serve with Diligence / Su Deci To Unite All in Christ, That We May Become One - Chen Zemin
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 13, 1998]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1998)
    Chinese Traditional Culture and its Influence On Chinese Theological Reflection / Wang Weifan - Imago Dei and Yin-Yang Philosophy: A Theological Reflection on the Relationship between Man and Woman / Wang Jianguo - The Church's Approach to Intellectuals / Chen Zemin - The Chinese Church in a Transitional Society / Chen Xida - Spiritual Experience and the Unity of the Church / Sun Meici - The Development of Rural Christianity in China and its Challenges / Ma Jianhua - A Chinese Perspective on the Ecumenical Movement / Gao Ying - Interpreting Religion and Religious Freedom Under Socialism - Reading Document - On Religion as Opiate - Talks on Theology and the Church - On the Thirty-Sixth Article of the Constitution - A Look Back at the Way We Have Come - A Profound Christian Question - Sermons - Life Should Have a Mission - Resurrection - From Understanding to Faith - Love that Loves to the End
  • Chinese Theological Review [Vol. 14, 1999]

    Wickeri, Janice (Foundation for Theological Education in South East Asia (FTESEA), 1999)
    Chinese Theology in the Early 1980s / Xiao Yue - Looking Back, Looking Ahead: Chinese Theology in the 20th Century / Tang Tu - Old Style Theological Thinking Needs Revision and Renewal / K. H. Ting - God's Self-Revelation in the Bible and Our Slowness in Grasping It / K. H. Ting - On Strengthening Theological Reconstruction / Han Wenzao - Intensify Theological Reconstruction in the Chinese Church / Chen Zemin - Emphasize Theological Reconstruction and Training / Su Deci - Self-Government in the Light of Church Dogmatics - Wang Aiming / Further Thoughts on Creation and Redemption / Kan Baoping - In Response to My Readers / K.H. Ting - Chinese Christians' View of the Bible / Yin Wen - Another Look at Mutual Respect / Wang Weifan - The Church in China Today / Su Deci - Update on the Church in China / Bao Jiayuan - Ministry to Women, Children and Minorities in China / Wu Mingfeng - Toward a Common Understanding of Partnership - Partners in a Common Calling / Wenzao Han - Justification by Faith / Du Fengying

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