Surveying the Landscape: Research Data Management, Data Governance and Ethics
Online Access
In 2015, the Canadian government via released the Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management. Canada has joined many other countries at the forefront of this movement, as shown in its support for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s Declaration on Access to Research Data from Public Funding (2004); its commitment to the Open Government Declaration (2011); and its approval of the G8 Science Ministers Statement (2013). The history of the collection of data on Indigenous people across the globe has been a problematic because of the methods which have failed to capture important differences relating to differing Indigenous peoples and communities and also in the way the data is processed, analyzed and disseminated. The 94 recommendations of the 2015 Truth and Reconciliation Commission have generated responses at the federal government level as well as educational institutions regarding how to address the impacts of residential schools. Several post-secondary institutions, including UBC, UVic and Simon Fraser University, and others across the country are sharing their priorities with regards to their Indigenous plans and curriculum changes relating to the TRC recommendations. How is this linked to academic libraries, data curation, and research data management? 
 This presentation will draw on a 2017-2018 campus wide research study at the University of Victoria Libraries and Office of the VP Research to discuss Research Data Management and challenges to open sharing. The conversation will explore topics related to data curation and data management, open access, and practices that are both ethically and culturally informed in the context of Indigenous protocols and data initiatives.
 Dr. Jacqueline Quinless is currently a CLIR Data Curation Fellow at UVic Libraries and works in Digital Scholarship and Strategy at the University of Victoria. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Sociology and an award winning sociologist recognized by the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) and Angus-Reid Foundation for her community-based research to advancing Human Welfare in Canada.
 CLIR Data Curation Fellow at UVic LibrariesBritish Columbia Research Libraries Group