Cuestiones de género
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Cuestiones de género: de la igualdad y la diferencia es una revista académica de acceso abierto y periodicidad anual creada por iniciativa del Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres de la Universidad de León. Está abierta a todos los trabajos de investigación realizados en el área de los estudios feministas y de la mujer con el objetivo de afianzar un espacio académico e interdisciplinar de indagación, encuentro y debate sobre el género.
The Globethics library contains articles of Cuestiones de género as of núm. 1(2006) to current.
Recent Submissions
Science and technology: interest and attitude of teenagers based on data from the ROSES projectThe ROSES project is an international comparative study that explores the adolescents' interest and attitude towards science. The instrument used is a validated questionnaire with 188 items. This article presents the results obtained in the category “My science classes". A total of 1316 ESO students from 15 schools of Catalonia and Andorra participated in the 2020-2021 academic year. A statistical analysis of the results has been made, differentiating by sex. There has been a slight increase in the interest towards science compared to the beginning of the 21st century (ROSE Project, 2002), and in the feeling that science is a difficult subject to study. There are significant differences (α≤0.05) between boys and girls in 8 out of 12 items studied.
If it's important thing, then men go. A contextual proposal from the new materialisms to understand why there are so few women in technical sciencesSince Rossi published "Women and science, why so few?" (Science, 1965), it seems that the situation in the West has not changed. In this paper, we situate the lack of women in science in the interrelationships between individual career choices and the socio-economic contexts of Western countries. Using statistics (Unesco, World Bank...) on graduates, employability, salaries and investment in R&D, we reconstruct exclusions and resistances and propose to observe that, when scientific-technical areas are a socio-economic scenario of high employability and excellent salaries for qualified people, men move to occupy these socio-economic centres and women remain on the margins; in the same Western scenario of high formal equality índices.
Debate on Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in Argentina: the opposition of health professionals in the Chamber of national SenatorsThis study is part of a growing line of research on conservative mobilizations in contemporary sexual politics. In 2018 the right to abortion is discussed in the Argentine National Congress. By decision of the legislative commissions multiple actors from civil society participated in the process specially invited for the parliamentary body. From a qualitative approach, this paper analyzes the expositions of health professionals that manifested against the legal reform in the meetings of the legislative commissions of the Senate of the Nation. The analysis of the corpus of 30 expositions allows characterize the field of opposition and propose analytical readings from the approach of empirical data.
Women in physics: professional identity and persistence of the anomalyThis article addresses the difficulties of young women to see themselves doing physics, as well as the differences in the professional identity of men and women in physics, and the symbolic violence that women experience in this field. This leads us to question the professional culture in which we work, and how it affects us to work in a field so very masculinized where, consequently, it is difficult to collaborate with other women. Based on these analyses, we assess from a gender viewpoint the changes that have been taking place in recent years, in which physics in Spain is becoming increasingly neoliberal.
From the absence of female architects to the feminization of the Higher Technical Schools of Architecture (1752-2000). A brief approach from the gender perspective to the evolution of women's access to training in architecture in SpainThis article takes a journey from 1752 to the year 2000, focusing on the evolution of the presence of women in architecture in Spain from a gender perspective. Thus, the article will evidenced the initial absence of women in the Spanish architectural field, until the appearance of the first female architects in 1931, to end with the current majority female presence in the classrooms of the Higher Technical Schools of Architecture. In parallel, a critical approach to the Spanish architectural institutions -Royal Academy, Schools of Architecture and Colleges of Architects- together with the process of construction of the professional architectural identity will show tacit mechanisms of feminine estrangement developed from the institutions themselves.
Towards a descontruction of symbolic violence in a sample of advertising discourse. A critical discourse perspectiveThis article examines the representation of women in the advertisements used by Dolce & Gabbana, in order to observe the examples of symbolic violence associated with women. The main objectives of this study are: 1) to deconstruct the main visual strategies used by Dolce & Gabbana to represent women in its newsletter; and 2) to characterize the main types of symbolic violence in the texts analysed. Data were collected from the newsletter used by Dolce & Gabbana to advertise their products through the internet from January to December 2016–19. The data are analysed based on the critical discourse analysis model of social actors proposed by van Leeuwen (2008) and Kress & van Leeuwen’s (2006) models of visual grammar.
Stationary Imbalance: The Perpetuation of Gender Bias in PhysicsIn this paper we present the preliminary results of an investigation on the presence of women in the Faculty of Physics at the Universitat de Barcelona. The distribution of the students by sex, from 1976 till the date, was reviewed, as well as the current teachers’ distribution in each of its 4 departments. A quantitative methodology was employed using data obtained from the Faculty of Physics website and the National Institute of Statistics (Spanish Government).
Elia Saneleuterio Temporal. 180º. Alcorcón: Lastura, 2019"180º" de Elia S. Temporal es un poemario que se presenta como una reincubación de una obra que había comenzado a gestarse en 2005. Está estructurado en dos grandes bloques: introducción y texto poético. La primera de ellas lleva por título “El tiempo en puntas de alfiler” y está firmada por María Teresa Espasa.
Tracking synergies between women. The Dover Solar House and the 2030 agendaReplacing fossil fuels with renewable energies as a decarbonisation strategy is one of the major objectives of the 2030 Agenda, as part of an energy transition towards climate neutrality. Solar energy is a first choice renewable energy, especially in sunny countries. Research into this energy has been going on for a long time, but the first inhabited house to be heated entirely with solar energy was the Dover House. Its realisation would not have been possible without the multidisciplinary synergy between Mária Telkes, Eleanor Raymond and Amelia Peabody. The achieved success and the difficulty of finding out about other synergies between women has made us consider the convenience of using this model to develop other inclusive and supportive proposals.
Historical-architectural journey through centres for victims of gender-based violenceA review from an architectural point of view of the architectural typology of shelters for victims of gender-based violence is addressed in this article through the study of cases, both European and Spanish. This study dates back to collective accommodation for single women, from historical records to the current accommodation facilities, to focus on the current ones, from the first private safe houses raised in the 70’s of the XX century, until today. We briefly analyse each presented case with the objective of identifying a facility for ordinary life, whose programme includes spaces and places that benefit users and contribute to their recovery.
Analysis and processing of the Spanish newspapers ABC and El País about the designation of Carmen Chacón and Dolores de Cospedal as Ministry of DefenseThis article examines the representation of women in the advertisements used by Dolce & Gabbana, in order to observe the examples of symbolic violence associated with women. The main objectives of this study are: 1) to deconstruct the main visual strategies used by Dolce & Gabbana to represent women in its newsletter; and 2) to characterize the main types of symbolic violence in the texts analysed. Data were collected from the newsletter used by Dolce & Gabbana to advertise their products through the internet from January to December 2016–19. The data are analysed based on the critical discourse analysis model of social actors proposed by van Leeuwen (2008) and Kress & van Leeuwen’s (2006) models of visual grammar.
A study of gender stereotypes in high school students in the framework of the Meitner ProjectThis article presents Proyecto Meitner as a scientific outreach activity designed to address, among other issues, the problems of women in Physics through the performing arts. We present also a study of gender bias in science carried out on a sample of 134 secondary school students that filled in a questionnaire delivered before the performances. The answers reveal a perpetuation of the scientists’ stereotypes. Thus, the scientist is mainly perceived as very intelligent, wise, male, old, lonely and wearing a lab coat. In general, the surveyed students believe that male profiles have better aptitudes than female ones for university degrees even when both have identical capacities.
Parity and pandemic in the academy: a case study of the female scientific-technological researchers of the University of Vigo, SpainThis article aims to examine how the covid-19 pandemic has impacted the existing gender gap in academia in the scientific-technological field. To examine this gap, a survey and several interviews were conducted with teaching and research staff at the University of Vigo. Furthermore, we collect secondary data from international journals and publishers. All the results collected indicate that confinement has increased or maintained scientific production, while women have lagged behind in both scenarios, with the consequent widening of the gender wage gap in the medium term. This research concludes that this pandemic crisis situation has aggravated inequalities between men and women.
Gender perspective in artificial intellience, a needIn this article we analyze the mainstreaming of the gender perspective in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), whose applications are increasingly influencing our daily activities. A highly masculinized discipline, where the majority of professionals are men and their experiences shape and dominate the creation of algorithms. To recognize the existence of discriminatory gender biases in algorithms and to limit their consequences, it is necessary to introduce a gender perspective in these studies. In this paper we review the degree of introduction of gender competences in AI degrees in Spain in order to improve gender training of students.
Intercultural training in relation to emotional management in cases of violence with sub-Saharan womenThe cultural perspective plays a relevant role in the expression of emotions, linked to socio-cultural circumstances. This study seeks to compare the discourses of Public Services (SSPP) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) in cases of violence with sub-Saharan women. A mixed methodology has been implemented with a corpus of 18 interviews to analyse how the group of professionals perceives the emotional management of these women and what training in interculturality they have. The results show that in both areas the difficulties of these women to express their emotions are highlighted and that in SSPPs most professionals have little or no training in interculturality, while in NGOs most professionals have extensive training in this aspect.
Book Review of Gender and Popular Culture and Spanish Traslation of the Chapter Digital Culture, Social Media and GenderSettled in the field of Feminist Media Studies Gender and Popular Culture (Milestone and Meyer, 2021) analyses the relationship between gender, media and culture. Since its first edition the book has become a major bibliographic reference amongst the English-speaking academia. After a brief book review the reader will find a Spanish translation of the seventh chapter, devoted to media consumption and use. There the authors: (1) asses, from an intersectional viewpoint, the key concepts used to study digital media (prosumer, convergence, audience, etc.); (2) enquire in the connections of media consumption and gender identity invoking etnography and discourse analysis; and (3) drawing on hashtag feminism discuss the theoretical categories with which new participation forms have been thought (collective intelligence, slacktivism, clicktivism, e-tactics and so on).
There’s still limits for us? An analysis of the challenges facedWhen women dedicate themselves to professional qualifications and seek better jobs, they can appear subtle and invisible, called the “glass ceiling” in the literature. Therefore, this research aims to find the barriers associated with the professional growth of women today, based on the six barriers already presented by Russel, Rush, and Herd (1988). The study is descriptive-exploratory, with a quantitative approach, using a structured questionnaire, with the return of 163 women working in the labor market, from all regions of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The most active barriers today are those that comprise inadequate management characteristics, as well as family, social and limited education, or experience issues.
Women's initiatives at the intersection of art and technology: a mapping of the Spanish caseThis article is an exploration of the self-organized initiatives of women that have emerged at the intersection of art and technology in Spain. Internationally, the first collective forms have been appearing in places where there is an art and new media scene, which is generally male-dominated and low in diversity. This article shows the particular results of a mapping of this techno-social and artistic phenomenon at the national level. Through interviews and ethnographic research methods, the different typologies, formats and objectives of these initiatives are examined in relation to concepts of cultural resistance, networks and creative community.
If Monique Wittig had been a physicistSome reflections and interpretations of reality provided by the theoretical aspects of feminism, such as feminist theory and feminist epistemologies, have logical, structural and conceptual parallels with quantum physics. “It is oppression that creates sex, not the other way around”. With this statement, Monique Wittig argues against the idea that gender is a consequence of sex, offering the possibility to think about sex as a consequence of gender. I align this idea with the concept of collapse in quantum mechanics where the need to understand the result of the measurement as a consequence of it is not only a philosophical interpretation of a scientific theory but an observed effect and something necessary to the same scientific theory.