Founded in 1974, it is the official publication of the School of Theology, Philosophy and Humanities at the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. The journal covers the fields of Theology, Humanities and Social Sciences. Publicación oficial de la Escuela de Teología, Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Su temática abarca los campos de la Teología y de las Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. Su objetivo es presentar algunas reflexiones e investigaciones de actualidad en estos campos del saber. Los contenidos de la revista están dirigidos a los estudiantes, docentes, investigadores, egresados, profesionales de las áreas teológicas y a los lectores afines a este saber.


The Globethics library contains articles of Cuestiones Teológicas as of vol. 42(2015) no. 98 to current.

Recent Submissions

  • The third historical Jesus research and its agendas: A meta-critical phase of research

    Hernández Valencia, Juan Sebastián; Gómez Erazo, Manuel David (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-07-24)
    The problem addressed in the article is the change in the epistemological orientation of the third historical Jesus research. This analysis makes an important contribution to the history of Third Quest research and its critique of ideology. To this end, the seven most relevant trends of the current phase of this third quest, such as the “No Quest,” the “New Quest,” the “Fourth Quest,” and the “Jesus-Memory-Approach,” among others, as well as the critique of the results and the history of historical Jesus research, were analyzed. However, this plurality and radical depth has the disadvantage of presenting itself as chaos. This article aims to understand the tendency that operates from the meta-critical consciousness in its diverse accumulation of results, approaches and critiques of theological research agendas. The conceptual framework within which the analysis is focused is provided by the theories and concepts of the previously mentioned seven main lines of current research. In particular, in the critique of the interpretative models used so far, such as the criteria of historicity. This framework is accompanied by a methodology of review of the main theses and exponents of each of the emerging trends in the new meta-critical phase of the search, and it then presents a critical view of the whole of this phase of epistemological reorientation of research. Among other conclusions, an understanding of the epistemological models operating in the research and its new study typologies is presented.
  • Mysticism as a story of redefinition of trauma. Testimonies of Shoah survivors

    Espinosa Arce, Juan Pablo (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-07-24)
    This article aims to read some writings and testimonies of survivors of the Shoah trauma, in which it can be recognized that the mystical question of God and Jewish spirituality constituted ways of redefining the trauma of this historical moment. In this way, the article intends to bring about a discussion about the meaning of what is understood by mysticism, which is not an intimate practice or detached from history and will seek to show that mysticism functions as a space from which subjects can read, understand and make explicit the ways through which they can give meaning to the events they have lived. This element proposes a renewed dialogue between theology and spirituality, with constitutive elements of the human sciences, testimonial literature and the contributions of the studies on Judaism after the Shoah. The article’s structure includes a first part that presents some general elements about the concept of mysticism and the category of trauma from psychoanalysis and specialized literature. Then, and from the reading of testimonial texts and theoretical reflections, three thematic axes will be discussed in which the attempts to redefine trauma are perceived. They are the question of theodicy, the Jewish funeral rituality and the centrality of the approaches of Hasidism. Finally, the conclusions of the study will be provided.
  • Language and religious practice: Wittgenstein and his idea of religion as the practice of a better life

    Santamaría-Velasco, Freddy; Ramírez-Vallejo, Dora A. (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-07-25)
    To approach the philosophy of religion from a mystical perspective is a difficult task. In the early Wittgenstein, that of the Tractatus, we see a confrontation between the mystic and the theologian. For this Wittgenstein, God is ineffable, not present or revealed, not historical, not personal, but totality; that is, mystery. As Wittgenstein emphasizes, a religion that addresses the unexplainable is ultimately religious action, human behaviors that grow strong from beliefs, becoming religious practices. Therefore, this article aims to analyze religion as a meaningful practice to have a meaningful existence. This task is carried out through Wittgenstein's second philosophy until proposing a reading of practical life from the idea of linguistic community fully developed in his Philosophical Investigations. The methodology is framed in an analytical approach, with documentary collection technique and analysis of these sources in the light of the research problem posed. In conclusion, religion is highlighted as the practice of a better life, that is, with an inexorable ethical attitude.
  • Karl Barth, mission and the Second Vatican Council. Comments of an absent observer

    Blanco Sarto, Pablo (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-07-24)
    Karl Barth was an attentive observer of the Second Vatican Council, even though he did not participate in the ecclesial event due to health reasons. His rapprochement with the Catholic Church ended with his visit to Rome in 1966. In his theological writings and commentaries on the Council, his willingness to address the issues of the relationship between Revelation and Scripture, liturgy, the laity, ecumenism, religions, as well as the missionary and kerygmatic dimensions of the Church, can be seen. These texts of Barth are not entirely known in Spanish, which is why we offer them below. In them, the Swiss theologian makes an accurate and critical reading from the Reformed point of view on important topics such as biblical hermeneutics, the idea of the Church, the place of Mary in the history of salvation, religions and religious freedom. We approach these texts with a historical-critical method and from an ecumenical perspective, also making use of the preceding bibliography. Barth's interest in the conciliar texts, from which he tries to extract the spirit of Vatican II, stands out. The results obtained allow us to appreciate both his reformed perspective and the predominant missionary dimension of Vatican II, as well as the ecumenical will to seriously consider this important ecclesial event also for Protestants.
  • Patristic exegesis in biblical interpretation: A reflection on its approaches and methods

    Cardona Ramírez, Hernán; Restrepo-Zapata, Juan-David (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-07-24)
    Patristic exegesis is an approach to biblical interpretation based on the writings of the Church Fathers, which spans almost seven centuries, from the first century A.D. to the eighth century A.D. It has played a significant role in the theological, historical and hermeneutical traditions of Christianity. This approach is characterized by a synchronic interpretation of the Scriptures, considering their final textual dimension and cultural and historical context. Despite its importance, in the past, patristic exegesis remained in the background compared to historical and critical methods. However, there has been a renewed interest in patristic exegesis and its dialogue with historical and critical exegesis, as well as with the sciences of language and hermeneutical philosophy. This research focuses on the evolution of patristic exegesis in the last 30 years, considering its relationship with historical and critical methods, the sciences of language, and its contribution to the synchronic understanding of Holy Scripture. Furthermore, it examines intertextual relationships in the Bible and highlights the importance of a personal and communal interpretation of Scripture, demonstrating that patristic exegesis is not only relevant to theology but also to a robust corpus of disciplines.
  • “How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood?” (Rev 6, 9-11): The scandal of divine violence in the Revelation to John

    Santos Utrini, Heitor Carlos; da Silveira Siqueira, Fábio (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-07-24)
    Apocalyptic language never ceases to cause a certain perplexity in those who approach the sacred text. This contribution seeks to present a research study on the possible reconciliation between the request for vengeance by the righteous, contained in Rev 6:10, and the vision of the enemies presented by Christ in the New Testament. In order to fulfill this objective, the apocalyptic language will be first analyzed. This apocalyptic genre is a literary phenomenon typical of Israelite culture. It uses symbols, visions, accounts of hearings and other resources, which need to be correctly understood within their literary and theological context to get to the core of the message. Secondly, the translation of Rev 6:9-11 and a brief exegetical-theological commentary are presented, with particular attention to v. 10. Then, the theme of violence in the apocalyptic narrative is analyzed and, finally, a reflection on the theme of vengeance and its meaning in the apocalyptic context is provided. The article seeks to contribute to a more contextual look at the pericope, analyzing the themes of justice, retribution and salvation, as well as to dialogue with other areas, especially history and ethics, in overcoming fundamentalist readings. The research shows that the understanding of the verse in question only occurs when it is considered in the context of the pericope, where vengeance does not appear as the result of a warlike action but as a participation in the paschal mystery of Christ.
  • Staying in the Cell. Acedia as a Problem and Its Remedies in Patristic Wisdom

    SAETEROS, TAMARA (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-05-02)
    The general objective of this work is to study the main remedies that patristic wisdom used against the temptation of acedia, the most important of them being the permanence of the monk in the cell. Its specific objectives will seek to trace in the Apothegms of the Desert Fathers and in the ascetic writings of Evagrius Ponticus the characterization of acedia as a disease of the soul and its cure in “being patient”. A comparative analysis is also proposed with the acedia of contemporary man, immersed in the society of acceleration, transparency and consumption, which prevent him from guarding his heart as the privileged place of encounter with himself and with God. The central hypothesis is that the main remedy against acedia may be remaining in the cell. The methodology to be used will be that of patristic hermeneutics, which consists of a careful reading of the sources, a dialogue with the authors and their texts in order to confront them with the vicissitudes that the men of this century deal with to preserve inner stillness. The results of the application of this method are to find out how the man of the 21st century can make the domain of the cell his own and thus overcome acedia, understood as a disease of the soul that prevents the connection with himself, with the subjectivities close to him, with the created world and with its Creator.
  • Christian Life and Secularization in the First Centuries (III-V) and in the Last Ones (XVI-XXI)

    Zas Friz, Rossano (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-04-30)
    The Roman Empire was radically transformed in the way it interpreted itself mentally, imaginatively and discursively between the third and fifth centuries of our era, thanks to the influence of the Christian life proposed by the Church. The Western societies that inherited and assumed that transformation have suffered, in turn, in the last centuries (XVI-XXI) another radical transformation in the way of interpreting themselves from their social imaginary, due to the loss of social influence of the Church. In the first case it is a process of de-secularization, in the second of secularization. This research proposes a reflection on this fact from two key concepts: Christian life and secularization. Christian life is that in which decisions are made based on Christian revelation oriented towards transforming union in God through love; it implies a transcendent, metahistorical and eschatological sense of existence. Secularization is the process that has led to the progressive disappearance of Christian life in the social imaginary of societies of ancient Christian tradition. Thus, the proposed theme is developed in four parts: (1) presentation of the Roman religion and (2) how Christianity de-secularized it, and then (3) the current secularization process and (4) its influence on Christian life

    Banna, Pierluigi (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-04-26)
    The category of Semina Verbi or Logos Spermatikos is now commonly invoked to indicate God’s providential action within non-Christian cultures and religions. However, this was not the original intent and meaning of this expression within the thought of Justin Martyr. This paper aims to clarify the explicitly confessional intentions, but also Justin’s skillful strategy, in order to express in an original way his own faith in terms already used by others (Stoic, Medo-Platonic, Jewish, Gnostic). After clarifying the distinction between the seed of the Word and the seeds of the truth, it is shown that the first (the seed of the Word) is precisely human reason, sown by the Word in every human being. More than the slogan “Semina Verbi”, it is Justin’s attitude that could continues to be useful for interreligious dialogue today.
  • Methodological contributions to the scholarly study of ancient Christian literature

    Fernández, Samuel (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    This article studies the methodology of a scholarly work on ancient Christian literature. Its objective is to offer elements of methodology for those who approach ancient Christian literature with a scholarly perspective. Therefore, it has a practical purpose: to guide scholars of this discipline, especially those who are new to it. To this end, the introduction of the article seeks to clarify both the perspective and the object of this type of studies. The body of the text is then divided into two parts. The first describes each of the stages in the development of a research work and the relationship that should exist between its different sections. The second part provides some guidelines for the analysis of texts from the patristic period, that is, it proposes guidelines for the historical understanding of ancient Christian sources. The conclusion briefly discusses the relationship between history and theology
  • What God can and cannot do: answers from the thaumaturgical horizon in the work of St. Augustine

    Sottocorno, Estefania (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    The purpose of this paper is to review Augustine’s reflection on thaumaturgic events, with the aim of clarifying their phenomenological characterization, their contrast with mere superstition, the impact they have to add followers to the horizon of Christian belief and/or to strengthen an already assumed faith. Likewise, we will seek to evaluate the theoretical-practical consequences that these facts may have in relation to the postulate of divine omnipotence in the framework of biblical and patristic theology. Our review takes as an anchor a series of testimonies on the thaumaturgic phenomena that are scattered in the immense Augustinian work, making them interact in order to highlight the fruitful perspective of this thinker in this regard and also to highlight the theoretical difficulties that the question of divine omnipotence brings with it in this specific area. As an adequate methodology to approach such testimonies, we propose to read these sources following the games of internal referral, but also in dialogue with the historical coordinates, especially in connection with the differentiated profiles of receivers that Augustine is assuming for diverse discursive structures, that is, more or less literate individuals, pagans or Christians, as we will see towards the end of our contribution. We will begin, instead, by examining the considerations relative to the more or less immediate effects that exceptional phenomena can have on the gnoseology of Christians -or potential Christians-, paying attention to the contrasts pointed out with respect to pagan superstitions, in order to observe how Augustine’s reflection in this regard leads us, almost naturally, to the question of divine omnipotence.
  • Presence and influence of the Fathers of the Church in the dawn of the novo-Hispanic society. Methodological proposals and lines of research for Latin American researchers

    Flores Colin, Miguel Santiago (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    This research is framed in the context of the social and religious thought of the 16th century in New Spain, with the objective of demonstrating the rich patristic influence in the religious society of the period studied. By analyzing several texts exhaustively, their patristic sources are identified from this double perspective: on the one hand, the specific use of texts and quotations from the Fathers of the Church by the novo-Hispanic writers, through a synchronic review, taking into account in most cases the year of composition of the work, even if its publication is later; secondly, locating relationships of influence or dependence of authors and works, some “textual traditions of novo-Hispanic texts” are pointed out. In this way, more than 850 patristic references are classified in the analyzed texts, thus contributing to the deepening of the theological and spiritual influences of the Novo-Hispanic religious thought of the 16th century. This proves that the knowledge and wide use of patristic texts by the novo-Hispanic authors in general, and the use of the Fathers of the Church in both catechetical and theological works in particular, are not something exclusive to some of the religious orders present in New Spain during the 16th century, but that all of them follow the theological method of the time and evoke the patristic teachings as auctoritas in their writings. In the end, it is proposed to apply this methodology of study in the fields of theological or patristic research in Latin America during the colonial period.
  • In the school of the Psalms: an educational-mystagogical proposal in St. Gregory of Nyssa’s “On the titles of the Psalms”

    Cornavaca, Ramon; Peveraro, Octavio (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    In the treatise “On the Titles of the Psalms” Gregory of Nyssa first considers some general themes relevant to the Christian life, and then comments at length on the titles of various psalms. In the present article, starting from the observation of some terms related to central aspects that characterize the Gregorian reading - sequentiality, gradualness, tension towards the infinite and openness to mystery -, an attempt is made to specify the fundamental objective at which the exegesis of this work aims. It can be seen that, according to Gregory’s interpretation, there would be a sort of “sequence” in the very disposition of the Psalter, which would become, in this way, an invitation to the receiver to undertake an ascending path that, starting from the initial turning away from evil and the cultivation of virtue (Psalm 1), is oriented to reach the ultimate end -thelos- of all human existence: eternal beatitude through participation in the choirs of divine praise. Gregory ultimately seeks to make more accessible the understanding of “the enigmatic teaching of the mysteries and the ineffable theology that is hidden in doctrines that are difficult to attain” (Part I, ch. 3). Finally, and by way of projection towards the present day, it is pointed out that the Gregorian reading of the Psalms - positive and hopeful - can stimulate one’s own spiritual experience in the midst of contemporary tensions and difficulties: in its “school” the recipients are introduced, pedagogically, into the realm of the divine mystery of the salvation of human beings.
  • Patristic research trends in Latin America. Systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis in seven impact journals between the years 2018-2023

    Gómez Erazo, Manuel David (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    With the aim of identifying trends in patristic research in the continent between 2018 and 2023, a systematic literature review is made in 29 articles of seven Latin American theological journals of impact, based on a previous broader study on trends in Latin American theological research between 2018 and 2022, which could be the second phase as a deepening of that review. With a mixed methodology, several dimensions of the publications are measured: universities of greater production, the origin of the researchers, the place of women in patristic research, the main themes of the research, to finally make an interpretation of the data found and a constructive criticism, taking into account the findings of the review that precedes it to encourage research in Latin America in favor of renewal in this area of theological studies. Several topics are proposed to collaborate in the generation of perspectives: 1) to recognize and support the growth in this area of theological research in the continent; 2) to open a later phase of research in relation to the factors that lead to such research motivations; 3) to promote and project research done by women and with related contextual themes and, 4) to think about patrology in a Latin American perspective.

    Villa Betancourt, Ana Cristina; Ciner , Patricia (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    El presente dosier de la revista Cuestiones Teológicas contiene las ponencias magistrales pronunciadas como apertura de cada uno de los días del Congreso Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Estudios Patrísticos, junto con las ponencias de diez profesores que participaron en este. A modo de editorial, puede ser útil recordar que dicho congreso resultó del esfuerzo coordinado de tres universidades colombianas: la Unicervantes Fundación Universitaria, la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá y la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, siendo esta última la sede del congreso y que acoje ahora la publicación de las ponencias en la presente edición dosier de su revista de la Facultad de Teología.
  • The rhetorical device of the “commonplace” (κοινὸς τόπος) in Basil of Caesarea

    Valdés García, María Alejandra (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    This paper deals with the resource of the “common place” with the aim of demonstrating the rhetorical invoice used by Basil of Caesarea in two homilies on greed. We proceed in its development through three stages: 1) Disambiguation of “commonplace”, 2) The Greek rhetorical theory and 3) The “commonplace” in Basil of Caesarea. Through these sections, the resource in Greek rhetorical theory is explained and Basil’s mastery of the structure and its argumentation is verified. To this end, the elaboration is exemplified in “Homilia in illud: Destruam horrea mea et maiora aedificabo” (HDestr. 7) and “Homilia in divites” (HDiv. 6). The “common place” is, among the preparatory exercises, one of the most complex in terms of discerning the places of argumentation, which is why we rely on the rhetorical theory of the Progymnasmata, which facilitates understanding by its simplicity and speeds up the comparison of structures in both profane and Christian thought. In turn, the ancient rhetoricians prove to us that the “commonplace” is equivalent to an amplification. The comparative tables summarize, in an overall view, the results that certify that, although each homily is of a different style, the schemes of the rhetors Theon and Pseudo Hermogenes prevail, and at the same time they evidence the originality of the orator. There are no rhetorical studies of this resource on our author, so we hope that this contribution will give rise to similar writings.
  • The dignity of the divine image in Gregory of Nyssa in the face of present-day slaveries

    Bastitta Harriet, Francisco (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    In this presentation we propose to reflect on the way in which the thought of Gregory of Nyssa sought to restore to their place of greatness persons and entire social groups that had been demeaned or neglected in the society of his time. We will attempt to confront this living thought of the Nyssene with the painful reality of the enslavements of our century. Although this approach might be considered to go beyond the specific scope of the History of Philosophy, those of us who investigate philosophical ideas find that many of them have an enduring influence and transcend their original historical context. First, we will briefly discuss the phenomenon of social slavery and asymmetries, both in Gregory of Nyssa's era and in our own. Then, in the section entitled “A Call to Conscience,” we will analyze the novel Gregorian anthropological theory, which rests on his radical interpretation of the divine image in the human being, and we will indicate some of its philosophical sources and its main elements: the fullness of perfections, its intrinsic dignity, equality and freedom. The final part of the paper, “A Call to Action,” will dwell on the practical consequences of Nyssen’s anthropology, his original conception of compassion, of the possible transformation and equalization of humanity according to the divine image, as well as the powerful relevance of these ideas for our time.
  • Fatur irenaeus dum cyprianus tacet: A Censure of Cyprian of Carthage at the Time of the Reformation

    Reyes Cabrera, Andrés Leonardo (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    For centuries, Saint Irenaeus of Lyon did not have a collective prayer, while the fate of Saint Cyprian of Carthage was different from the dawn of Christianity. The relationship between them goes beyond the literary and doctrinal aspects of their works because we find something else in common besides from their desire for unity: silence. We have baptized this term to the absence or interruption of a eucologycal tradition associated to the Fathers of the Church. This peculiarity of the Doctor unitatis, which I have called Irenaeus’ silence, will end with the Council of Trent when a collect prayer is assigned to him in the missal. On the other hand, Cyprian’s prayer disappears in the same Council that placed Irenaeus in the introductory rites, and it will not return to the missals until after four hundred years of Cyprian silence, in the Second Vatican Council. The purpose of this research is to make a comparison of the collect prayers of the fathers in question, observing the linguistic and semantic structure that composes them to understand the causes of these silences and their relationship with their historical period. For this reason, we have consulted codices of sacramentary books from the IV century, making use of eucology, paleography, and philological analysis to conclude with a clear censorship of Saint Cyprian within the Church, due to his controversial book De unitate Ecclesiae. This article aims to open a door for the study of the fathers from a philological perspective based on eucology.
  • Synodality and the glory of communion in Gregory of Nyssa (In Cant. XV). Contributions to a pneumatic ecclesiology

    Nicola, Alejandro E. (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    This article is based on the observation of the data that shows the richness of the experience and understanding of the synodality of the Church in the first centuries. On the one hand, the synodal praxis carried out in its various expressions: local, regional, universal. On the other hand, the theological principles that sustain it can be discovered. This paper is based on an approach to one of the final passages of the fifteenth Homily on the Song of Songs by Gregory of Nyssa. The Nisenus does not literally use the expression synodos and any of its derivatives on this occasion. However, the ideas that appear there referred to allow an intellection of the concept from the symbolic image of the Church from its processional dynamism and in a clear baptismal context. Gregory was able to examine the complex and contradictory ecclesial reality of his time (4th century), traversed and animated by the Holy Spirit. The quotation analyzed here from In Cant. XV becomes a text of great historicaldogmatic value, which allows us to find a very rich conceptual matrix on the synodal expression of the Church. Thus, a contribution is made to the theology of the Church by showing its pneumatic dimension, reaching a better understanding of the concept of synodality starting from the mystery of the glory of communion. This ecclesiological conception is profoundly pneumatological and allows to think the entitative nucleus of the notion in question from the harmonious and dynamic union of the contrary elements according to the whole. From the points indicated above, a contribution can be made to the current debate on the theology and praxis of synodality in the Church of the 21st century, which still needs to be deeply analyzed.
  • The Discernment of Visions according to Evagrius Ponticus

    Singh Mesconi, Carlos Marcelo (Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2024-03-22)
    In this study we will analyse the meaning of visions according to Evagrius Ponticus, and how they can be discerned in order to determine whether they come from God or from the enemy. For that purpose, we Will start from a contextual key to Evagrius’ gnoseology; indeed, “visions” correspond to a certain way of knowing and understanding reality. We will then analyse the desire for the visio Dei; and then the other visions and their aetiology will be considered. A “therapeutic” will be proposed, considering that discernment opens up to a curative action. We will note how the author goes to the very root of the problem: the eagerness to see the divinity sensibly; other causes such as vainglory and presumption will also be described. The title of the present study allows us to point out the fundamental terms: “discernment” (διάκρισις) and visions, for which we find various technical concepts: ὅρασις, ὀπτασία, ὄψις, ὅραμα, ὅραμα, among others.

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