The EU code of concuct for nanosciences and nanotechnologies research (NanoTrust Dossier No. 036en – December 2012)
Online Access
The code of conduct for responsible nanosciences and nanotechnologies research (code of conduct) is the Annex to the first nanotechnology-specific legal measure by the EU (2008), a Commission recommendation that is legally non-binding. The nanotechnologies code of conduct contains principles and guidelines for integrated, safe and responsible (ethical) nanoscience and nanotechnologies (N&N) research. The central control mechanisms are research prioritisation, technology assessment, ethical and fundamental law clauses/restrictions, defensibility checks and accountability. The EU Commission appeals to the Member States to comply with the voluntary guidelines and principles; encourages funding bodies to only fund research that complies with the code and to implement the code; encourages researchers to commit themselves to compliance with the code and civil society organisations to participate in N&N research. As yet, only a few implementation measures have been adopted. From a legal point of view, the code is controversial, and nevertheless it has an influence on the ongoing discussion on the topic of "responsible research and innovation" at EU level.Date
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