CEC Series
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Edition CEC at Globethics. - Conference of European Churches (CEC). - Website: www.ceceurope.org/resources/. - Director: Prof. Dr. Fadi Daou, Executive Director of Globethics. - Series Editor: Fr Heikki Huttunen, General Secretary of the Conference of European Churches CEC.
Recent Submissions
Alternatives to populism from a human rights perspectiveIn this book, the Conference of European Churches endeavours to look at the phenomenon of ‘populism’ from different angles and perspectives and shine a light on its links to religion and religious actors. It wants to offer its Member Churches and partners information about and arguments against the populist temptation. It also wants to highlight and draw attention to the many ways in which religious communities are already part of a wider alliance to combat the populist threat. The Conference of European Churches stands firmly in sharing and fostering the European dream of freedom and equality, and dignity for all and everyone.
Every part of creation matters : a discussion paperThe text summarizes work of the thematic group on Economic and Ecological Justice and Sustainable Future of the Conference of European Churches. The group consists of theologians, experts in ecological and political science, as well as activists from churches across the continent. Caring for God’s creation is an integral part of the calling of the churches. In this publication the Conference of European Churches is asking how this can be done? The book offers a summary of studies and discussions among theologians from churches of different confessional families. A first theological section underlies key aspects of several theological traditions. In a second section, we learn about the European Green Deal aiming to transform the EU into a modern, resource-efficient, and competitive economy with no net greenhouse gases emissions by 2050. The text supports the main aim of the Green Deal, however, raises concerns related to some of its principal parts.
Places of worship and holy sites in Europe and the Middle East : status and protection under national and international lawWorship places – churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, shrines and many others – are a key feature in most religions, a part of cultural heritage with a high symbolic and emotional value attached to them. Unfortunately, as a consequence of armed conflict or actions by radical nationalists, worship places are often targeted to inflict damage and eradicate identity. For this reason, national and international laws exist to award special protection to such places. This collection of essays explores the relevance the protection of religious sites has in implementing the freedom of religion or belief and in fostering peaceful relations among different religions.
Human rights, religious freedom and faces of faithHuman Rights, Religious Freedom and Faces of Faith is part of the ongoing work done by the Conference of European Churches to advocate for the promotion and protection of human rights at the highest standards inside Europe and beyond its borders. The book offers a general introduction to freedom of religion or belief in a European setting and the rights of religious minorities. The book also provides examples of the situation with regard to freedom of religion or belief within Europe and outside of Europe. Furthermore, the book highlights some other topical human rights issues from a theological and legal perspective.
The European Vision and the ChurchesThis is a book about centres: the centre of a pastor’s lifelong ministry, the centre of the European Union, and the centre of Europe’s ecumenical community. For more than thirty years Pastor Marc Lenders lived out his vocation bringing Christians from across traditions and across Europe into deep relationship with their unique social, cultural, and political context. Through his eyes discover how Marc Lenders courageously signed up for a job in 1966 that had no description and upon his retirement in 1999 left a growing and vibrant legacy of dialogue, debate, and engagement between the churches of Europe and the political institutions that represent its people.