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dc.contributorInternet Archive
dc.contributor.authorDamrosch, David 09:51
dc.description.abstractIncludes bibliographical references and indexes
dc.description.abstractV. 1A. The Middle Ages / Christopher Baswell and Anne Howland Schotter -- 1B. The early modern period / Constance Jordan and Clare Carroll -- 1C. The Restoration and the 18th century / Stuart Sherman -- 2A. The Romantics and their contemporaries / Susan Wolfson and Peter Manning -- 2B. The Victorian age / Heather Henderson and William Sharpe -- 2C. The twentieth century / Kevin Dettmar and Jennifer Wicke
dc.description.abstractV.1A. Before the Norman conquest -- Beowulf -- The Táin Bó Cuailnge -- The pillow talk -- The Táin begins -- The last battle -- Judith -- The dream of the rood -- Perspectives: ethnic and religious encounters -- From An ecclesiastical history of the English people / Bede -- From The life of King Alfred / Bishop Asser -- Preface to Saint Gregory's Pastoral care / King Alfred -- Ohthere's journeys -- Stamford Bridge and Hastings -- Urien Yrechwydd ; The Battle of Argoed Llwyfain ; The war-band's return ; Lament for Owain Son of Urien / Taliesin -- The wanderer -- Three Anglo-Latin riddles by Aldheim -- Five Old English riddles -- After the Norman conquest -- Perspectives: Arthurian myth in the history of Britain -- From History of the kings of Britain / Geoffrey of Monmoth -- From The instruction of princes / Gerald of Wales -- Letter sent to the Papal Court / Edward I -- LAIS ; Prologue ; Lanval / Marie de France -- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight -- Morte d'Arthur [excerpts] / Sir Thomas Malory -- The parliament of fowls ; The Canterbury tales [excerpts] ; The general prologue ; The miller's tale ; The wife of Bath's prologue ; The wife of Bath's tale ; The pardoner's prologue ; The pardoner's tale ; The nun's priest's tale ; The parson's tale [excerpts] ; To his scribe Adam ; Complaint to his purse / Geoffrey Chaucer -- Piers Plowman [excerpts] / William Langland -- Piers Plowman in context: the rising of 1381 -- The fire of love [excerpts] / Richard Rolle -- From The cloud of unknowing -- A book of showings [excerpts] / Julian of Norwich -- The second play of the shepherds -- Literature of travel: marvels and pilgrimages -- From The voyage of Saint Brendan -- The travels of Sir John Mandeville [excerpts] -- The book of Margery Kempe [excerpts] -- Middle English lyrics -- The tale of Taliesin -- Aubade ; One saving place ; The girls of Llanbadarn ; Tale of a wayside inn ; The hateful husband ; The winter ; The ruin / Dafydd Ap Gwilym -- Lament for the Makars ; Done is a battell ; In secreit place this hyndir nycht / William Dunbar -- Robene and Makyne / Robert Henryson
dc.description.abstractV.2A. The romantics and their contemporaries -- The mouse's petition to Dr. Priestley ; On a lady's writing ; Inscription for an ice-house ; To a little invisible being who is expected soon to become visible ; To the poor ; Washing-day ; Eighteen hundred and eleven ; The first fire / Anna Laetitia Barbauld -- Perspectives: the rights of man and the revolution controversy -- From Letters written in France, in the summer of 1790 ; From Letters from France / Helen Maria Williams -- From Reflections on the revolution in France / Edmund Burke -- From A vindication of the rights of men / Mary Wollstonecraft -- From The rights of man / Thomas Paine -- From An enquiry concerning political justice and its influence on general virtue and happiness / William Godwin -- The friend of humanity and the knife-grinder -- Village politics / Hannah More -- From Travels in France during the years 1787-1788, and 1789 ; From The example of France, a warning to Britain / Arthur Young -- All religions are one ; There is no natural religion ; Songs of innocence and of experience [excerpts] ; The marriage of heaven and hell ; Visions of the daughters of Albion ; Letters / William Blake -- Perspectives: the abolition of slavery and the slave trade -- From The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano -- From The history of Mary Prince, a West Indian slave -- The benevolent planters / Thomas Bellamy -- From A poem on the inhumanity of the slave-trade / Ann Yearsley -- Sweet meat has sour sauce / William Cowper -- The sorrows of Yamba / Hannah More -- From Poems concerning the slave trade / Robert Southey -- From the Grasmere journals / Dorothy Wordsworth -- From Detached thoughts / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- From The history of the rise, progress, & accomplishment of the abolition of the African slave-trade by the British Parliament / Thomas Clarkson -- To Toussaint L'Ouverture ; To Thomas Clarkson ; From The prelude ; From Humanity ; Letter to Mary Ann Rawson / William Wordsworth -- From Abstract of the information laid on the table of the House of Commons, on the subject of the slave trade / The Edinburgh Review -- January, 1795 ; Sappho and Phaon [excerpts] ; The camp ; Lyrical tales [excerpt] ; London's summer morning ; The old beggar / Mary Robinson -- A vindication of the rights of women [excerpts] ; Maria: or the wrongs of woman [excerpt] / Mary Wollstonecraft -- Perspectives: the Wollstonecraft controversy and the rights of women -- From Letters on education / Catherin Macaulay -- The rights of woman / Anna Laetitia Barbauld -- To Mary Wolstoncraft / Robert Southey -- From Mary / William Blake -- From The unsex'd females / Richard Polwhele -- From Reflections on the present condition of the female sex / Priscilla Bell Wakefield -- From The female advocate / Mary Anne Radcliffe -- From Strictures on the modern system of female education / Hannah More -- Letter to The British lady's magazine [on needlework] / Mary Anne Lamb -- From Appeal of one half of the human race, women, against the pretensions of the other half, men, to retain them in political, and thence in civil and domestic slavery / William Thompson and Anna Wheeler -- Plays on the passions [excerpt] ; London ; A mother to her waking infant ; A child to his sick grandfather ; Thunder ; Song: woo'd and married and a' / Joanna Baillie -- Reliques of Ancient English poetry -- Sir Patrick Spence -- To a mouse ; Flow gently, sweet Afton ; Ae fond kiss ; Comin' thro' the rye ; Scots, wha hae wi' Wallace bled ; Is there for honest poverty ; A red, red, rose ; Auld Lang Syne ; The fornicator, a new song / Robert Burns -- Lord Randal / Sir Walter Scott -- The harp that once through Tara's halls ; Believe me, if all the endearing young charms ; The time I lost in wooing / Thomas More -- Lyrical ballads (1798) [excerpts] ; Lyrical ballads (1800, 1802) [excerpts] ; Sonnets, 1802-1807 [excerpts] ; The prelude, or growth of a poet's mind (1805) [excerpts] ; Resolution and independence ; I wandered lonely as a cloud ; My heart leaps up ; Ode: intimations of immortality ; The solitary reaper ; Elegiac stanzas ; From Preface to The excursion ; Surprized by joy ; Mutability ; Scorn not the sonnet ; Extempore effusion upon the death of James Hogg / William Wordsworth -- Grasmere: a fragment ; Address to a child ; Irregular verses ; Floating island ; Lines intended for my niece's album ; Thoughts on my sick-bed ; When shall I tread your garden path? ; Lines written (rather say begun) on the morning of Sunday April 6th ; The Grasmere journals [excerpts] ; Letters / Dorothy Wordsworth -- Sonnet to the river otter ; The eolian harp ; This lime-tree bower my prison ; The rime of the ancyent marinere (1798) [excerpt] ; The rime of the ancient mariner (1817) ; Kubla Khan ; Christabel ; Frost at midnight ; Dejection: an ode ; On Donne's poetry ; work without hope ; Constancy to an ideal object ; Epitaph ; From The statesman's manual [symbol and allegory] ; Biographia literaria [excerpts] ; From Jacobinism ; From Once a Jacobin always a Jacobin ; Lectures on Shakespeare [excerpts] / Samuel Taylor Coleridge -- Coleridge's Lectures in context: Shakespeare in the nineteenth century -- She walks in beauty ; So, we'll go no more a-roving ; Childe Harold's pilgrimage [excerpts] ; Don Juan [excerpts] ; Stanzas ("When a man hath no freedom to fight for at home") ; On this day I complete my thirty-sixth year ; Letters / George Gordon, Lord Byron -- To Wordsworth ; Mont Blanc ; Hymn to intellectual beauty ; Ozymandias ; Sonnet: Lift not the painted veil ; Sonnet: England in 1819 ; The mask of anarchy ; Ode to the west wind ; To a sky-lark ; To- ("Music, when soft voices die") ; Adonais ; Hellas [excerpts] ; From A defence of poetry / Percy Bysshe Shelley -- Tales, and historic scenes, in verse [excerpts] ; Evening prayer, at a girls' school ; Casabianca ; Records of woman [excerpts] / Felicia Hemans -- Written in November (1) ; Written in November (2) ; Songs eternity ; [The lament of Swordy Well] ; [The mouse's nest] ; Clock a clay ; "I am" / John Clare -- On first looking into Chapman's Homer ; On the grasshopper and the cricket ; From Sleep and poetry ; On seeing the Elgin marbles ; On sitting down to read King Lear once again ; Sonnet: When I have fears ; The eve of St. Agnes ; La belle dame sans mercy ; Incipit altera sonneta ("If by dull rhymes") ; The odes of 1819 ; The fall of Hyperion: a dream ; The living hand ; Bright star ; Letters / John Keats -- Frankenstein, or the modern prometheus (1818) ; Frankenstein (1831) [excerpts] / Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley -- Frankenstein in context: romantic-era writers and Milton's Satan -- Perspectives: Popular prose and the problems of authorship -- Introduction to Tales of my landlord / Sir Walter Scott -- Oxford in the vacation ; Dream children ; Old China / Charles Lamb -- On gusto ; My first acquaintance with poets / William Hazlitt -- From Confessions of an English opium-eater / Thomas De Quincey -- From Pride and prejudice ; From Emma ; Letter to James S. Clarke (11 December 1815) / Jane Austen -- From Rural rides / William Cobbett
dc.description.abstractV. 2B. The Victoian age -- Sartor Resartus [excerpts] ; Past and present [excerpts] / Thomas Carlyle -- Perspectives: The industrial landscape -- The steam loom weaver -- From Record of a girlhood / Fanny Kemble -- From A review of Southey's colloquies / Thomas Babington Macaulay -- Testimony of Hannah Goode, a child textile worker -- Testimony of Ann and Elizabeth Eggley, child mineworkers -- From Dombey and Son ; From Hard times / Charles Dickens -- From Sybil / Benjamin Disraeli -- From The condition of the working class in England in 1844 / Friedrich Engels -- From London labour and the London poor / Henry Mayhew -- On liberty [excerpts] ; The subjection of women [excerpt] ; Statement repudiating the rights of husbands ; Autobiography [excerpts] / John Stuart Mill -- To George Sand: a desire ; To George Sand: a recognition ; A year's spinning ; Sonnets from the Portuguese [excerpts] ; Aurora Leigh [excerpts] ; From A curse for a nation ; A musical instrument ; The best thing in the world / Elizabeth Barrett Browning -- The kraken ; Mariana ; The lady of Shallot ; The lotos-eaters ; Ulysses ; Tithonos ; Break, break, break ; The epic [Morte d'Arthur] ; The eagle: a fragment ; Locksley Hall ; The princess [excerpts] ; From In memoriam A.H.H. ; The charge of the light brigade ; Idylls of the king [excerpts] ; The higher pantheism ; Flower in the crannied wall ; Crossing the bar / Alfred, Lord Tennyson -- The voyage of the Beagle [excerpts] ; On the origin of species by means of natural selection [excerpt] ; The descent of man [excerpt] ; From Autobiography / Charles Darwin -- Perspectives: Religion and science -- From Lord Bacon / Thomas Babington Macaulay -- From Sunday under three heads / Charles Dickens -- From The life of Jesus critically examined / David Friedrich Strauss -- From Jane Eyre / Charlotte Brontë -- Epi-strauss-ium ; The latest decalogue ; from Dipsychus / Arthur Hugh Clough -- From The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua critically examined / John William Colenso -- From Apologia pro vita sua / John Henry Cardinal Newman -- From Evolution and ethics / Thomas Henry Huxley -- From Father and son / Sir Edmund Gosse -- Porphyria's lover ; Soliloquy of the Spanish cloister ; My last duchess ; How they brought the good news from Ghent to Aix ; Home-thoughts, from abroad ; Home-thoughts, from the sea ; The bishop orders his tomb at Saint Praxed's Church ; Meeting at night ; Parting at morning ; A toccata of Galuppi's ; Memorabilia ; Love among the ruins ; "Childe Roland to the dark tower came" ; Fra lippo lippi ; The last ride together ; Andrew Del Sarto ; Two in the Campagna ; A woman's last word ; Caliban upon Setebos ; Epilogue to Asolando / Robert Burns -- A Christmas carol ; From A walk in a workhouse / Charles Dickens -- Popular short fiction -- Our society at Cranford / Elizabeth Gaskell -- Thrawn Janet / Robert Louis Stevenson -- The withered arm / Thomas Hardy -- A scandal in Bohemia ; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- Fortunatus Rex & Co. / Edith Nesbit -- Brother Jacob ; Margaret Fuller and Mary Wollstonecraft / George Eliot -- Modern painters [excerpts] ; The stones of Venice [excerpt] ; From Modern manufacture and design ; Praeterita [excerpts] / John Ruskin -- Cassandra / Florence Nightingale -- Perspectives: Victorian ladies and gentlemen -- From Life of Frances Power Cobbe as told by herself -- From The women of England: their social duties and domestic habits / Sarah Stickney Ellis -- From Letter to Emily Brontë / Charlotte Brontë -- From Agnes Grey / Anne Brontë -- From The idea of a university / John Henry Cardinal Newman -- From A letter to the queen / Caroline Norton -- From Tom Brown's school days / Thomas Hughes -- From What women are educated for / Harriet Martineau -- From The book of household management / Isabella Beeton -- Letters and journal entries on the position of women / Queen Victoria -- From Letters and memories / Charles Kingsley -- Vitaï Lampada / Sir Henry Newport -- Isolation, to Marguerite ; To Marguerite: continued ; Dover Beach ; Lines written in Kensington Gardens ; The buried life ; Stanzas from the Grande Chartreuse ; The scholar-gipsy ; East London ; West London ; Thyrsis ; The function of criticism at the present time ; Culture and anarchy [excerpts] ; From The study of poetry / Matthew Arnold -- The blessed Damozel ; The woodspurge ; The house of life [excerpts] ; The burden of Nineveh / Dante Gabriel Rossetti -- Song ("She sat and sang alway") ; Song ("When I am dead, my dearest") ; Remember ; After death ; A pause ; Echo ; Dead before death ; Cobwebs ; A triad ; In an artist's studio ; A birthday ; An apple-gathering ; Winter: my secret ; Up-hill ; Goblin Market ; "No, thank you, John" ; Promises like pie-crust ; In progress ; What I would give? ; A life's parallels ; Later life [excerpt] ; Sleeping at last / Christina Rossetti -- The defence of Guenevere ; The haystack in the floods ; From The beauty of life / William Morris -- The leper ; The triumph of time [excerpt] ; Itylus ; Hymn to Proserpine ; A forsaken garden ; The higher pantheism in a nutshell / Algernon Charles Swinburne -- The renaissance [excerpts] ; From The child in the house ; Appreciations [excerpt] / Walter Pater -- God's grandeur ; The starlight night ; Spring ; The windhover ; Pied beauty ; Hurrahing in harvest ; Binsey poplars ; Duns Scotus's Oxford ; Felix Randal ; Spring and fall: to a young child ; As kingfishers catch fire ; [Carrion comfort] ; No worst, there is none ; I wake and feel the fell of dark, not day ; That nature is a Heraclitean fire and of the comfort of the resurrection ; Thou art indeed just, Lord ; From Journal [On "Inscape" and "Instress"] ; From Letter to R.W. Dixon [On sprung rhythm] / Gerard Manley Hopkins -- Without benefit of clergy ; Just so stories [excerpts] ; Gunga Din ; The widow at Windsor ; Recessional ; If- / Rudyard Kipling -- Perspectives: Travel and empire -- From Domestic manners of the Americans / Frances Trollope -- From Eothen / Alexander William Kinglake -- From A personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah / Sir Richard Francis Burton -- From A lady's life in the Rocky Mountains / Isabella Bird -- From Through the dark continent / Sir Henry Morton Stanley -- From Travels in West Africa / Mary Kingsley -- Impression du matin ; The harlot's house ; Symphony in yellow ; From The decay of lying ; From The soul of man under socialism ; Preface to The picture of Dorian Gray ; The importance of being earnest ; Aphorisms ; From De Profundis / Oscar Wilde -- Perspectives: Aestheticism, decadence, and the Fin de Siècle -- If you're anxious for to shine in the high aesthetic line / W.S. Gilbert -- From Mr. Whistler's "Ten o'clock" / James Abbott McNeill Whistler -- La Gioconda ; A pen-drawing of Leda ; "A girl" / "Michael Field" (Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper) -- Suggestion / Ada Leverson -- Pastel ; White heliotrope ; From The decadent movement in literature ; From Preface to silhouettes / Arthur Symons -- A ballad of London / Richard Le Gallienne -- The destroyer of a soul ; The dark angel ; A decadent's lyric / Lionel Johnson -- In praise of shame ; Two loves ; Impression de nuit / Lord Alfred Douglas -- The masquerade ; Statues ; The white witch / Olive Custance (Lady Alfred Douglas) -- The ballad of a barber / Aubrey Beardsley -- Enoch Soames / Max Beerbohm
dc.format.mediumACS Encrypted EPUB
dc.publisherNew York : Longman
dc.subjectEnglish literature
dc.subjectMiddle Ages
dc.subjectEnglish literature
dc.subjectMiddle Ages
dc.titleThe Longman anthology of British literature
ge.dataimportlabelOAI metadata object
ge.lastmodificationdate2017-09-25 09:51 (import)
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