The theological coherence between the Belhar confession and some antecedent church witnesses in the period 1948-1982
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This article explores the historical and theological relation between the
 Confession of Belhar (1982) and some significant antecedent church witnesses
 from 1948 onward. After identifying these witnesses, a coherence
 is sought in the confessional interpretation of the SA situation, and core
 theological themes linked to ecclesiology, Christology and anthropology
 that served as basis for the vision of an alternative society. Although
 Belhar is no “summary” of these witnesses, an interpretation of the confession
 is enhanced by reading it against the ecumenical history of the time.
oai:UPSpaceProd:2263/10123Naude, P 2003, 'The theological coherence between the Belhar confession and some antecedent church witnesses in the period 1948-1982', Verbum et Ecclesia, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 156-179. []