Indonesian Journal of Theology (E-ISSN: 2339-0751) is a theological journal published by Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia (Indonesian Theologian Association). It is established to enhance theological discourse among theologians across denominations and faith traditions, particularly in the Indonesian context. We welcome contributions from scholars of theological studies, religious studies, and other related fields.
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The Globethics library contains vol. 1(2013) to current.

Recent Submissions

  • Friendship and Virtue Ethics in the Book of Job: By Patricia Vesely

    Sihombing, Salomo (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    A book review of Friendship and Virtue Ethics in the Book of Job.
  • Theological Reinterpretation of Stereotypes of Women as Paboru in Tolu Sahundulan Lima Saodoran Kinship System

    Saragih, Erman Sepniagus (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    This article questions the stereotypes of women in the Tolu Sahundulan Lima Saodoran (TSLS) kinship system in Simalungun, which is conspired by constructing patriarchal theology and intertwining it to form a collective consciousness. The reinterpretation was carried out to stimulate awareness that women are not only placed in a definitive meaning function based on traditional demands, but it is time for them to be aware of progress in the form of a presence in a new meaning in public spaces. The method used is descriptive qualitative research, interview approach, and secondary literature study with the principles of dialogue and criticism of feminist theology. The conclusion is that it is essential to read and reinterpret the image of women’s inferiority and stereotypes of women in the Simalungun traditional structure pioneered by GKPS, Simalungun women scholars, and women theologians. The meaning of labor in TSLS is similar to how God expressed His motherly love to the Israelites in the desert and the 5,000 hungry people and how Jesus gave life through table service by providing bread and wine. Thus, the customary legal obligations for women’s clans are significant to interpret theologically because successful implementation of customs will not be achieved without paboru as a manifestation of the existence of a mothering God who cares for His people and gives life.
  • Motifs of Healings: Interpretation of 1 Samuel 16:14-23 as Music Therapy

    Tuasela, Juliana Agusthina (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    This article delves into the unique role of music as a therapeutic tool in ancient Israel, with a focus on the biblical account of music therapy healing Saul (1 Samuel 16:14-23). This study attempts to explore and question the relationship between music, healing, and religion. This study aims to: first, to interpret the text of 1 Samuel 16:14-23 which introduces the significance of music in the ancient Israelite tradition. Second, to emphasizes the function of music as healing therapy, where David uses the lyre to heal Saul. This text subtly demonstrates the prevalence of the healing practice of music in the biblical world. Third, it investigates narrative interpretive methods that discuss the extent to which Israel, through David, defines himself and how the superiority of music helps shape Israel’s self-perception as a musical community. Data was collected through literature studies/scientific literature related to the title of this study. The results of the data collection will then be processed and presented in the form of a description.
  • Theopoetics: An Improper Theology

    Tamawiwy, August Corneles (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    This article proposes theopoetics as an alternative to theology. It explores the distinction between ‘theo-poetics’ and ‘theo-poetry,’ elucidating the poetic (poiesis) aspects absent in theo-poetry. While theo-poetry employs theological language poetically and metaphorically, theo-poetics delves into poiesis as a reflection on the creation of meaning concerning the divine (theos), thereby supplanting logos in theo-logy. Theopoetics is not ‘negative theology’ but, as described by John D. Caputo, is a weak and radical theology. While strong theology actively seeks the highest episteme, theopoetics, being a weak theology, emphasizes a more passive and receptive mode. As a radical theology, theopoetics is a hovering spirit that haunts conventional theology, is not subservient to any institution or authority, and permeates down to its roots (radix). By uprooting logos in theo-logy, theopoetics emerges as a unique, though improper, theology.
  • The New Heretics: Skepticism, Secularism, and Progressive Christianity: By Rebekka King

    Gaspersz, Steve G. C. (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    A book review of The New Heretics: Skepticism, Secularism, and Progressive Christianity.
  • History and Dynamics of Javanese Christianity in Tegal, Central Java, 1862-1942

    Kholiludin, Tedi (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    This article examines the history of Christianity in Tegal as the place where the Nederlandsche Gereformeerde Zendingsvereeniging (NGZV) first worked in Central Java in 1862. Aart Vermeer, whom the NGZV sent, opened a new area in north Tegal and established a Javanese Christian community there. Growth was insignificant until 1904 when Neukirchener Mission, or De Bond van Zendeling van de Salatiga Zending op Java (Salatiga Zending), replaced the NGZV and served Tegal’s Christians until approximately 1942. The data in this historical research came from archives, documents, newspapers, and records related to the research theme. Based on the historical search, it was found that the history and growth of indigenous (Javanese) Christianity in Tegal could not be separated from a place called Muaratua which became the initial landscape. The ministry transitioned from NGZV to Salatiga Zending, which influenced the pattern of service to Christian groups in Muaratua and Tegal in general.
  • The House of God as the House of Salvation for All People: A Postcolonial Reading of Isaiah 56:1-8

    Mangililo, Ira D. (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    This paper explores the existence of eunuchs in ancient Israel and the Israelites’ reception of them in the postexilic period. Using a postcolonial approach, this paper analyzes the ambiguity of the identities of foreigners and eunuchs, the liminal position they occupy in the Israelite community, the stereotypes they receive, and God’s actions to create a third space for them. The postcolonial reading of Isaiah 56:1-8 shows that there is an opportunity for foreigners and eunuchs who promise to keep the Sabbath and obey God’s covenant to live and become part of the Israelite community. Furthermore, Isaiah 56:1-8 also creates a third space for eunuchs where their dignity will be restored and their names will be immortalized forever. When connected to the Indonesian context, God’s initiative to bring marginalized and rejected eunuchs into the third space—a space of transformation that breaks down all oppressive binaries— becomes news of hope for sexual minority groups in Indonesia who have also experienced trauma and suffering. This interpretation calls for religious communities, including their leaders, to create a warm and loving home for others who are also part of God's family.
  • Engaging Karl Barth's Theology with Nurcholis Madjid and Ibn Taymiyya: A Discourse on Universal Salvation and Divine Mercy

    Saragih, Denni Boy (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2024-07-01)
    This study presents a pioneering dialogue between Karl Barth’s Christian theology and Islamic theological perspectives in the Indonesian context, focusing specifically on the concept of universal salvation. The primary interlocutors are Nurcholish Madjid, interpreting Ibn Taymiyya, and Karl Barth’s theology. Barth’s universalism envisions an inclusive future for humanity, elaborated in Barth’s exposition of the theme “Jesus is Victor,” suggesting a universal reprieve from divine eschatological judgment. Correspondingly, Madjid’s interpretation of Islamic theology proposes a universally hopeful future, recognizing the broad spectrum of divine revelation across various religious traditions, thereby fostering a sense of shared hope among diverse religious followers. Ibn Taymiyya, often misconceived as a figurehead for radical elements, is depicted in this essay as advocating a form of universalism where divine mercy ultimately triumphs over retribution. This article contends that this mutual anticipation of universal salvation can pave the way for meaningful Christian-Islamic interactions in the Indonesian milieu, contributing significantly to interfaith dialogue and understanding.
  • A Hosah Scientific-Cultural Theology of Sacred Air: Science, Simalungun Culture, and Christianity in Constructive Trialogue

    Sipayung, Parulihan (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    This study aims to develop a constructive theology of hosah through an interdisciplinary approach. The research involves a scientific understanding of air, the Simalungun cultural concept of hosah, and Christian theology of the Holy Spirit. It employs a trialogical method consisting of two stages, namely, descriptive-comparative and normative-constructive. The first stage explains the concepts of air, hosah, and Spirit from scientific, cultural, and theological perspectives, respectively. The second stage focuses on constructing a theology of hosah. The results of this trialogue critically analyze, enrich, and revise these concepts. Overall, the study concludes that air is more than just a gaseous compound; it is a sacred altar of life.
  • Jesus, Eunuch, and Holiness: A Holy Space for Intersex in Matthew 19:12

    Rahelia, Vika; Martoyo, Ihan (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    This article presents several views related to the interpretation of “eunuch” in Matthew 19:12. We find that alternative interpretations allow for inclusive gender variations when translating from the original language of this verse. Notably, this would include understanding the status of a eunuch, who is unable to marry or bear children. This condition could be natural from birth, inflicted by another individual, or chosen voluntarily for service or the Kingdom of God. Although the notion of “unmanliness” was considered shameful and disrespectful at the time, it was met with valorization by Jesus. Like most verses open to interpretation, this scripture has led to multiple interpretations from various perspectives. However, a common thread in Jesus’ acknowledgment of the eunuch condition is evident, and we note that only in Matthew is the natural condition of a eunuch mentioned, namely, the condition of being a eunuch from birth or the mother’s womb. Although the term “eunuch” is typically used for men who have been castrated, either voluntarily or due to external factors, reference to a natural eunuch plainly includes what we now recognize as individuals with genetic anomalies, a fact that necessitates new identifications under intersex variations.
  • Theologizing Perennial Religious Conversion: A Multi-Faith Interpretation of Acts 9:1-19 from the Sufi Notion of Wahdat al-Adyan (Unity of Religions)

    Abdillah, Aldi (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    The phenomenon of religious conversion can incite fear and prejudice against other religions, particularly those exhibiting radical moments and movements. Within the diverse context of Indonesia, the multifaceted yet deeply personal dimensions of such radical religious conversions invite further examination. A prominent historical figure who experienced such a radical religious conversion was Paul the Apostle. This article considers the text of Acts 9:1-19, which narrates his mystical encounter with Jesus while on the way to persecute the primitive Christian community in Damascus. It then moves to consider the mystical notion of Wahdat al-Adyan, or the Unity of Religions, as articulated centuries later by the Sufi mystic, Al-Hallaj (858-922 CE). My aim is to propose a theology of perennial religious conversion, or considering the religious conversion as a mystical, esoteric, and syncretic event. To do this, I adopt a perennialist philosophy as my primary framework for exploring the phenomenon of religious conversion. Informed by one of the religious conversion aspect of the Christian New Testament and mystical Islamic teachings, the multi-faith hermeneutic I construct provides opportunities to understand a given sacred text (Christianity) from the perspective of another religious tradition (Islam), thereby yielding a theology of religious conversion that is deeply relevant given Indonesia’s diversity.
  • Holy Communion as Inclusive Space of Encounter for People with Disabilities

    Tohatta, Debbie (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    This article considers Holy Communion as a meeting space of meaningful inclusivity for people with disabilities. While God’s initiative extends to all Christians to share together in table fellowship, individuals with disabilities are often less involved in the act of Holy Communion. Given conditions such as blindness, paralysis, and cognitive impairment, these Christians are frequently viewed as objects of compassion. Moreover, disabilities are often perceived in certain cultures as a result of parental or communal sins. Instead of regarding the disabilities of such persons as a symptom of sin, we must recognize that people with disabilities possess gifts bestowed by God for their life’s journey (Nancy L. Eiesland). The church, which is often indifferent to the challenges faced by people with disabilities, suffers from a lack of understanding of Christ’s role in the lives of people with disabilities (Michael S. Beates). As such, cultural values of shame felt by families often cause them to feel embarrassed about bringing their children to church or undergoing the catechetical process for their participating in Holy Communion. In contrast, the profound inclusivity of Holy Communion can help people understand that all are equal before Christ, and everyone deserves to participate in Holy Communion, accept salvation, and participate in fellowship with Christ. The church needs further education to understand Holy Communion as welcoming of everyone to encounter Christ in salvific faith and the truth that they are accepted as they are.
  • To Love Nature From Within the Divine Auspices: Reinterpreting Augustinian Uti and Frui through the Seva and Svarupa of Hinduism

    Atmoko, Ricky (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    Evangelical Christianity’s concern for nature generally follows a dualistic, utilitarian influence that can be traced back to the thought of Augustine. To escape the trap of dualism, I reinterpret the Augustinian dyad of uti (means or use) and frui (enjoyment or delight) using the Hindu notions of seva (selflessness) and svarupa (true form). In doing so, I construct the posture of loving nature from within the divine auspices—namely, to love creation in the shade of God. I employ the reinterpretative comparative theology methodology of Catherine Cornille, which makes one concept from a given religion more understandable by means of the context of another. First, the Hindu notion of svarupa can transpose the dualistic tendency of frui from being directed “to” the divine auspices of God’s being towards the non-dualistic sense of being “within” the divine shade. As such, svarupa is vital for my reinterpretation of frui. Second, the Hindu notion of seva retrieves the meaning of uti from falling into a utilitarian (or, worse still, consequentialist) mode of relating to nature without love. Likewise, I find seva helpful to inform my reinterpretation of uti. By understanding the Augustinian uti-frui binary through seva and svarupa, I propose to develop a non-dichotomous, non-utilitarian comparative environmental paradigm. Moving beyond a God-nature dualism helps Christians to see God’s love in the material world, just as taking a non-utilitarian view helps us to be concerned with the long-term impact of human actions on nature.
  • Teologi Sahala: by Riris Johanna Siagian

    Tambunan, Elia (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    A book review of Teologi Sahala.
  • The Crucifixion of Jesus: Torture, Sexual Abuse, and Scandal of the Cross: By David Tombs

    Chandra, Fang Fang (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    A book review of The Crucifixion of Jesus: Torture, Sexual Abuse, and Scandal of the Cross.
  • Evaluating the Relationship between Christianity and Indigenous Religion in the Context of the Christian Evangelical Church in Timor (Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor)

    Nenohai, Jear Niklas Doming Karniatu (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    This article examines the relationship between the Christian Evangelical Church of Timor (Gereja Masehi Injili di Timor, or GMIT) and Indigenous religions. It gives special attention to the Monthly Cultural Liturgy (Liturgi Bulan Budaya, or LBB), which is a contextual theological construct instituted by the GMIT Synod. This research explores the limited efficacy of contextual theology as the approach only aids GMIT members in observing aspects of Indigeneity within the context of Christian worship, while the LBB otherwise rejects Indigenous cultural and religious practices as errant and infidel. Despite incorporation of Indigenous values within an ecclesial milieu, the discriminatory attitudes of GMIT members towards Indigenous communities remain unaddressed within the current prism of contextual theology. Consequently, I aim to improve Christian contextual theology through studying other religions by means of the Indigenous religion paradigm. The goal is to create a more inclusive theology that encourages GMIT members to be more open and accepting of local communities practicing Indigenous religions. Such an amalgamation yields an intersubjective paradigm of contextual theology, the upshot of which makes for a more adaptive LBB that fosters relationships within the scope of GMIT’s ministerial services.
  • Cultural-Ecological Mission as a Cosmological Dialectic between Aluk Mappurondo and Christianity in Mamasa, West Sulawesi

    Saputra, Jefri Andri; Mordekai (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-12-26)
    This research explores the discord of belief between Aluk Mappurondo and Christianity in Mamasa, West Sulawesi, which is evident in residential segregation and the decline of relations between the two religions. As we aim to identify the common ground between them, the study uses a comparative approach to analyze the similarities and differences in the cosmologies of Aluk Mappurondo and Christianity. Despite their differing cosmologies, we find that Aluk Mappurondo and Christianity can coexist by defining and respecting each other's territories. They can also collaborate to uphold ethical values as well as demonstrate shared ecological concern in preserving forests and agricultural land in Mamasa.
  • Constructing a Contextual Theology of Friendship: Re-reading the Friendship Narrative between Jonathan and David through the Lens of a Batak Toba

    Sipahutar, Roy Charly (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-07-08)
    Indonesian theologians over the past decade have shown increasing interest in discussing various aspects of friendship. Unfortunately, not many have explored it from the perspective of the Old Testament (OT), in spite of the fact that several OT narratives explicitly depict interpersonal friendship—one of which tells of the close relationship between Jonathan and David as found passim throughout 1 and 2 Samuel. This article seeks both a deeper understanding of as well as fresh insights from the Jonathan-David narrative, which will be re-read through the lens of Batak Toba friendship as represented by marpadan and maraleale. Sociological, anthropological, and spiritual values of friendship are intertwined in these two important terms. In re-reading the Jonathan-David narrative, marpadan (intricate solidarity) and maraleale (deep friendship) are placed in a constructive dialogue with bĕrîth (covenant or testament in biblical Hebrew). The results of this re-reading through a Batak Toba perspective shows that the Jonathan-David relationship was not limited only to their interpersonal relationship but later expands to include intercommunal relations. Friendship is thus the willingness of both parties to open up, blend together, and always be progressively subject to mutual self-evaluation.
  • A Forgiving Community: Interpreting the Concept of Forgiveness in 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 by Means of Intercontextual Method

    Weldemina, Yudit Tiwery; Wenno, Vincent Kalvin (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-07-08)
    Public forgiveness plays a crucial role in efforts to reduce conflicts. In practice, forgiveness performed by a group or community often becomes the subject of diverse discourses. The text of 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 conveys a message about the necessity of forgiveness in a public context. The text is closely associated with the dynamic relationship between Paul, the community, and the individuals considered guilty. Paul makes a demand for the community to forgive those who have committed wrongdoings, following the example of forgiveness that he has demonstrated towards the offenders. Employing an intercontextual method, this study examines the context of public forgiveness in 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 and the forgiveness process that occurs in the post-conflict situation in Maluku. Both contexts are treated as subjects that collectively contribute creatively to determining meaning within this research. Considering both contexts, this study elaborates on the experiences of forgiveness in these two contexts simultaneously. Ultimately, the study deduces that public forgiveness is also important to be considered in reconciliation efforts. Forgiveness is not solely confined to the dimensions of personal piety or personal morality, but it also serves as a moral value that must be implemented by the entire community.
  • Repentance and Renewal of Mind: Comparing the Narrative Structures of Romans 12:1-12 and Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu

    Sugianto (Asosiasi Teolog Indonesia, 2023-07-08)
    Examining the harmony and disharmony between sacred texts and the wisdom tradition of the local community is an important step to develop a peaceful dialogue with the hope of reducing tensions, namely, in the social, cultural, and religious context of Java. In this study, the narrative structures of Romans 12:1-2 and Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu are placed in cross-textual dialogue. In particular, the author uses the actantial analytic reading method of Algirdas Julien Greimas to bridge an analysis concerning repentance and the renewal of the mind. This approach to cross-textual reading, as it is informed by Greimas' theory, focuses on the main narrative structure of Romans 12:1-2 and Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu, showing that there is both harmony that becomes the basis for dialogue but also disharmony that enriches the dialogue between these stories.

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