Es una publicación científica producida por el por el Instituto de Investigaciones Histórico Sociales de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú. El propósito principal es contribuir al esfuerzo que despliegan las Ciencias Sociales en el Perú, con el examen riguroso de la naturaleza y el contenido de las trasformaciones de la sociedad y la cultura peruana y latinoamericana. La revista Investigaciones Sociales recibe escritos originales e inéditos, producto de trabajos de investigación científicos o delantos del mismo, presentados bajo la forma de informes de investigación, ensayos o artículos, que son puestos a consideración del Comité Editor para su evaluación y publicación luego de un proceso de revisión por pares académicos. Se reciben colaboraciones de investigadores nacionales y del extranjero.La estructura de la revista cuenta con las siguientes secciones: Estudios, Temas, Apuntes y Reseñas.


The Globethics library contains articles of Investigaciones sociales as of vol. 1(1995) to current.

Recent Submissions

  • [ARTICLE RETRACTED] Anibal Quijano: a life after a debatable category

    Lora Cam, Jorge (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2021-02-01)
    NOTICE OF RETRACTION The Editorial Committee of the journal Investigaciones Sociales communicates the retraction of the following article:Lora Cam, Jorge (2020). Anibal Quijano: a life after a debatable category, (44), 143-167.The article was retracted for reproducing complete segments. The findings were published in the Article: Parraguez, Isidro (2019). Notas críticas sobre el uso de la noción de raza en la “colonialidad del poder” de Aníbal Quijano. Observatorio Latinoamericano y Caribeño, 3(1), 84-97.The Editorial Committee of the Social Research journal reached the retraction of the article due to duplicate publication and ethical problems of authorship, on December 14, 2021. The journal Investigaciones Sociales asks readers not to cite this work, and apologizes to readers for the inconvenience caused.César Espinoza ClaudioDirector
  • Occidentalism and the techno-scientific coloniality

    Jochum, Georg (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    This article interprets the coloniality of power as a synthesis of the eurocentric submission of the world and the anthropocentric domination of nature. The coloniality of modernity, which was established with the conquest of America, was expanded and transited to a project of the colonization of nature. Occidentalism thus became a project of technical progress. At present, this program undergoes an radicalization due to the spread of a ‘coloniality of technoscience’, based on an cybernetic thinking. Finally in the article will be presented new perspectives of epistemological decolonization by a critique of techno-scientific epistemology.
  • “El rocoto” in times of globalization

    Rodríguez Pastor, Humberto (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    The rocoto, among the varieties of peppers in Peru, is a very special spicy fruit between its sowers and consumers. In many Andeans places when they look for something that has fire and burns the palate, they only look for rocoto. And if it is in the home gardens it is a well-treated plant, and as it is of a sensitive spirit it must be treated with affection; Otherwise it does not bear pungent fruits, it is vengeful. If in the home garden there are many fruits are offered as gifts to relatives and neighbors and even rocoteras birds. There is a whole pedagogy to teach children how to consume it and on the other hand how it should be presented to the diners. The batán is a traditional companion of the rocoto and the millenary Andean cuisine. The rocoto is gaining importance is already achieved packaging and has global demand, is increasingly exported, He goes to other homes, but his Andean spirit does not migrate.
  • Practice self-supply in the memory of one People in the Centro-Oriente Region of Morelos-Mexico

    Saldaña Ramírez, Adriana (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    In this article the decline of self-supply practices is analyzed,focus in the “milpa” production, hunting and gathering, in the community of Tenextepango, Morelos. They had a central rol in the strategies of social reproduction of farming families until the second half of the twentieth century, however with the introduction of commercial production to supply nearby Mexico City, transformations were to the detriment of the traditional practices, remaining only in the memory of several generations. This process increased the vulnerability of rural families.
  • Masculinities and gender relationships in university students. Faculty of social sciences. UNMSM, 2015

    León Pretel, Pricila; Choque Martínez, Alejandro (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    This study describes the types of masculinities presented by young university students in the Faculty of Social Sciences at San Marcos University. The concepts guiding the research are mainly three, exposed by RW. Connel (1995), P. Bourdieu (1990) and M. Kimmel (1994). The methodology is qualitative; we applied a questionnaire designed with the Likert scale to identify the intensity of belief in each statement. Forty students from the Academic Professional Schools of Sociology, Anthropology and History participated, their ages range from 20 to 23 years old. The main results show that the university students have some elements of emerging masculinities; keeping the main elements of hegemonic masculinity, such as: authority, power and dominion of the public sphere. However, the profile that describes them would already be influenced by participants’ academic training which includes training courses on gender issue that is transverse to the educational project designed for all specialties of the faculty.
  • The associated textiles to the priestess girl in Cahuachi - Nasca

    Bastiand Atto, María Soledad (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    This article extends the research study of the archaeological textiles recovered at an exceptional Nasca culture funerary bundle. Chronologically dated to the Early intermediate period (500 B. C. – 700 A. C.) from the archaeological monument” Cahuachi”, located southeast from the nowadays city of Nasca in Ica. The present funerary bundle was recovered during the archaeological excavations in 2009 by project Nasca - 2009, leaded by Dr. Giuseppe Orefici within the agreement Peru-Italy. This time I introduce the results of textiles, which constitute the funerary of the girl known as “the priestess girl” as they represent a meaningful qualitative sample.
  • The diverse cultural universe of the Archaic Period: 10 years of research of Daniéle Lavallée and Michéle Julien on the extreme-south coast of Peru

    Silva Sifuentes, Jorge Elias; Jaime Tello, Cecilia (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    This essay reviews two aspects of the Archaic Period in the Central Andes and Peru based on data achieved by archaeological investigations in Quebrada de los Burros, Tacna, in the Peruvian southern coast conducted by Daniéle Lavallée and Michele Julien. First, the research mentioned above stands for the valuable remains found and their great antiquity, and at the same time provides an opportunity to assess the nature of the period indicated from the point of view of subsistence patterns and socio political features that emerged at this stage. Second, concomitantly with the above, it is shown that the classical definition of the Archaic period should be reevaluated.
  • Culture, individualization and violence in “heavy music” in the city of Lima (1994-2014)

    Yépez Aguirre, Jimmy (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    This study was aimed at identifying the benefits that have the qualitative method of grounded theory on the different aspects of feeling and thinking of the metaleros of Lima in order to analyze their gregarious relations in society. In this regard the following objectives: Understand that reproduces the individualization of social life, cultural commodification and fetishization of music, the feelings and thoughts of the metalheads of Lima. Use of depth interview which was applied to a nonrandom sample of 30 youth and adults metalheads (14 to 48 years as age ranges or limits). The Rockandad and Metaldad, which serve to give the interpretation to the issues raised: two conceptual categories identified. And finally a conceptual theoretical instrument called pyramidal dialectic was prepared to give way to explaining the research.
  • Neoextractivism. Debates and conflicts in countries with progressive governments in South America

    Lander, Edgardo (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2017-08-03)
    The specialization in the production of raw materials, far from allowing an accumulation that guarantees the investment in alterna-tives to the extractivism, tends to block the possibility of other activities generating processes of deindustrialization in the continent, and the deterioration of the food sovereignty. With this no alternatives to capitalism are being built, not even putting obstacles, but feeding their insatiable predatory machinery.
  • Funeral contexts associated to the Ushnu in the Archaeological Complex of Lumbra, middle valley of the Chancay-Huaral river

    Dalen Luna, Pieter D. van (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2018-02-05)
    The present article presents the finding of funerary contexts found in association with ushnu, in sector B of the archaeological complex of Lumbra. This archaeological complex is the only one in the Chancay-Huaral valley, where Tawantinsuyu architectural elements such as the Ushnu and the two kanchas have been identified in front of the square. The finding of these two funerary contexts shows new insights for the understanding of the Tawantinsuyu occupation in the middle valley of the Chancay-Huaral river.
  • Social networks, technology and youth from an approach of the body and the emotions

    Loayza Javier, Jerjes (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2018-02-05)
    We analyze the new juvenile daily life that re means the body through social networks with a virtual support. For this purpose, we describe the interactions among young people between 15 and 20 years of age belonging to the city of Lima. Through dialogues via the Facebook chat and the Watts App supported among young people, new sensibilities are identified around the body and emotions. There is a need to see and feel the other, overcoming distances and distance between sender and receiver. It also recognizes new ways of breaking links in the litany of the anonymity of virtual bodies, thereby saving suffering in the context of love relationships. Thus, the proliferation of «non-places» as spaces that lead to a contradiction between the isolation of the individual body and access to the social body as virtuality of intense social interaction is perceived.
  • Studies of Sexuality in Archaeology: theoretical and methodological approaches from a sociological interpretation

    Álvarez Chávez, Roland (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2018-02-05)
    With the present paper I tried to open and initiate a site for the reflection and the debate around the studies of sexuality in the prehispanic period, from a sociological approach and using archaeological evidence, considering that both disciplines have not coincided in the work of interpreting the material evidence on the subject so far. This paper considers an approach that focuses its analysis on the hypothesis that the subjects of past societies have had diverse sexual expressions and practices, decentralized from a fixed identityconstruction and under a richer and more fluid sexuality practices.
  • The relevance of micro-credit for micro-enterprises in Huaycan

    Vildoso Chirinos, Abelardo (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2018-02-05)
    This paper analyzes the growing use of microcredit by microentrepreneurs in the Huaycán Community (Ate, Lima), where there has been a gradual expansion of microfinance institutions. Access to this credit is key to finance the raw materials needed for their work and has been incorporated into their imaginary as a key means to develop their economy. However, state action is still limited to promote it, leaving the initiative in the private sector and neglecting the responsibility to promote the economic inclusion of microenterprises and the so-called informal sector.
  • Invisible cultures of urban poverty in Lima: Towards a decolonial theory from global financial capitalism

    Ríos Burga, Jaime (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2018-02-05)
    The article presents some aspects of reflection from the decolonial theory as situations of typical cases about new invisible cultures of urban poverty in Metropolitan Lima from the framework of the impact of financial capitalism and its new forms of coloniality.
  • Geomorphology and hazards of natural origin on slopes bordering the town of Huallanca, Province of Huaylas - Department of Ancash

    Meléndez de la Cruz, Juan Felipe (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2018-02-05)
    Water erosion and landslides are the two processes of greatest visibility in the interfluvios (slopes). The first one is reflected in slopes with gullies due to the impact of raindrops on a very sloping topography. The second is the mass movement of the surface material, which in turn is very erosive because it is «sharp» and strongly impacts the cones of the gullies or the slope of debris. The basement rock in this case is an intrusive that is very fractured and is porous being another favorable factor for erosion.
  • Meza, Mario y Víctor Condori, Historia mínima de Arequipa. Desde los primeros pobladores hasta el presente: Lima, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2018

    Calderón Valenzuela, Fernando (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2021-02-02)
    Algunas editoriales de centros de investigación se imponen, cada cierto tiempo, el desafío de publicar textos de difusión que —usando un lenguaje claro al limitar el uso de tecnicismos— sinteticen los últimos adelantos de las investigaciones científicas y los acerquen a un amplio número de lectores. Este es el caso de la colección Historias Mínimas publicada por El Colegio de México, uno de los proyectos editoriales recientes con más éxito. Siguiendo este ejemplo, entre otros, el Instituto de Estudios Peruanos ha lanzado su colección de historias mínimas de los departamentos del Perú, siendo el primer volumen la Historia mínima de Arequipa, escrito al alimón por Mario Meza y Víctor Condori.
  • The Paracas phenomenon: state of the art and a model of social explanation

    Tantaleán, Henry (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2021-02-01)
    This article presents a synthesis of the main investigations and archaeological evidence related to the Paracas phenomenon of the southern Peruvian coast, which developed during much of the first millennium before our era (800-200 BC). The main investigations, the chronology, the territory covered and the main settlements associated with the material culture linked to this social phenomenon are presented and discussed. Finally, a model of social explanation is presented to understand the social dynamics that allowed the appearance of what is known in archaeological literature as the «Paracas Culture».
  • Proposal of Economic Ecological Zoning for the Hydrographic Unit of the Chucumayo Stream - Huarochiri, Lima

    Meléndez de la Cruz, Juan Felipe (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2021-02-01)
    The Hydrographic Unit of the Chucumayo Stream is characterized by mountain reliefs, with a typical hydric regime of semi-arid environments. Soils for clean crops are scarce and are located in alluvial terraces in the lower part of the mentioned sub-basin. While in the mountains the slopes are very steep with soils of colluvial origin and with xerophytic vegetation or scrub. Traditionally, in these spaces, the population has adapted these mountain ecosystems by building agricultural terraces. In some sectors of the upper or head part of the sub-basin pastures and lagoons are located that could be conserved and provide an environmental service (tourism, water recharge or scientific research). On the other hand, the expansion of the urban areas of the town of Matucana towards the lower part of the sub-basin of the Chucumayo stream is one more example of the urbanization process that is taking place in the country. The present work of Economic Ecological Zoning updated to the year 2019 shows the possibilities of land use taking into account sustainability criteria.
  • The campa ashaninka pottery: knowledge and symbolism of a feminine technology in process of replacement

    Rojas Zolezzi, Enrique (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2021-02-01)
    The present article is a description of the techniques of production and symbolism of the production of pottery among the campa ashaninka of the peruvian Amazon. The process of replacement of this technology and its consequences for the relations between husbands and wives is also studied.
  • At the end of the expansive society? The corona crisis as a warning sign for the limits of the colonial appropiation of the web of life

    Jochum, Georg (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, 2021-02-01)
    The article argues that the coronavirus-pandemic and other recent epidemics can be interpreted as unintended side effects of the expansive penetration of technical-capitalist civilization into natural areas. The ‚colonizing‘ reconfiguration of the ecological web of life and the reduction in biodiversity increase the risk of viruses being transmitted from animals to humans. A historical review makes it clear that similar processes have accompanied human civilization history and that the colonization of nature has been accelerated since the modern expanding society developed in the 16th century. The associated capitalist-technical appropriation of the web of life is currently experiencing a comprehensive social-ecological crisis. The corona crisis also exemplifies the unsustainability of the modern expanding society and its colonial relationship with nature. In order to avoid the increase in such crises, a social-ecological transformation is necessary, which is connected with the development of a post-colonial relationship with nature and initiates the transition to a sustainable integration- society.

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