Ethik-Kodex und Ethik-Kommission (Code of Ethics and Ethics Committee)
Die Kernfrage dieser in der gegenwärtigen Diskussion etwas randständigen „Pragmatik“ der Unternehmensethik lautet: „Wie kann ethisch fundiertes Management praktisch werden?“ (The key question in this discussion addresses the somewhat marginal "pragmatism" of corporate ethics : "How can ethically sound management be practical?")Date
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Journalarif, arif (2013)
What is Moral and (or) Ethical Leadership?Ilomäki, Markus (UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ, 2014-10)Are we in need of moral and (or) ethical leadership? It is not hard to answer this question and as time has passed it has become more or less a rhetorical question. All one has to do is open the newspaper, turn on the radio or TV, to discover that someone has had to step down or resign after unethical practices in business or politics. It is not long ago that EU elected the French banker Jean-Claude Trichet to head its central bank after a delay due to Mr. Trichet being tried for fraud in France. Following this event Silvio Berlusconi received the EU presidency for the next six months while corruption charges still persist on his head (BBC News). Some months later Italian foods giant Parmalat suddenly files for bankruptcy because billions of euros are missing from its books; the list goes on and on. It is clear that if moral and ethical leadership is needed it is needed today more than ever.
Zeitschrift für Evangelische Ethik (2003)Fischer, Johannes; Frey, Christofer; Huber, Wolfgang; Körtner, Ulrich (Gütersloher Verlagshaus, 2003)