Nanjing Theological Review, published semi-annually, is the most scholarly theological academic journal published in China. Today the Nanjing Theological Review 金陵神学志 continues publication of the journal of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary (NJUTS), launched in 1953. Originally it was founded by Chen Jinyong 陈金镛, who first published it in 1914 as (Nanking) "Theological Review", with various interruptions. 1953, the NJUTS resumed the publication under the name of "Nanjing Union Theological Review", appearing since 1986 under the English title "Nanjing Theological Review". [Source: Chen Jinyong and the Nanjing Theological Review / by YAN XIYU, in Chinese Theological Review, 27(2015), p.151ss].


Globethics Library contains articles of Nanjing Theological Review as of 1994 to current, provided by CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure).