Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad
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Desde su primer número, publicado en septiembre de 2003, CTS mantiene la vocación de alcanzar una mejor articulación entre la ciencia y la sociedad en los países de América Latina y la península ibérica, así como también promover el diálogo e iniciar discusiones sobre los importantes temas relacionados con su ámbito. La mirada de CTS es regional y evalúa y publica los artículos que recibe bajo una perspectiva plural e interdisciplinaria. A lo largo de su historia ha publicado trabajos relevantes de investigadores iberoamericanos y de otras procedencias. Los artículos académicos publicados en CTS son aprobados a partir de un sistema de referato de múltiples instancias, bajo la modalidad del doble ciego. En los índices de la revista, estos trabajos conviven con monográficos sobre temas específicos, reseñas, foros, conferencias y otros documentos. A su vez, la revista integra un espacio más amplio de componentes que permiten modos más directos de interacción con el público lector. Este espacio es visible en su plataforma electrónica, en la que es posible explorar secciones que difunden artículos de portafolio, tesis y documentos de consulta, así como también números especiales y columnas de debate a las que se invita a la comunidad a participar con comentarios y nuevos textos, en una dinámica que crece a partir de la riqueza que producen estos intercambios. Desde 2007, CTS proporciona un acceso libre, abierto y gratuito a todos sus contenidos, incluidos el archivo completo de su edición cuatrimestral y los diferentes productos presentados en su plataforma electrónica. Esta decisión se sustenta en la creencia de que ofrecer un acceso libre a los materiales publicados ayuda a un mayor y mejor intercambio del conocimiento. A su vez, para el caso de su edición cuatrimestral, la revista permite a los repositorios institucionales y temáticos, así como también a las web personales, el auto-archivo de los artículos en su versión post-print o versión editorial, inmediatamente después de la publicación de la versión definitiva de cada número y bajo la condición de que se incorpore al auto-archivo un enlace a la fuente original. Los números de CTS y sus artículos individuales están bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC-BY).
The Globethics library contains num. 1(2003) to current.
Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional (CC-BY).
Recent Submissions
Movilización de científicos y científicas a partir de un contexto de jerarquización de la ciencia en Argentina (2012-2019)In Argentina, since 2003, the policies of expansion and hierarchization of the scientific-technological system have involved a significant increase in the number of highly qualified human resources through doctoral scholarship programs and the expansion of access to the main national science and technology organizations. However, the number of people with doctoral degrees seeking labor insertion exceeded the real possibilities of absorption, causing saturation of the system, which deepened in the face of budget adjustments after the change of government in 2015. From then on, the meaning of doctoral degrees and the labor insertion of their graduates was consolidated as a social problem in dispute. This article presents results of a research that investigates the process of consolidation of political spaces between 2012 and 2019 in Argentina, in which science workers grouped together and developed strategies to mobilize claims regarding the lack of guarantees of access and working conditions.
Análisis del gobierno electrónico desde el perfil de los ciudadanos: El caso de un municipio de ArgentinaThis article examines the social and demographic factors that explain the e-government adoption level (EGA) by citizens. EGA has an ordinal nature and includes different digital platforms from official websites to social networks. Data was obtained from an online survey made between October and November 2020 to citizens from Bahía Blanca, Argentina. An ordered logistic regression model was estimated. Among the main findings, it stands out that the higher the educational level and the older the age, the propensity to adopt higher levels of e-government increases. Using Internet at work also explains the high levels of adoption. Being a woman positively explains the changes of adopting e-government instead of not doing it, while the option “Other gender” has lower chances in each level of AGE.
La entidad agropecuaria: Un entorno formativo para contribuir a la educación CTSStudent training in agricultural careers requires a solid scientific-technological background. This implies the development of procedures that integrate STS education (science, technology, and society) with the proper training to develop an ethic for the sustainable development of agriculture. This article focuses on the characteristics of the agricultural entities that contribute to STS education and encourage the development of a greater commitment, both in the deployment of productive and training scenarios and the performance of specialists in the training of agricultural professionals, and facilitate a professional performance in correspondence with the practice of sustainable agriculture.
Las revistas de antropología en América Latina gestionadas por estudiantes (grado y posgrado) y jóvenes graduados (2000-2022)In Latin America, undergraduate and postgraduate anthropology students make use of a variety of formal and informal channels of scientific communication to connect, share and disseminate their research and knowledge: academic journals, conferences and academic events, social media, blogs and discussion groups. The aim of this article is to present an analysis of the main characteristics of anthropology academic journals created and managed by students and young researchers in Latin America, in order to make visible the importance of student scientific production in the field of anthropology in the region. Thus, a database was created over the already available database on the Internet, reaching to a total amount of 13 journals. Based on that information, a quantitative analysis was carried out, considering periodic publications from 2000 to 2022 as a unit of analysis. It was possible to identify the main formal aspects that characterize these journals and to contextualize the scientific production achieved by students, considering the access to the web 2.0 and the availability of computer technologies that allowed for a greater dissemination of science. To conclude, this research enables us to provide preliminary information about the main characteristics of these publications, in order to highlight the fact that scientific production by students in Latin America contributes significantly to the development of anthropology in the region.
“¿Te puedo hacer una pregunta personal?”: Re-flexiones en torno al lenguaje y la construcción del género en el diseño de software a partir de una interacción con el Asistente de GoogleThis article proposes a critical articulation between some contributions of the technofeminist co-constitution perspective in relation to “gender scripts” and a cut of Donna Haraway’s cyborg feminism. Within this framework, we re-flect on the importance of language as a materiality for the “content” in the design and development of software, based on the analysis of a case of interaction with Google Assistant. In addition, we present the potential of a alternative software that questions the bases of gender stereotypes reproduced by voice assistants.
Metaverso, identidad virtual y mundos paralelosThis article presents an analysis of the relevance of virtuality in contemporary reality, but also on its impact on the production of digital identities, and, in turn, on how they are developed in those worlds that we call “parallel” or metaverses. The article is presented in three sections: firstly, the question of identity; secondly, a differentiation between the real and the virtual; and thirdly, parallel worlds. The approach used is rooted in complex, non-linear and rhizomatic thinking. The main conclusion reached is that an ethical, inclusive, and responsible position is required in the face of these demands. Once it has been built, it will be possible to think of an augmented world-reality with an interface that could work as a navigation base.
La vida exterior del Prozac: Depresión y tecnocienciaOver the second half of the 20th century, our experience and understanding of the affective domain have changed profoundly. Regarding negative feelings, a key point has been the rise of the category of depression. This article examines part of this history to argue for an understanding of depression as a category of technoscience, thus exploring some of the epistemological and political problems that this implies. With the aim of analyzing the role played by the development, commodification, and consumption of antidepressants in the expansion of the diagnostic category of depression, this article works with the idea of an “outer life” of pills. This notion seeks to bring together, on the one hand, a consideration of the commodified and sociocultural circulation of antidepressants and, on the other hand, an emphasis on their material effects, understood however as inseparable from such circulation. With a critical and interdisciplinary approach, and drawing on insights and debates from new materialisms and science studies, this article intervenes in complex current controversies about depression and antidepressants, highlighting the inseparability of biology and politics in contemporary discussions about distress and its treatments.
La coproducción entre el modelo lineal de innovación y las políticas científico-tecnológicas en Argentina: El caso de la pandemia por COVID-19During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Argentine State adopted a dual strategy, characterized by: i) negotiations to import vaccines from a peripheral context in the geopolitics of vaccines; ii) a deployment of policy instruments to transform scientific-technological (S&T) capabilities into health technologies. This article analyzes those S&T and innovation policies in the face of the pandemic, the coalitions between key actors and the artifacts gathered around these policies, and the repositioning of the State and scientific-technological institutions during the health crisis. The research is based on the analysis of key actors’ discourses extracted from journalistic notes, triangulated with the co-productionist approach of social studies of science and technology and the historical revisionism of the trajectory of key S&T Argentine institutions. It analyzes the imaginaries, representations and expectations built on the State, the private sector, and the S&T sector, co-produced with public policies and embedded in the analyzed discourses in the context of the response to the pandemic in Argentina. It is argued that representations of the linear innovation model as the guiding axis of national STI policy prevail in the discourses, as well as imaginaries of a “present State” and of “science as an isolated entity” mobilized in the pursuit of health sovereignty.
Los programas nucleoeléctricos de Argentina, Brasil y México: Un estudio comparativo de estrategias de desarrollo tecnológicoEntre as décadas de 1960 e 1980 Argentina, Brasil e México empreenderam a construção de usinas nucleares. Embora os três países compartilhassem objetivos semelhantes em termos de autonomia tecnológica na matéria, as estratégias seguidas apresentaram diferenças significativas, o que resultou em diferentes graus de desenvolvimento de suas capacidades científico-tecnológicas e industriais, bem como no exercício do poder nacional de decisão no cenário internacional. O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar um estudo comparativo para estabelecer quais foram as diferentes estratégias implementadas e identificar os resultados obtidos em termos de capacidades tecno-produtivas, a partir do reconhecimento da importância da interrelação entre fatores locais e os condicionamentos internacionais.
La decisión de emigrar o retornar: La percepción de las diferencias entre sistemas científicos en trayectorias científicas internacionalesScientific mobility is conditioned by the availability of material infrastructures and the prestige of national scientific systems, but the decision to migrate is not automatic; it involves an appreciation of the differences derived from these conditions and their implications for one’s own professional trajectory. Studies on highly skilled migration and scientific exodus highlight the confluence of structural and psycho-social dimensions that explain the decision to migrate. By reconstructing international scientific trajectories, this article analyses the structural and psycho-social factors related to the decision to migrate at two points in time: 1) the migrant’s initial perception of the differences between the situation in the country of origin and that in the country of destination, as well as the potential impact of international mobility on his or her career path; 2) after settlement (temporary, permanent or recursive), the comparison of his or her development prospects in different countries. The remembrance and discussion of development perspectives revealed the centrality of dependency relations and interconnectedness to the wider environment -family, social, political- and contingencies, both in the country of origin or return -Argentina- and in the destination countries: Germany and Spain.
Representaciones sindicales sobre el cambio tecnológico en la Argentina contemporáneaThis article presents the main results of a research carried out in Argentina in recent years, with the objective of analyzing the position of unions in relation to implicit technologies in the work process. From a socio-technical perspective, an empirical study was carried out in order to recover the representations built by a group of unions around technological change and its effects on different dimensions of work and employment destruction or creation of jobs, improvement or impoverishment of labor conditions, among others. Our findings do not claim to present a universal or homogeneous view of Argentine unions on the innovations implemented in productive processes. However, this article constitutes a significant contribution to STS studies, since it incorporates the generally veiled position of workers and their organizations into the debate.
Género y divulgación científica: Reflexiones a partir de una década de análisis del CSICThis article examines the involvement of the scientific and technical staff of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC, due to its initials in Spanish) in public engagement activities over the last decade, with particular attention to the gender perspective. Through a system of indicators specifically developed for the CSIC, the commitment and role of the staff involved in these activities is analyzed, providing an insight into the gender dynamics. The data reveal an increase over the years in overall involvement, for both men and women, with women being predominantly associated with management, organization, and coordination roles in public engagement activities in a proportion of 70-30%, while a balanced presence between sexes is observed in the general participation of personnel in dissemination activities. This result requires further analysis to delve into degree of participation, and responsibilities, as well as to better understand the differences that exist between institutes, centers, and units.
«Nosotras» y L’Oréal: Razones para divulgar sobre científicas españolasThis article aims to analyze the scientific communication initiative Nosotras, Biocientíficas españolas. Published by L'Oréal (2002) after Margarita Salas won the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Prize, this book compiles the testimonies of hundreds of women dedicated to life sciences research in Spain and accounts for the confluence, interests and values present in the communication of science within a techno-scientific society. Based on an analysis of the L'Oréal publication, this article proposes a qualitative methodology and reflects on what makes science communication feminist.
PRESENTACIÓN: Cuestiones actuales de ciencia y tecnologíaEste dossiê apresenta alguns dos trabalhos apresentados nos simpósios especiais do XIV Congresso Ibero-Americano de Ciência, Tecnologia e Gênero, realizado em Madri de 13 a 15 de setembro de 2023. Esperamos que esses trabalhos contribuam para o debate e a reflexão sobre conceitos, práticas, modelos, teorias e formas de fazer as coisas, com base no respeito às diferenças e à diversidade, e sirvam para construir um mundo melhor.
Las mujeres científicas y su participación en la comunicación de riesgos en la vacunación contra el COVID-19This article presents an exploration of a set of messages issued by different members of the Colombian public administration on the social network X, in which risk communication about vaccination against COVID-19 was carried out. A preliminary review of the messages identified a less than extensive involvement of experts, who are reliable and relevant sources for effective risk communication on vaccines and vaccination. It was found that the participation of female scientists was quantitatively lower, so questions arise in relation to this phenomenon. How many female scientists were consulted by the public administration to resolve doubts regarding vaccines and vaccination? What motivated the selection of these experts? Was there a gender gap in the consultation with experts? The research shows that there are still gaps that go beyond academic training and are related to other aspects.
Integración de la inteligencia artificial en la educación superior: Un análisis con perspectiva de géneroThe emergence of generative artificial intelligence (GAI) poses complex challenges to the educational system, especially in the university environment. The adoption of this technology promises to improve administrative tasks, support teaching practice and personalize learning, among other benefits. However, its integration and use require that teachers have not only instrumental skills, but also critical and reflective skills about the scope and risks associated with AI. This article describes the disposition of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Education of the University of La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain) towards the integration of AI in their professional practice. Through an empirical analysis with a gender focus, it is revealed that, although there are no significant differences between genders in terms of willingness to adopt AI, there are differences in the perception of associated risks and biases. On the other hand, the need to promote training activities from university management to facilitate literacy for all groups is evident.
Investigación en divulgación de la ciencia: Un estudio de los artículos científicos en América LatinaWith the aim of presenting an updated panorama of academic production in science communication in Latin America, 1633 articles published in 544 journals between 1985 and 2020, written by 2900 authors, were analyzed. These articles were searched in scientific databases using descriptors related to the area of science communication. The results point to a field that has been growing steadily over time and more intensified in the last decade. Academic production in Latin American science communication remains concentrated in a few countries. Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, and Colombia together concentrate 93.8% of this production, with Brazil being the field's main production location. Women stand out in the authorship of articles. The articles are mostly qualitative and have as main approaches documentary research, bibliographic research, case studies and questionnaires. The relationship between media, both traditional and digital, and science is the most present focus in research. The authors prefer the term “science communication” to refer to this academic field. The portrait is of a field scattered in several academic journals, with few authors with publication frequency and with reduced international collaboration.
Inequidad de género en las universidades venezolanasThe progressive feminisation of student enrolment in university education is a reality throughout Latin America. However, even though women achieve university degrees in greater numbers and attain the highest university rankings in greater proportion than men, there is a very low representation of women in top leadership positions. This article provides a description of the presence of women in top university management positions in some public universities in Venezuela. Its objectives include understanding the composition of university leadership teams in Venezuelan public universities, and highlighting the gender gap in university positions. It is essential for gender studies related to university activities to be deepened with the aim of uncovering the mechanisms of gender inequality in university institutions that prevent women from fully participating at all levels. Empowering women and promoting gender equity are fundamental actions for accelerating sustainable development.