Revue de théologie et de philosophie
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The Revue de théologie et philosophie was founded in 1868, within the three Universities of Geneva, Lausanne and Neuchâtel. It has an interdisciplinary outline: It presents historical topics, matters of present interest, recent works in Theology and Philosophy. It is dedicated to the dialogue between these two fields. Intermittently it publishes issues on a specific theme. Usually the articles are in French. Previous titles of the revue for the period 1873-1911: "Revue de théologie et de philosophie et compte rendu des principales publications scientifiques"; period 1868-1872: "Théologie et philosophie : compte-rendu des principales publications scientifiques à l'étranger".
The Globethics library contains articles of the Revue de théologie et philosophie as of vol. 1(1913) to current (embargo 60 months).