Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project: Rapid Climate Change Threat and Vulnerability Assessment
The Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project aims to enhance connectivity across provinces of southern Viet Nam and Ho Chi Minh City. It includes two major bridges, a 15-kilometer road connecting the two bridges, and approach roads. Given the high exposure of the Mekong Delta to severe flooding, a climate risk and vulnerability assessment was conducted to assess the vulnerability of the project to climate change. The assessment report provides a better understanding of climate change threats to the project infrastructure. It also provides project stakeholders with information necessary for consensus building for the adoption of a robust approach to responding to climate change. The study illustrates that a constrained time frame and limited resources may not be significant impediments to the undertaking of climate risk vulnerability assessments, which can provide valuable information at the project design stage to increase the climate resilience of large investment projects.adb, asian development bank, asdb, asia, pacific, poverty asia, central mekong delta, climate change adaptation mekong area, climate change mekong region, mekong river floodplain, mekong basin flooding, climate change vulnerability mekong area, adb connectivity project