تقديمات حديثة

  • National values in Vietnam and the world : new contexts, challenges and opportunities

    Nguyen, Tan Dong; Stückelberger, Christoph (Globethics Publications, 2025-02-18)
    Worldwide, national identities are challenged by fast technological and economic transitions, political polarization and cultural changes. Vietnam is strengthening its national identity by a fascinating multiyear process of national values dialogue. Vietnam’s current socialist model, incorporating a socialist-oriented market economy, a rule-of law socialist state, and a socialist democracy, is looking at the integration of its traditional cultural values with future orientations. This volume includes 32 articles of authors from Vietnam, but also China, Europe and the Philippines. They cover a broad range of topics, from culture to family, from socialism to patriotism, from justice to wealth, from history to international integration. The contributions are the result of the International Conference on “National Values in the New Context”, held in July 2023 in Hanoi.
  • Handbook on artificial intelligence and quality higher education. Vol. 2, AI and curriculum development for the future

    Okebukola, Peter Akinsola (Sterling Publishers, Slough UK and Delhi, India, 2025)
  • L’essentiel sur les droits humains et les libertés publiques en droit comparé

    Sankieme Lusanga, Ange (Globethics Publications, 2025-01-23)
    Les libertés publiques sont des libertés individuelles et collectives garanties et constituent un sous-ensemble des droits fondamentaux. Au niveau interne, les libertés publiques sont réparties dans trois catégories principales : - les droits civils et politiques, - les droits économiques et sociaux, - les droits collectifs ou communautaires. Les citoyens de l’Union européenne jouissent d’un grand nombre de droits et libertés qui sont consacrés par la charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne ainsi que par les traités européens. La Cour constitutionnelle de la RDC, gardienne des libertés fondamentales peut s’inspirer de la jurisprudence de Cour-EDH et de la CJUE traitée dans l’ouvrage.
  • Governing AI for humanity : final report

    United Nations. AI advisory body, 2024-09
    The United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence (HLAB-AI) released its final report “Governing AI for Humanity” today. It builds on months of extensive global consultations and the publication of an interim report in December 2023. The uniquely diverse Advisory Body is the world’s first and most representative expert group capable of reflecting humanity’s aspirations for AI. This groundbreaking report outlines a blueprint for addressing AI-related risks and sharing its transformative potential globally, including by: • Urging the UN to lay the foundations of the first globally inclusive and distributed architecture for AI governance based on international cooperation; • Proposing seven recommendations to address gaps in current AI governance arrangements; • Calling on all governments and stakeholders to work together in governing AI to foster development and protection of all human rights. (Press release UN Secretary-General’s High-level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence, New York, NY, September 19, 2024).
  • Ethical leadership and investment for a sustainable future : a reference manual

    Globethics; Ogara, William Otiende (Globethics Publications, 2024-10-15)
    This Reference Manual has been prepared as a result of the African Church Assets Programme (ACAP) journey, initiated by the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) General Assembly in Kampala, Uganda in 2013. The learning made available in the Manual through case studies, actionable steps and the self-assessment questionnaire are provided with the aim to promote ethical leadership and practices within churches and church-related organizations. It is designed as a guide and reference for leaders within these organizations, offering insights, strategies, and practical tools to promote integrity and accountability in all facets of their roles. At its core, ethical leadership in faith- based organizations is rooted in the principles of transparency, honesty, integrity, inclusivity, accountability and righteousness. Leaders are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of stewarding not only the resources and missions of their organizations but also the spiritual well-being and trust of their communities. By applying the strategies and principles contained in this Manual, it is possible to engage in transformative change, which is all about restoring a culture of improved ethical leadership and investment in our institutions. Welcome, and feel encouraged to use and to share this Reference Manual with others.
  • Belief, dialogue and security : fostering dialogue and joint action across religious and belief boundaries

    OSCE/ODIHR, 2024
    ODIHR has developed this guide in response to calls from participating States to give them guidance and practical tools to help them create an environment that enables fruitful dialogue and joint action across religious and belief boundaries. The guide does not push a ‘one‑size‑fits‑all’ model, instead offering guidance about the questions and factors states should consider when approaching the subject. It discusses how to select initiatives and support them in practice. It includes examples of good practice and interviews with actors engaged in dialogue and joint action initiatives across a broad range of contexts.
  • AI governance ethics : artificial intelligence with shared values and rules

    Stückelberger, Christoph; Rocamora, María Merchán; DUGGAL, PAVAN; Singh, Divya (Globethics Publications, 2024-10-08)
    Artificial Intelligence influences already almost all sectors of society, from production, consumption and recycling of products to education and media, from agriculture to military. The search for AI governance from voluntary standards to international convention and standards is fast and urgent. This book unites contributions of authors from all continents. It also offers a representative collection of official recommendations and guidelines on AI governance from national governments, continental entities like EU and AU to UN-organisations.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 3, Europe

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-09-18)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This third volume is collated as follows: Volume 3: Short introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the European country reports. Compared to Africa and Asia (presented in volume 1 and 2), Europe is a relatively small and homogenous continent. But their submitted reports may surprise by their huge variety. They are written in English, the “lingua franca” of business while many of them were carried out in the respective languages, e.g., in Spanish, Italian, German, Estonian and Hungarian. The differences range from business ethics activities being closely guided by international standards such as the PRME (“Principles for Responsible Management Education”) in Ireland and recent Directives of the European Union in Denmark to priorities of struggling with “non-financial disclosure and accounting” in Italy and to “post-war reconstruction” and “moral leadership of the business elite” in Ukraine. It is obvious that the socio-political and cultural context of the country (i.e., the systemic or macro-conditions) shape to a large extent the decision-making and acting of business enterprises and educational organizations as well as individuals at the meso- and micro-levels, respectively. The European reports are presented in this volume and include Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany-Austria-Switzerland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Ukraine.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 2, Asia, Australia, Russia and America

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-08-29)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This second volume is collated as follows: Volume 2: Short introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the reports from Asia, Australia, Russia, South and North America. While volume 1 and volume 3 present the country reports from one continent, that is, from Africa and Europe, respectively, in contrast, this volume 2 contains 13 reports from five continents and includes seven from the ten most populous countries on Earth (Worldometers 2024): India (1,428,627,663), China (1,425,671,352), United States 339,996,563), Indonesia(277,534,122), Brazil (216,422,446), Russia (144,444,359) and Mexico (128,455,567). Adding the most populous country in volume 1, that is, Nigeria with 223,804,632 people, the GSBE book includes a total of 4,184,976,704 people or ca. 52% of the world population (8,118,835,999). Given this enormous population, the reports in this volume can only provide some tiny, but not insignificant insights of the huge diversity of challenges and opportunities in the field of business ethics. The reports are presented in this volume and include Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Australia, Russia, Latin America, Brazil, United States, and Mexico.
  • Chinese values : conception and practice [vol.2]

    Liu, Baocheng (Globethics PublicationsCenter for International Business Ethics (CIBE), 2024-07-17)
    China stands as a testament to a profound and enduring history under a unified regime in succession, a vibrant and dynamic present, and a crucial role on the world stage. This book endeavors to uncover and interpret the moral values of China, considering its rich historical, political, and cultural contexts with a critical perspective. It reveals the rationale and legitimacy behind the proposition of socialist values that define contemporary China. Through its nuanced approach, this book provides readers with a deep and critical understanding of the Chinese cognitive framework, collective attitudes and behaviors, all shaped by its enduring unique cultural norms and institutional settings.
  • Chinese values : conception and practice [vol.1]

    Liu, Baocheng (Globethics PublicationsCenter for International Business Ethics (CIBE), 2024-07-16)
    China stands as a testament to a profound and enduring history under a unified regime in succession, a vibrant and dynamic present, and a crucial role on the world stage. This book endeavors to uncover and interpret the moral values of China, considering its rich historical, political, and cultural contexts with a critical perspective. It reveals the rationale and legitimacy behind the proposition of socialist values that define contemporary China. Through its nuanced approach, this book provides readers with a deep and critical understanding of the Chinese cognitive framework, collective attitudes and behaviors, all shaped by its enduring unique cultural norms and institutional settings.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 1, Introduction and Africa

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-08-05)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This first volume is collated as follows: Volume 1: Introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the African country reports. This introduction provides a useful context and understanding with which to read the various countries’ reports: the historic reports that informed and guided the current GSBE; the process followed in crafting the GSBE content and the process embarked upon; the various themes that formed the framework of our data; data collection; the various methodological considerations and methodologies selected and sample sizes; data analysis; and presentation of the results. Extracts of the survey and various translations are also provided. The African reports are presented in this volume and include Angola, Burundi, Kenya, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, and Uganda.
  • L’art de bien gouverner la république. Tome 2, Les pratiques de prise de décision et leurs effets dans les politiques publiques

    Diangitukwa, Fweley (Globethics Publications, 2024-07-09)
    Ce livre rassemble les enjeux géopolitiques et géoéconomiques du réalisme politique dans le contexte africain. Pour réussir dans la vie politique, il faut un mélange de détermination, d’éthique, d’équité, de prégnance et surtout de persévérance. Il ne suffit pas d’avoir une idée claire de ce que l’on veut, encore faut-il trouver les moyens de réaliser son objectif. Pour être efficient, le réalisme lucide recommande des moyens éprouvés de survie collective. Un pays devrait se doter de dirigeants compétents et non poursuivre des utopies sans principe du bien socialement établi. Transposant les préceptes de l’éducation du dirigeant réaliste classique au contexte africain, voici toute l’entreprise de l’auteur qui peint un tableau splendide du bon leader, de sa capacité d’anticipation, de décision et de son caractère intègre. Un vrai manuel pour comprendre la notion d’équilibre des pouvoirs à l’usage du leadership politique.
  • Friedensethik der Zukunft : Zugänge, Perspektiven und aktuelle Herausforderungen

    Halbmayr, Alois; Mautner, Josef (transcript Verlag, 2024-04-01)
    Die Zukunft der Friedensethik steht auf dem Spiel: Der Krieg in Europa und asymmetrische Konflikte weltweit bringen das Konzept in Bedrängnis. Die Beiträger*innen stellen sich dieser Herausforderung und entwickeln Entwürfe für ein positives und umfassend formuliertes Friedensverständnis. Sie beleuchten verschiedene Zugänge sowie die gegenwärtige Entwicklung der Friedensethik und diskutieren aktuelle Probleme. Anhand des Israel-Palästina-Konflikts, des Kriegs in der Ukraine, der europäischen Asyl- und Migrationspolitik sowie konkreter Praktiken der regionalen Friedensarbeit im deutschsprachigen Raum wird deutlich: Eine neue Friedensethik ist nötig und möglich.
  • Environment of peace : security in a new era of risk

    Alvarado Cóbar, José (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), 2022)
    The environmental crisis is increasing risks to security and peace worldwide, notably in countries that are already fragile. Indicators of insecurity such as the number of conflicts, the number of hungry people and military expenditure are rising; so are indicators of environmental decline, climate change, biodiversity, pollution and other areas. In combination, the security and environmental crises are creating compound, cascading, emergent, systemic and existential risks. Without profound changes in approach by institutions of authority, risks will inevitably proliferate quickly. Environment of Peace: Security in a New Era of Risk surveys the evolving risk landscape and documents a number of developments that indicate a pathway to solutions—in international law and policy, in peacekeeping operations and among non-governmental organizations. It finds that two principal avenues need to be developed: (a) combining peacebuilding and environmental restoration, and (b) effectively addressing the underlying environmental issues. It also analyses the potential of existing and emerging pro-environment measures for exacerbating risks to peace and security. The findings demonstrate that only just and peaceful transitions to more sustainable practices can be effective—and show that these transitions also need to be rapid. Environment of Peace: Security in a New Era of Risk offers policy principles and recommendations for navigating this new era of risk. A longer report setting out the evidence base in detail will be published later this year.
  • Dictionnaire pratique des élections : M-Z

    Kapanga Mutombo, Ferdinand (Globethics PublicationsÉcole de Formation Électorale en Afrique Centrale (EFEAC), 2024-05-01)
    Guide parfait du savoir électoral pour: Enrichir le vocabulaire politique, électoral et parlementaire ; Éduquer, sensibiliser et former les électeurs ainsi que les membres et agents des OGE; Connaître les paradoxes, les avantages, les désavantages des systèmes électoraux, les calculs de voix et de répartition des sièges électoraux ; Connaître comment adresser les questions du genre dans le cadre des élections ; Raffermir les connaissances des praticiens et professionnels des élections ; Connaître les comportements électoraux dans le monde.
  • Digital ethics : a teaching handbook

    Frischherz, Bruno; Millar, Gordon (Globethics Publications, 2024-04-30)
    This "Digital Ethics" handbook emphasises ethics in the digital era, targeting educators in higher education. It comprises three main chapters: “Digital Ethics” covers technology-society dynamics, a range of ethical approaches and tools, and contemporary issues such as data ethics, AI ethics, and corporate digital responsibility ; “Teaching Digital Ethics” focuses on a range of teaching methods to foster ethical literacy, encouraging reflection on personal and societal values ; “Ethical Decision Making” explores professional ethics, offering a structured decision-making template and comparing human and AI decision-making. In conclusion, the text recognises the dynamic nature of digital ethics.
  • A declaration on the “Russian World” (Russkii mir) teaching

    Public Orthodoxy (Public Orthodoxy ; Orthodox Christian Studies Center, Fordham University, 2022-03-13)

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