Does It Really Care? the Harvard Report on Health Care Reform for Hong Kong
Po-wah, Julia Tao LaiKeywords
Advisory CommitteesAltruism
Common Good
Family Relationship
Government Financing
Government Regulation
Health Care
Health Care Delivery
Health Care Reform
Health Insurance
Moral Obligations
Private Sector
Public Health
Public Opinion
Public Policy
Public Sector
Social Interaction
Vulnerable Populations
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This paper aims to provide a rendition of the care ethic in Confucian philosophy and to argue that social policy developments in Hong Kong society, including health care policy, have been significantly shaped and justified in terms of the ideal of care in the Confucian moral tradition. On the basis of this analysis, the paper raises a number of questions about a recent proposal for health care reform for Hong Kong put forth by the Harvard School of Public Health which argues for adopting the principle of equity as the overriding value for the moral foundation of Hong Kong's health care system. The paper examines how the over-emphasis on equity in the Harvard Report proposals can lead to the erosion of care and ultimately the eclipse of the vision of care in Hong Kong's health care system. It argues that the pursuit of equity, which is itself a valuable principle, should not displace the importance of the value of care or undermine the ideal of care and that health care decisions must be firmly embedded in local cultures and moral traditions.Date
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 1999 Dec; 24(6): 571-590.
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