A Consideration of International Surrogacy Under Act-Utilitarian Ethics
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Surrogacy is the practice of a woman who gestates a fetus for another person or couple. Through a contracted agreement, the surrogate gives up the child to this person or couple, who then adopt the baby. Surrogacy companies in other countries than the United States, especially India, has become very prevalent and successful. The surrogates conceivably earn much more money than they ever could at their permanent jobs, as well as often receiving housing and healthcare during and/or after their pregnancy. From a utilitarian point of view, international surrogacy is generally morally permissible because there are many more benefits to all parties involved than it harms either party. Utilitarian ethical principles hold that the ethically permissible choice is the one that does the most good for the greatest amount of people. Following utilitarian logic, there are several downfalls to international surrogacy, but the benefits far outweigh them, which leads to the conclusion that international surrogacy is ethically permissible.Date