Технологии социализации экономики знаний в ресурсодобывающем регионе
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В статье получает практическое развитие в системе социальных технологий предложенная ранее авторами концепция социализации экономики знаний в ресурсодобывающем регионе. Существующие технологии социализации анализируются на двух уровнях: мезои микроэкономическом. В экономике знаний предлагается дополнить их такой новой технологией, как управление знаниями.The authors set the goal to analyze the existing technologies of mesoand micro-economies socialization in a resource extraction region by examples of Tomsk and Kemerovo Oblasts from the perspective of the knowledge economy formation, and to supplement these technologies with an adequate new one. To achieve the goal of the study the following problems are set and solved. 1. The socio-economic nature of resource extraction enterprise is revealed. In the knowledge economy it is determined by the growing role of implementation in material production of the scientific knowledge owned by employees. The authors admit that today the interests of such subjects of social and labor relations as the knowledge holders and the owners of physical and financial capital often do not coincide. As a result, knowledge of employees is appropriated by the owners of enterprises and declared as "the knowledge of the company". Accordingly, ostensibly for its effective use, the technology of knowledge management based on information and communication technologies is developed. However, the authors consider the capitalization of the knowledge of employees, i.e. its conversion into the ownership of the business owner, to be the true purpose of knowledge management of modern companies. Thus, it is ascertained that the development of social and labor relations in the knowledge economy is directly related to the process of knowledge management. 2. For the first time knowledge management is defined as a new technology of socialization of a resource extraction enterprise and a resource extraction region as a whole. It is proved that in the modern economy there are no efficient industries and enterprises which ignore intellectual resources in the production. Knowledge management as a social technology at the micro level is a way to form a company as a collective of people with advanced scientific knowledge in their field. The authors realize that technologization only makes it easier to manage. The essence of knowledge management is not technologization, but people working together and exchanging their knowledge in this process. The authors hope that the development of technologies of knowledge economy socialization in a resource extraction region will contribute to the advance of theoretical research in the field of economic sociology and sociology of management, will provide practical assistance to regional authorities, the heads of state and commercial enterprises in the development of programs and projects to improve the efficiency of production and economic activity, to increase the quality of life in the regions.