Роль и место корпораций в сокращении бедности в условиях трансформационной экономики
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На основе ранее уточненного содержания категории «бедность» в условиях трансформационной экономики рассмотрены механизмы и инструменты корпорационного воздействия на её сокращение в современных условиях.Poverty has always existed during the history of humanity but the acute attention to such problem is indicative only of an economically and socially mature society. On the basis of the author's previously specified definition of an economic category of poverty during transformational economy, the author outlined the mechanisms and instruments of a corporation's influence on the poverty reduction in the modern economic conditions. The main mechanisms of a corporation in the fight against poverty are system of social guarantees and rewards; system of quality control and productivity; and modernization of production processes. The main instruments of a corporation's influence on the poverty reduction are long-term labor contracts; bonuses for high quality work and innovation activity; material subsidies in the times of emergencies; and “loyalty pensions”. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept that indicates that a corporation takes into account the societal interests while taking responsibility of influence on its workers, suppliers, stockholders, community organizations and the environment. CSR believes that corporations voluntarily assume the mission of increasing the life quality of its stakeholders and the society, as a whole. As a proponent of CSR, the author also believes that a corporation will play an important role in her structural-logical model of combating poverty in the conditions of transformational economy. While government will still play a key part in the poverty reduction, the role of the corporations in the newest Russian history will steadily continue to increase.