Responsabilidade social empresarial
Corporate social responsibility.
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[Resumo] Este traballo trata sobre a responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE) en materia de igualdade de xénero, co obxectivo de estudar as medidas tomadas polas empresas neste campo e a súa regulación legal. A sociedade iniciou unha transformación nos últimos anos e as empresas non poden seguir o seu tráfico mercantil sen outra bandeira que a dos beneficios a calquera prezo de costas a ela, deixando á marxe o 50% dos seus recursos humanos, as mulleres, como viñeran facendo até agora. É algo que a sociedade, os gobernos e as organizacións internacionais non poden permitir máis. O social, o económico e o ético deben ser compatibles e rendibles para as empresas e para a sociedade, unha loita en que cómpre que mulleres e homes traballen ao unísono. Ora ben, poden axudar as medidas de responsabilidade social tal e como hoxe están reguladas?[Abstract] The core of this paper is about corporate social responsibility measures in the field of gender equality. The objectives are the study of the measures taken by companies and their legal regulation. The society that until now we have known has been changing in recent years, it has begun a transformation and companies cannot continue their commercial traffic seeking profits at any cost and leaving out 50 percent of their staff, women in particular, as they have been doing until now. The social, economic and ethical aspects should be compatible and profitable for companies and for society and in this struggle both women and men must work together. But can measures, as regulated now, be a vehicle of social responsibility?
info:eu-repo/semantics/articleIdentifier da Facultade de Ciencias do Traballo da Universidade da Coruña, 2013,4:207-217.ISSN: 2173-9811