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Colecciones en esta comunidad

Envíos recientes

  • Leadership et investissement éthique vers un avenir durable : un manuel de référence

    Globethics; Ogara, William Otiende (Globethics Publications, 2025-01-29)
    Ce manuel de référence a été préparé dans le cadre du Programme sur les biens des Églises africaines (ACAP), initié par l'Assemblée générale de la Conférence des églises de toute l'Afrique (CETA) à Kampala, en Ouganda, en 2013. L'apprentissage proposé dans le manuel par le biais d'études de cas, d'étapes à suivre et du questionnaire d'auto-évaluation a pour but de promouvoir le leadership et les pratiques éthiques au sein des Églises et des organisations liées à l'Église. Il est conçu comme un guide et une référence pour les responsables de ces organisations, offrant des idées, des stratégies et des outils pratiques pour promouvoir l'intégrité et la responsabilité dans toutes les facettes de leur rôle. Le leadership éthique dans les organisations confessionnelles repose essentiellement sur les principes de transparence, d'honnêteté, d'intégrité, d'inclusion, de responsabilité et de vertu. Les dirigeants se voient confier la responsabilité sacrée de gérer non seulement les ressources et les missions de leurs organisations, mais aussi le bien-être spirituel et la confiance de leurs communautés. En appliquant les stratégies et les principes soutenus dans ce manuel, il est possible de s'engager dans un changement transformateur, qui consiste à restaurer des pratiques éthiques de leadership et d'investissement pour une meilleure gestion des institutions. Nous vous invitons à utiliser ce manuel de référence et à le partager avec d'autres personnes.
  • I ma ye ga biirima nda cawandiyano laasaabu afirki wane haalo ra : cawandikey nda cawkey cawandiyaŋ goy-tiraa

    Akkari, Abdeljalil; Gandolfi, Stefania; Mohamed Sagayar, Moussa ([Globethics Publications]Université Abdou Moumouni de NiameyFondazione Vittorino ChizzoliniERDIE, 2025-01-22)
  • Anazam n ǎɣyud əd igi enayan ən kel afriq : əlkətab ən mušetan əd ənəsselməd ən mušetan.

    Akkari, Abdeljalil; Gandolfi, Stefania; Mohamed Sagayar, Moussa ([Globethics Publications]Université Abdou Moumouni de NiameyFondazione Vittorino ChizzoliniERDIE, 2025-01-22)
  • Sake tunawa da horo- da-ilimanta tafiyar da koyarwa cikin wani zato a Afirika: littafin aiki zuwa ga malaman makaranta da masu horon malaman

    Akkari, Abdeljalil; Gandolfi, Stefania; Mohamed Sagayar, Moussa ([Globethics Publications]Université Abdou Moumouni de NiameyFondazione Vittorino ChizzoliniERDIE, 2025-01-22)
  • Anndintina ekkitol e jannginol nder gaɗal garoowal ngal Afirka : dewtere jannde nde gaɗe waɗanaande janngooɓe he ekkitooɓe jannginooɓe

    Akkari, Abdeljalil; Gandolfi, Stefania; Mohamed Sagayar, Moussa ([Globethics Publications]Université Abdou Moumouni de NiameyFondazione Vittorino ChizzoliniERDIE, 2025-01-22)
  • Valeur esthétique et valeur cognitive : et le rire?

    Haaz, Ignace (Globethics Publications, 2024-12-24)
  • Aesthetics, a door-opener to ethics

    Girardin, Benoît (Globethics Publications, 2024-12-24)
  • Aesthetic values, ethics and education

    Andriamasy, Anja; Haaz, Ignace (Globethics Publications, 2024-12-24)
    This book, on the topic of aesthetic values, ethics, and education, gathers contributors from diverse backgrounds. University professors, theologians, international practitioners, music performers, and literary artists from different continents, i.e. Africa, Asia, and Europe, explore the profound intersection between intercultural and universal values, ethical considerations, and education through arts. The book presents essays and poems addressing the value and role of arts in challenging cultural and societal norms to nurture reasoning and social responsibility, and ultimately to promote intercultural dialogue and understanding with ethics in aesthetic value and education to foster respect and collaboration. In exploring the profound intersection between these parameters through arts, this book invites readers to reimagine the world, ethics, and critical thinking in contemporary society.
  • Ética, educación superior y sociedad

    Morales Ordoñez, Juan Cristóbal (Universidad católica de Cuenca (Ecuador)Grupo de Cooperação Internacional de Universidades Brasileiras (GCUB)Globethics Publications, 2024-10-24)
  • L’essentiel sur les droits humains et les libertés publiques en droit comparé

    Sankieme Lusanga, Ange (Globethics Publications, 2025-01-23)
    Les libertés publiques sont des libertés individuelles et collectives garanties et constituent un sous-ensemble des droits fondamentaux. Au niveau interne, les libertés publiques sont réparties dans trois catégories principales : - les droits civils et politiques, - les droits économiques et sociaux, - les droits collectifs ou communautaires. Les citoyens de l’Union européenne jouissent d’un grand nombre de droits et libertés qui sont consacrés par la charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne ainsi que par les traités européens. La Cour constitutionnelle de la RDC, gardienne des libertés fondamentales peut s’inspirer de la jurisprudence de Cour-EDH et de la CJUE traitée dans l’ouvrage.
  • Ethical leadership and investment for a sustainable future : a reference manual

    Globethics; Ogara, William Otiende (Globethics Publications, 2024-10-15)
    This Reference Manual has been prepared as a result of the African Church Assets Programme (ACAP) journey, initiated by the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) General Assembly in Kampala, Uganda in 2013. The learning made available in the Manual through case studies, actionable steps and the self-assessment questionnaire are provided with the aim to promote ethical leadership and practices within churches and church-related organizations. It is designed as a guide and reference for leaders within these organizations, offering insights, strategies, and practical tools to promote integrity and accountability in all facets of their roles. At its core, ethical leadership in faith- based organizations is rooted in the principles of transparency, honesty, integrity, inclusivity, accountability and righteousness. Leaders are entrusted with the sacred responsibility of stewarding not only the resources and missions of their organizations but also the spiritual well-being and trust of their communities. By applying the strategies and principles contained in this Manual, it is possible to engage in transformative change, which is all about restoring a culture of improved ethical leadership and investment in our institutions. Welcome, and feel encouraged to use and to share this Reference Manual with others.
  • Education alternative et non formelle au Niger

    Mohamed Sagayar, Moussa; Gandolfi, Stefania; Akkari, Abdeljalil; Memishi, Arta (Globethics Publications, 2024-10-23)
    À l’instar des autres pays de l’Afrique-subsaharienne, le Niger est confronté à la tâche de scolariser l’ensemble des enfants et des jeunes en leur offrant des opportunités pertinentes d’apprentissage. Toutefois, le modèle scolaire nigérien montre des signes d’essoufflement et est actuellement incapable de relever ce défi. D’où la nécessité d’autres pistes d’éducation et de formation. Au lieu d’un choix par défaut de la formation scolaire, nous avons avec l’éducation alternative et non-formelle une opportunité de repenser l’éducation dans une perspective africaine et culturellement appropriée. Ce livre réunit les textes d’auteurs qui exposent les potentialités de ce modèle d’éducation, au moyen de différents concepts clefs ainsi que leurs fondements théoriques et pratiques. Résultat d’un travail collectif mené par des chercheurs de plusieurs horizons, le projet est soutenu par Fondazione Vittorino Chizzolini (Italy), L’École normale supérieure (ENS, Niger) et l’Université de Genève (UNIGE, Suisse).
  • AI governance ethics : artificial intelligence with shared values and rules

    Stückelberger, Christoph; Rocamora, María Merchán; DUGGAL, PAVAN; Singh, Divya (Globethics Publications, 2024-10-08)
    Artificial Intelligence influences already almost all sectors of society, from production, consumption and recycling of products to education and media, from agriculture to military. The search for AI governance from voluntary standards to international convention and standards is fast and urgent. This book unites contributions of authors from all continents. It also offers a representative collection of official recommendations and guidelines on AI governance from national governments, continental entities like EU and AU to UN-organisations.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 3, Europe

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-09-18)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This third volume is collated as follows: Volume 3: Short introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the European country reports. Compared to Africa and Asia (presented in volume 1 and 2), Europe is a relatively small and homogenous continent. But their submitted reports may surprise by their huge variety. They are written in English, the “lingua franca” of business while many of them were carried out in the respective languages, e.g., in Spanish, Italian, German, Estonian and Hungarian. The differences range from business ethics activities being closely guided by international standards such as the PRME (“Principles for Responsible Management Education”) in Ireland and recent Directives of the European Union in Denmark to priorities of struggling with “non-financial disclosure and accounting” in Italy and to “post-war reconstruction” and “moral leadership of the business elite” in Ukraine. It is obvious that the socio-political and cultural context of the country (i.e., the systemic or macro-conditions) shape to a large extent the decision-making and acting of business enterprises and educational organizations as well as individuals at the meso- and micro-levels, respectively. The European reports are presented in this volume and include Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany-Austria-Switzerland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, and Ukraine.
  • Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 : teaching, research and training. Vol. 2, Asia, Australia, Russia and America

    Robinson, Bryan; Enderle, Georges (Globethics PublicationsInternational Society of Business, Economics, and Ethics (ISBEE), 2024-08-29)
    The Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 (GSBE) incorporates the full 36 country or regional reports that were collated over three years of investigation by 94 reporters. The sheer volume of content required the publication of three volumes. This second volume is collated as follows: Volume 2: Short introduction to the Global Survey of Business Ethics 2022-2024 and the reports from Asia, Australia, Russia, South and North America. While volume 1 and volume 3 present the country reports from one continent, that is, from Africa and Europe, respectively, in contrast, this volume 2 contains 13 reports from five continents and includes seven from the ten most populous countries on Earth (Worldometers 2024): India (1,428,627,663), China (1,425,671,352), United States 339,996,563), Indonesia(277,534,122), Brazil (216,422,446), Russia (144,444,359) and Mexico (128,455,567). Adding the most populous country in volume 1, that is, Nigeria with 223,804,632 people, the GSBE book includes a total of 4,184,976,704 people or ca. 52% of the world population (8,118,835,999). Given this enormous population, the reports in this volume can only provide some tiny, but not insignificant insights of the huge diversity of challenges and opportunities in the field of business ethics. The reports are presented in this volume and include Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Australia, Russia, Latin America, Brazil, United States, and Mexico.
  • Sharing values across borders : my story with Globethics

    Green, Erin; Stückelberger, Christoph (Globethics Publications, 2024-08-26)
    In celebration of the 20th anniversary of Globethics, through a series of interviews founder Christoph Stückelberger takes readers through his own journey with the foundation with stories, reflections, and philosophical insights. From groundbreaking online library to global network of researchers and leaders, Globethics has transformed the sharing of values across borders for a generation. This volume looks to the future of the foundation, recounting the challenges and success that shaped Globethics until today. More than a retrospective, Sharing Values Across Borders is a testament to the enduring power of ethics in shaping a just, inclusive, peaceful, and sustainable world.
  • Navigating the future of higher education with AI : 2024 ICDE Leadership Summit policy dialogue report

    Green, Erin; Selvaratnam, Ratna Malar; Bali, Maha; Bellomo, Santiago; Bi, Xiaohan (Globethics PublicationsInternational Council for Open and Distance EducationUNESCO-ICHEI, 2024-08-22)
    This policy report is the outcome of the ICDE leadership Summit hosted by Globethics in Geneva, from 5 to 7 June 2024, in partnership with UNESCO ICHEI, under the title: Ethical Leadership in the Age of AI: Rethinking Futures of Education. Throughout the three days, 126 participants and 60 speakers from 35 countries contributed to enriching the reflection, from theoretical and practical perspectives, about the future of higher education in the fourth industrial revolution era. The report aims at capturing the outcomes from the presentations and discussions and presents them under five titles: 1) Ethical Implications of AI in Higher Education, 2) A Culture of Innovation, 3) Equitable Leadership, 4) Social Justice, and 5) Future Praxis. Hence, the report aims to be “an accessible tool to shine a light on some of the key challenges and opportunities that are before us,” ensuring a critical engagement with AI in educational spaces, that fosters accessibility, equity, and quality.
  • Ethics in higher education for better lives and societies : governance, cyber ethics and sustainability = Ética na educação superior para melhores vidas e sociedades : governança, ética cibernética e sustentabilidade

    von Sinner, Rudolf; Globethics. Latin America and the Caribbean Centre (Globethics PublicationsPontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, 2024-08-27)
    Within this collaborative endeavour between Globethics and the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, a distinguished group of twenty-one ethicists and specialists from eight diverse countries convene to deliberate on the intricate ethical dilemmas in higher education. Immersed in a profound exploration, they meticulously examine the internal methodologies and external impacts orchestrated within the academic sphere, placing a keen emphasis on the fundamental principles, varied perceptions, and consequential actions that support these deliberations. Through this comprehensive work, a triad of pivotal themes rises and facilitates sharing best practices globally: ethical governance, the intricacies of cyberethics - particularly concerning generative artificial intelligence - and the imperative of sustainability in promoting actions and fostering academic contributions for the responsible use of water and mitigation of climate change.
  • Die Zehn Gebote : ein chinesischer Katechismus des Lebens

    You, Bin (Globethics Publications, 2024-08-14)
    Der Katechismus wird oft als Lehre von altmodischen Glaubenssätzen oder als autoritäre Liste dessen, was uns religiöse Führer zu glauben zwingen, wahrgenommen. Dieser Katechismus ist ein Überlebenspaket mit der Nahrung namens 'Glaube'. Er ist frisches Wasser aus der Quelle für den täglichen Lebensweg und zur Orientierung bei der Entscheidungsfindung. Diese vier Bände chinesischer Katechismen übertragen die klassischen Kerntexte des christlichen Glaubens in das heutige Leben: das Glaubensbekenntnis (Bd. 1), das Vaterunser (Bd. 2), die Zehn Gebote (Bd. 3) und die Liturgie als Feier des Lebens (Bd. 4). Der Autor You Bin aus Peking bietet es aus chinesischer Sicht als Beitrag zur interkulturellen Theologie an. Es ist ein Geschenk an die Weltchristenheit und die Menschheit. Es ist kein lutherischer, reformierter, katholischer oder anglikanischer Katechismus sondern ein post-konfessionelles Fenster zum Leben. In diesem Band 3 werden die Zehn Gebote vor einem chinesischen Hintergrund und mit chinesischer Weisheit interpretiert.
