Die Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethikausbildung in
 Deutschland: Versuch einer Standortbestimmung
Aßländer, Michael S.Keywords
WirtschaftSozialwissenschaften, Soziologie
Bildung und Erziehung
Soziologie, Anthropologie
Sociology & anthropology
Social sciences, sociology, anthropology
Wissenschaftstheorie, Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Wissenschaftslogik, Ethik der Sozialwissenschaften
Philosophie, Theologie
Makroebene des Bildungswesens
Philosophy of Science, Theory of Science, Methodology, Ethics of the Social Sciences
Sociology of Economics
Philosophy, Ethics, Religion
Management Science
Macroanalysis of the Education System, Economics of Education, Educational Policy
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
soziale Marktwirtschaft
soziale Verantwortung
social policy
business ethics
social responsibility
social market economy
Federal Republic of Germany
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"The German business ethics discussion differs fundamentally from the English debate. One reason for the difference lies in the specific political perspective of social responsibility. In the tradition of German Social Market Economy social efforts widely have been seen rather as a function of governmental social policy than as a specific task of corporations. This might explain why business ethics for long time was not seen as a topic of business education. Due to various reasons the situation has changed. Nevertheless, business ethics in German economic faculties is taught rarely and in most cases is not part of the core curriculum. The following article wants to map the territory and to provide an overview of the actual situation." (author's abstract)Date
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Sexuated Topology and the Suspension of Meaning: A Non-Hermeneutical Phenomenological Approach to Textual AnalysisBailey, Steven (2014-07-31)This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of sexuation integrated with his work in discourse theory and topology. Part I places this study into context by examining scholarship from the established fields of hermeneutics, phenomenology, (post)structuralism, aesthetic theory and psychoanalysis in order to extract out their respective theory of meaning. These theories reveal that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the Reformation and reaches near crisis proportions in the 20th century. On the one hand this crisis is mollified by the rise of Heideggerian-Gadamerian hermeneutical phenomenology which questions traditional epistemological approaches to the text using a new ontological conceptualization of meaning and a conscious rejection of methodology. On the other hand this crisis is exacerbated when the ubiquitous nature of meaning is itself challenged by (post)structuralism's discovery of the signifier which inscribes a limit to meaning, and by the domains of sense and nonsense newly opened up by aesthetic theory. These historical developments culminate in the field of psychoanalysis which most consequentially delimits a cause of meaning said to be closely linked to the core of subjectivity. Part II extends these findings by rigorously constructing out of the Lacanian sexuated formulae a decidedly non-hermeneutical phenomenological approach useful in demonstrating the sexual nature of meaning. Explicated in their static state by way of an account of their original derivation from the Aristotelian logical square, it is argued that these four formulae are relevant to basic concerns of textual theory inclusive of the hermeneutical circle of meaning. These formulae are then set into motion by integrating them with Lacan's four discourses to demonstrate the breakdown of meaning. Finally, the cuts and sutures of two-dimensional space that is topology as set down in L'étourdit are performed to confirm how the very field of meaning is ultimately suspended from a nonsensical singular point known in Lacanian psychoanalysis as objet a. The contention is that by occupying this point the subject frees himself from the debilitating grip of meaning.
Dictionnaire des sexualitésMossuz-Lavau, Janine (2014-03)Ce dictionnaire est le plus complet et le plus novateur à ce jour consacré aux diverses formes de sexualité et à la place qu'elles occupent dans notre société. " Je ne sais pas quelle est la question, mais je connais la réponse : le sexe ", disait Woody Allen. Ce Dictionnaire, unique en son genre, tente d'apporter plutôt des réponses que des interrogations. Sa première originalité est de traiter des sexualités et non pas de la sexualité. C'est-à-dire de prendre en compte les réalités d'aujourd'hui. Très longtemps, on a désigné la sexualité au féminin singulier et renvoyé d'abord au coït, lequel devait assurer la venue au monde d'une descendance. La norme était celle de l'hétérosexualité. Mais, dans la période récente, on a assisté à la multiplication des identités reconnues : il n'y a plus comme avant " la " femme et " l' "homme mais aussi les lesbiennes, les gays, les bisexuels, les transgenres, les queers, les intersexués. On est bien dans l'univers " des " sexualités. Celles-ci sont donc toutes présentes dans ce volume. L'autre originalité de cet ouvrage tient à la diversité de ses approches. Il montre comment ces diverses sexualités ont été perçues selon les civilisations, les religions (du catholicisme au bouddhisme), l'évolution des lois, les principales familles politiques, les grandes périodes de l'histoire et dans divers pays (des États-Unis à la Chine). Comment elles ont été abordées aussi à travers la littérature, la philosophie, la psychanalyse, la musique (de l'opéra à la chanson), le cinéma, la peinture, la danse (du flamenco au tango)... Sur les 400 notices que comprend ce Dictionnaire, beaucoup sont consacrées aux thèmes " incontournables " : amour, désir, érotisme, plaisir, amant, hédonisme, partenaires, rapports sexuels, séduction, sensualité etc. Mais on y trouve également des entrées plus originales, qui ont trait à des thèmes aussi divers que l'argent, la contrepèterie, la folie, les nanosciences, l'islam, les procès pour impuissance, la mode... L'ensemble va de A comme Abat-jour (éloge de la pénombre) à Z comme Zouk (la danse que chacun rêve de maîtriser). Ce livre se distingue enfin par la diversité et la qualité de ses auteur(e)s. Ils sont 185 : historiens, sociologues, démographes, juristes, écrivains, cinéastes, philosophes, psychanalystes, médecins, littéraires, politologues, anthropologues, critiques d'art, de cinéma, spécialistes du jazz et de la chanson, tous considérés comme le (ou la) meilleur spécialiste du sujet traité. Janine Mossuz-Lavau a fait appel non seulement à des experts, mais aussi à des témoins ayant fréquenté la personnalité sur laquelle ils écrivent, des acteurs et actrices (la tanguera parle ici du tango, le scénariste du film qu'il a écrit, la performeuse et la grande prêtresse du SM de leurs expériences). Ce Dictionnaire contient enfin des documents et des textes originaux, tels le Tract du Dr Carpentier ou des entretiens avec Françoise Héritier et avec Brigitte Lahaie.
Religion to the contempory. Of the sense of the religious implication of Senegalese young people.Laboratoire d'Analyse Numérique et Informatique [Sénégal] (LANI) ; Université Gaston Berger de Saint-Louis Sénégal (UFR SAT); Algorithms and Software Architectures for Distributed and HPC Platforms (AVALON) ; Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes ; Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria) - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria) - Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallélisme (LIP) ; École normale supérieure - Lyon (ENS Lyon) - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) - Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria) - Université de Lyon - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - École normale supérieure - Lyon (ENS Lyon) - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) - Université de Lyon - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS); Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal; Département de sociologie; Pr Lamine Ndiaye; Pr Thierno Ka; faye, mody ndiogou (HAL CCSD, 2016-12-10)The objective of this thesis is to show that the religious participation of the current youth answers needs other than those who are traditionally advanced. By interesting us essentially in the representations, that is the images, even the ideas which the various social players give to this behavior to find him a relevance, we revealed three types of explanations for whom we worked to seize the sense through the identification of the status of those who formulated them. At first, there are those who, through their religious inspiration, present the phenomenon studied as the realization of a spiritual need which seizes an individual at some point of his life. What appears, for them, as a necessity in the consolidation of the faith shows itself through a concern of sense and meaning concerning things and already established symbols. Then, we have those who, less inclined to the supernatural and to the necessity of a spiritual quest, speak about uses of the religion as the way. This is the opinion of people who refuse to recognize a relevance by the religious initiatives of our investigated. This way, they present the sudden religiosity of the young generation as an answer to fears of all kinds. They so make it a kind of refuge in front of realities of the everyday life for which they try to avoid. Finally, there is a third and last explanation which insists on the quest of a protector to retranslate the psychoanalytical hope of the research for the symbolic father who protects and guides through the sinuous "paths" of the human existence. What about in reality? What says the current youth on its religious share? What sense does it give her? What makes it problematic in the eyes of the others? Such will be points approached on this work which joins mainly in a collection of clarification and construction of the sense of a social behavior resting on the words of the concerned main things?