Verhaltensannahmen betriebswirtschaftlicher Theorien und Wirtschaftskriminalität
Soziologie, Anthropologie
Sociology & anthropology
Philosophie, Theologie
Kriminalsoziologie, Rechtssoziologie, Kriminologie
Sociology of Economics
Philosophy, Ethics, Religion
Criminal Sociology, Sociology of Law
Management Science
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
ökonomische Theorie
intrinsische Motivation
Federal Republic of Germany
business ethics
white-collar criminality
business administration
economic theory
risk assessment
intrinsic motivation
model construction
formation of consciousness
basic research
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"Der Beitrag versucht anhand der Agentur- sowie der Stewardship-Theorie ein Rahmenmodell zur Erklärung wirtschaftskriminellen Verhaltens zu erarbeiten. Zu diesem Zweck wird neben einer Systematisierung der primären Interessenträger einer wirtschaftskriminellen Tat auch ein Überblick über mögliche Motivationsfaktoren wirtschaftskriminellen Verhaltens gegeben. In Abhängigkeit dieser Variablen können so idealtypisch der Agent-, der Guided-Agent-, der Steward- und der Misguided-Steward-Täter voneinander abgegrenzt werden. Durch die Trennung von Wirtschaftskriminalität im Sinne des Unternehmens und gegen das Unternehmen sowie der Integration intrinsischer Motive bietet der hier vorliegende Beitrag eine grundlegende Erweiterung der bisherigen Perspektive auf Wirtschaftskriminalität. Neben einer integrativen Betrachtung struktureller sowie personeller Risikofaktoren, ermöglicht die Typisierung darüber hinaus eine differenzierte Bestimmung der situativen Wirksamkeit bzw. Unwirksamkeit unterschiedlicher Präventionsmechanismen, wie etwa Überwachung, Strafmaß, ethische Bewusstseinsförderung und Transparenz." (Autorenreferat)"This article aims to develop a framework to explain economic crime on the basis of principal agent and stewardship theory. We begin with offering a systematization of the primary beneficiaries of a fraudulent act and then present an overview of possible motivational factors for economic crime. On the basis of these variables we determine your ideal types of economic criminals: the agent, the guided agent, the steward and the misguided steward. Based on the distinction between economic crime on behalf of and against the company, and with respect to the intrinsic motivation, we suggest a new perspective on economic crime. It helps integrating situational and individual risk factors. Finally, the typification allows a differentiated view on the effectiveness of prevention mechanisms, such as monitoring, measure of punishment, ethical awareness programs and transparency." (author's abstract)
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Sexuated Topology and the Suspension of Meaning: A Non-Hermeneutical Phenomenological Approach to Textual AnalysisBailey, Steven (2014-07-31)This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of sexuation integrated with his work in discourse theory and topology. Part I places this study into context by examining scholarship from the established fields of hermeneutics, phenomenology, (post)structuralism, aesthetic theory and psychoanalysis in order to extract out their respective theory of meaning. These theories reveal that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the Reformation and reaches near crisis proportions in the 20th century. On the one hand this crisis is mollified by the rise of Heideggerian-Gadamerian hermeneutical phenomenology which questions traditional epistemological approaches to the text using a new ontological conceptualization of meaning and a conscious rejection of methodology. On the other hand this crisis is exacerbated when the ubiquitous nature of meaning is itself challenged by (post)structuralism's discovery of the signifier which inscribes a limit to meaning, and by the domains of sense and nonsense newly opened up by aesthetic theory. These historical developments culminate in the field of psychoanalysis which most consequentially delimits a cause of meaning said to be closely linked to the core of subjectivity. Part II extends these findings by rigorously constructing out of the Lacanian sexuated formulae a decidedly non-hermeneutical phenomenological approach useful in demonstrating the sexual nature of meaning. Explicated in their static state by way of an account of their original derivation from the Aristotelian logical square, it is argued that these four formulae are relevant to basic concerns of textual theory inclusive of the hermeneutical circle of meaning. These formulae are then set into motion by integrating them with Lacan's four discourses to demonstrate the breakdown of meaning. Finally, the cuts and sutures of two-dimensional space that is topology as set down in L'étourdit are performed to confirm how the very field of meaning is ultimately suspended from a nonsensical singular point known in Lacanian psychoanalysis as objet a. The contention is that by occupying this point the subject frees himself from the debilitating grip of meaning.
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Distance Education and Community Learning Networks linked by a Library of CultureSantiago, Joseph A (DigitalCommons@URI, 2011-02-14)Humans are relational beings with their modeled behavior as practical examples of cultural routines that they hear, see, read, and assemble on their own from communal pieces of information to answer the needs of their everyday lives (Bandura, & Jeffrey, 1973). Yet few researchers have looked at the differing synthesis of culture and generally assume that others share similar ideas/values that lead to particular events and worldviews (Lillard, p.5 1998). Informational and cultural contact zones can be created to support CLNs, universities, and individuals in a variety of roles to encourage their interactions so they might design, and challenge the fundamentals of these programs and seek to better cooperation amongst the public itself (Tremmel, 2000). By increasing communication and collaboration of educational systems throughout the community will begin to raise the standard of living for all people (Bohn, & Schmidt, 2008). This will begin to draw people out from the digital divide and increase the access of technology and information available to all people with the community. Utilizing CLNs to support and further education will allow an interconnected web of assessments, standards, and cooperative efforts that has the potential of increasing democracy by empowering people from their communities.