Toddy palms in the paddy field: An alternative economy of farmers in Pattan Village, Taungoo Township
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Best Paper Award Winner in Geography, 2007This paper analyzed the role of toddy palm in the economy of rural people from new perspective. Since toddy palms are found in the paddy field comparative analysis has made between toddy, paddy and peas. The study focused on three points ; How toddy palms effect on the paddy production? What are the economic cost and benefit of toddy palm located in the paddy field? How should we consider toddy palm for the future socio-economic development of Pattan Village? Data used in this paper were derived from ground surveys and open and structured interviews conducted to all household heads of Pattan Village. The analysis results showed that there is no significant evidence that toddy palm could have an effect on the production of paddy,from the present distribution pattern. Annual profit that could be gained from the products of toddy palm is higher than paddy and peas. If toddy palms are fully utilized to its capacity it could become an alternative economy for the development of farmers and rural areas .