Šuster, UrškaContributor(s)
Gorenak, IrenaKeywords
odnosi z dobaviteljiposlovna etika
business ethics
relations with suppliers
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Because of constant changes in the business market, the desire to maximize profits and different interests of stakeholders, companies are often faced with ethical dilemmas. It is therefore important to be aware of the impact of unethical behavior on the company and the environment. Suppliers are important business partners, as they have a great influence on the performance of the company. Long-term cooperation of company with supplier is only possible if the relationship is based on ethical principles. In the theoretical part of the master thesis we define the concept of ethics, business ethics and the relationship between suppliers and customers. In the practical part of the master thesis we used the method of the interview to gather the information about ethical behavior of studied company in the relationship towards its suppliers. We demonstrated the practice of company in the field of ethics in relation to suppliers. Based on the results, we conclude that the studied company treats it suppliers according to ethical principles.V poslovnem okolju se podjetja mnogokrat znajdejo v etičnih dilemah, saj so izpostavljena nenehnim spremembam na trgu, želji po čim večjem dobičku in različnim interesom. Zato je pomembno, da se zavedamo, kako neetično ravnanje vpliva na podjetje in tudi na širše okolje. Dobavitelji predstavijo pomembne poslovne partnerje, saj le-ti v veliki meri vplivajo na uspešnost podjetja. Dolgoročno sodelovanje podjetja z dobavitelji je mogoče le, če odnos temelji na etičnih načelih. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo opredelili pojma etike in poslovne etike ter opredelili odnos med dobavitelji in kupcem. V praktičnem delu magistrskega dela smo na primeru podjetja s pomočjo intervjuja zaposlenih raziskali področje etičnega odnosa do dobaviteljev in prikazali prakso podjetja na področju etike v odnosu do dobaviteljev. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov smo prišli do zaključka, da preučevano podjetje ravna z dobavitelji po etičnih načelih.