Imbibing Public Libraries and Corporate Social Responsibilityto Promote Rural Development
Social responsibility encompasses the sectors like health, education, employment, income and qualityof life. It should be binding on the corporate sector to work on the above aspects, which are thought to beprimary social indicators. The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in India is in a very nascent stage.It is still one of the least understood initiatives in the Indian development sector. The CSR represents aninteresting evolution and culmination of philanthropy and ethics. It is regarded as vehicle through whichcompanies give something back to the society. It involves providing innovative solutions to societal andenvironmental challenges. The corporate sector has a pivotal role to play in ensuring private investmentfl ows to those rural areas that have been left out of the development process so far and also to workfor sustainable development of rural areas in general. Public library can act as an agency for social andpersonal development and can become a positive agent for bringing change in the community.