Peran Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Pertambangan Emas Agincourt Resources Dalam Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Batangtoru Tapanuli Selatan
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Corporate social responsibility (CSR) requires companies to meet and consider the interests of stakeholders in its operations for profit. Stakeholder in question of who are employees (workers), customers, communities, local communities, governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), a gold mining company with operations in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli has been implementing CSR. CSR funds are used for various activities, such as the socialization of mining exploration activities; provide assistance to communities in various aspects such as social assistance, health, medical equipment for PHC Batangtoru, education assistance, and infrastructure assistance. Seeing the importance of CSR's role in community empowerment, it is interesting to examine how the actual role of CSR in an effort to empower communities around the gold mining company. Formulation of the problem in research is how the role of corporate social responsibility Agincourt Resources in the gold mining community empowerment (social, economic, environmental) in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli? The method used in this research is descriptive method with a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches. This study has shown that the role of corporate social responsibility PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) Batangtoru community empowerment efforts in the social, economic, and environmental fields is already under way, for example in terms of activities and means of assistance in the field of religion, sports, health, education, and socialization/communication, training, and provision of capital. It's just that it was not considered adequate assistance so that people are still in doubt whether the aid is beneficial to their empowerment. The role of corporate social responsibility in this regard has not been touched directly the needs of society and is still questionable and has not been able to improve the socio-economic life of society.087024043
Master ThesesIdentifier