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The 2006 provincial elections in Belgium were the first organised after the transfer of the bulk of compentences on local and provincial government form the federal to the regional level. This means that the different regions have both the competence to redesign the institutional framework on provincial government and to change the electoral rules. The government has exercised its competence: some institutional and electoral results arre now different in the two regions. These elections were also the first after drastic reforms in the national policital landscape (e.g., the democratic Flemish nationalist party split in differnt groups, nearly all the parties changed their name and different kinds of cartels and alliances between parties emerged, especially in the Flemish part of the country).
 All over the country, the Christian democrats and the extreme right parties were the winners of the elections, while the ecologists suffered from a declining trend. For the other parties, results differ according to the region. In the Flemish part of the country, the socialists joined the Christian democrats as winners, where in the Walloon provinces they lost votes. The liberals however noticed declining vote shares in the Flemish provinces, while winning in the Walloon part of the country.
 Because of the electoral design the evolution of the provincial landscape offers an interesting electoral barometer of the upcoming federal elections. Provincial elections do not only 'predict' the political future of other levels however, they are path dependent in their own right as well. Historical, institutional, political and electoral forces all codetermine the actual outlook of current provincial events. The analysis for 2006 has once again confirmed this.Date
Journal ContributionIdentifier Publica, 49(2-3). p. 443-476