Korupce v předvolebním diskurzu voleb do poslanecké sněmovny v roce 2010
Kubovcová, HanaKeywords
korupceelection campaign
volební kampaň
watchdog of democracy
media power
moc médií
Občanská veřejnost
hlídací pes demokracie
Civil public
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This thesis discusses how the transformation of the general public and the media associated with the state of political communication. The theoretical section defines the notion of the public and the role of media in democracy and concepts are embedded in context. The empirical part focuses on the concept of corruption and how three political parties (Social Democrats, ODS, VV) planted it in their election programs for the parliamentary elections in 2010. The traditional approach defines a public as opposed to the private sector and also as an independent state space, which enables its control. Modern media is still trying to act as a watchdog of democracy, but increasingly are becoming bearers of conformity and misdemeanor taste. They focus more on the cost of campaigns and political scandals of political leaders. Political elites have perceived and obey him. They realize that the media shapes public opinion and trying to look good in the media. The existence of corruption is traditionally associated with the emergence of the state, government establishment, government, politics and power. Political parties established corruption as a key point of their election programs. Textual analysis points to the specific factors persuasive communication, such as emotionality, evaluating words, rhetoric vs....Date