Diskurs und Governance: Abschlussbericht der Forschungsabteilung "Zivilgesellschaft und transnationale Netzwerke"
Sociology & anthropologyPolitical science
Soziologie, Anthropologie
Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture
General Sociology, Basic Research, General Concepts and History of Sociology, Sociological Theories
Allgemeine Soziologie, Makrosoziologie, spezielle Theorien und Schulen, Entwicklung und Geschichte der Soziologie
politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur
Bundesrepublik Deutschland
transnationale Beziehungen
civil society
transnational relations
conflict resolution
Federal Republic of Germany
social research
research facility
social science
research topic
coastal protection
research results
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Inhaltsverzeichnis: Teil I Das Forschungsprogramm: Die Abteilung "Zivilgesellschaft und transnationale Netzwerke" (bis 2002: "Normbildung und Umwelt"): Grundlinien eines Forschungsprogramms von 1990-2005)/ Wolfgang van den Daele (7-22). Teil II Ausgewählte neuere Beiträge: Kommunikationsmuster in (online) mediierten Diskursen/ Hans-Joachim Fietkau, Matthias Trénel, Juliane Prokop (23-28); Rationality and Global Governance: Mediating the Conflict Over Access to Essential Medicines Through Deliberations Between TNCs and NGOs/ Rainer Döbert and Wolfgang van den Daele (29-43); Globale Governance durch transnationale Netzwerkorganisationen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen zivilgesellschaftlicher Selbstorganisation/ Kristine Kern (44-58); Nachhaltigkeitskooperation: vom Staatspessimismus zur Zivilgesellschaftseuphorie?/ Helmut Weidner (59-75); Cities and Organized Interest Intermediation in the EU Multi-level System/ Hubert Heinelt and Stefan Niederhafner (76-88); Küstenentwicklung zwischen Ethos und Management - zur Nachhaltigkeitsperspektive im IKZM/ Bernhard Glaeser, Kira Gee, Agnieszka Sekscinska, Susanne Fuchs (89-104); The Spectre of Coercion. Is Public Health Genetics the Route to Policies of Enforced Disease Prevention?/ Wolfgang van den Daele (105-118). Teil III: Verzeichnis der Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und ausgewählte Publikationen.Date
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Sustainable Management of Agricultural Research and Technology Dissemination (SMARTD) : A Strategic FrameworkWorld Bank (Washington, DC, 2008-06)Revitalizing agriculture is critical for rural Indonesia's economic prosperity. Historically, Indonesia's dramatic poverty reduction was driven by progress in agriculture and agriculture continues to be a potent driver of growth and poverty alleviation. Agricultural sector growth strongly induces non-agricultural sector growth in rural areas, particularly through demand for locally produced and services. Agricultural sector productivity growth (along with price changes) has remained the most important way out of poverty. To shift agriculture along these dimensions, Indonesia needs to transition from its current and ineffective public stance, growing subsidies and selective output protection, to a more aggressive provision of public goods and services that build support systems for farmers to achieve continuous productivity gains. This will require an enabling agriculture policy environment, significant improvement in the delivery of services, agricultural research and extension in particular, and supporting enabling investments, which will encourage small farmers to move to high value agricultural activities. This will boost employment and raise incomes in rural areas while creating a bigger rural market with greater trade and investment opportunities.
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