Cadres on the diplomatic stage: the social origins and career patterns of GDR's ambassadors
Gebauer, RonaldKeywords
Political science
Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture
Social History, Historical Social Research
Sozialgeschichte, historische Sozialforschung
politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur
Auswärtiger Dienst
soziale Herkunft
politische Sozialisation
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Foreign Service
life career
job history
social background
political socialization
quantitative empirical
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"Nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg gelangte das östliche Deutschland in den Machtbereich der marxistisch-leninistischen Ideologie. Die Akzeptanz der kommunistischen Herrschaft unter der ostdeutschen Bevölkerung war jedoch gering und die SED sah sich zusätzlich auch mit dem Problem einer geringen internationalen Anerkennung ihres Regimes konfrontiert. An Bemühungen, diese Situation zu ändern, fehlte es nicht. Schon unmittelbar nach der Gründung der DDR erkannte die SED die hohe Relevanz der internationalen Repräsentation für ihr Projekt eines 'friedlichen' und 'fortschrittlichen' Deutschlands. Folglich wurden signifikante Schritte zur Etablierung eines voll funktionierenden Außenministeriums unternommen. Dieser Beitrag analysiert die nahezu komplett im Zentralen Kaderdatenspeicher überlieferten Lebensläufe der DDR-Botschafter (N=204) mit den Mitteln der Sequenzmusteranalyse (Optimal Matching). Das Ziel der Studie besteht darin, den Wissensstand zu Karrierepfaden und -determinanten von Mitgliedern des Diplomatischen Dienstes der DDR zu erweitern." (Autorenreferat)"After the Second World War the Soviet-occupied part of Germany was forced to follow the Marxist-Leninist paradigm. Thus, the acceptance of communist domination by the East German people was low and from the very beginning the SED regime was additionally confronted with a considerable lack of international recognition. Just after the founding of the GDR, the leading SED realized the very importance of international representation for their project of an alternative, 'peaceful' and 'progressive' Germany. Thus, significant steps were taken towards the construction of a fully functioning Foreign Ministry. This contribution analyses the near completely recorded population (N=204) of GDR ambassadors in the Central Cadre Database (CCDB), mirroring their individual job biographies. The aim of the study in this respect is to deepen the knowledge of career paths and determinants of the diplomatic body of the GDR by using techniques of sequence analysis (optimal matching)." (author's abstract)
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International Social Survey Programme, 1985-1996, 1998, 2000 and 2002: CollectionThe International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuing annual programme of cross-national collaboration on surveys covering topics important for social science research. It brings together pre-existing national social science projects and co-ordinates research goals, thereby adding a cross-national, cross-cultural perspective to the individual, national studies. Formed in 1983, the group develops topical modules dealing with important areas of social science as supplements to regular national surveys. Every survey includes questions about general attitudes toward various social issues such as the legal system, sex, and the economy. Special topics have included the environment, the role of government, social inequality, social support, family and gender issues, work orientation, the impact of religious background, behaviour, and beliefs on social and political preferences, and national identity. Participating countries vary for each topical module. The merging of the data into a cross-national dataset is performed by the Zentralarchiv fuer Empirische Sozialforschung, University of Cologne. A compact disc (CD-ROM) (archived under SN 3479) containing data and documentation for ISSP surveys carried out 1985-1996, 1998, 2000 and 2002 is available from the UKDA. Main Topics:The CD-ROM contains the complete collection of data and documentation of the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) between 1985 and 1996, 1998, 2000. In these years, the ISSP conducted twelve different Social Science Surveys in up to 30 countries. The collection comprises the following titles: 1985 - Role of Government I (6 countries) (ZA 1490,UKDA 2448) 1986 - Social Networks and Support Systems (7 countries) (ZA 1620, UKDA 2560) 1987 - Social Inequality I (10 countries) (ZA 1680,UKDA 2702) 1988 - Family and Changing Sex Roles I (8 countries) (ZA 1700, UKDA 2744) 1989 - Work Orientations I (10 countries) (ZA 1840, UKDA 2864) 1990 - Role of Government II (9 countries) (ZA 1950, UKDA 2956) 1991 - Religion (16 countries) (ZA 2150, UKDA 3062) 1992 - Social Inequality II (17 countries) (ZA 2310, UKDA 3498) 1993 - Environment (20 countries) (ZA 2450, UKDA 3473) 1994 - Family and Changing Gender Roles II (22 countries) (ZA 2620, UKDA 3584) 1995 - National Identity (22 countries) (ZA 2880, UKDA 3809) 1996 - Role of Government III (23 countries) (ZA 2900, UKDA 4480) 1998 - Religion 11 (30 countries) (ZA 3190, UKDA 4482) 2000 - Environment 2000 (34 countries) (ZA 3440, UKDA 4827) 2002 - Family and Changing Gender Roles III (34 countries) (ZA 3880, UKDA 5018) Additionally, the 1985 and 1990 surveys, Role of the Government I and II, have been cumulated for those countries and those variables which have been included in both surveys: 1985/1990 - Role of the Government I/II (5 countries) (ZA 2240, UKDA 3499). All of the above are also available as separate datasets. The data for 1997, 1999 and 2001 are available separately on dedicated CD ROMs.
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