What leads people to keep on e-learning? An empirical analysis of users' experiences and their effects on continuance intention
Online Access
User retention is a major goal for higher education institutions running their teaching and learning programmes online. This is the first investigation into how the senses of presence and flow, together with perceptions about two central elements of the virtual education environment (didactic resource quality and instructor attitude), facilitate the user¿s intention to continue e-learning. We use data collected from a large sample survey of current users in a pure e-learning environment along with objective data about their performance. The results provide support to the theoretical model. The paper further offers practical suggestions for institutions and instructors who aim to provide effective e-learning experiences.Date
Rodríguez-Ardura, I.;Meseguer, A.(2014). "What leads people to keep on e-learning? An empirical analysis of users' experiences and their effects on continuance intention". Interactive Learning Environments. ISSN:1049-4820.