The Usage of Information Communication Technology (ICT) by women in Tertiary Institutions in Ekiti State, Nigera
Women and Girls' EducationInformation and Communication Technology (ICT)
Sustainable Development
Higher Education
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The ICT is one of the key factors for sustainable development in the nation. Its usage for effective management, teaching and learning in higher Education cannot be overemphasized. This paper investigated the use of ICT among women of tertiary institutions in Ekiti state. Three research questions and one hypothesis guided the study based on the knowledge, practice and challenges, facing women in the use of ICT. The study was a descriptive research design of the survey type. The population comprised of all the tertiary institutions in the state. A sample of one University, the only existing Polytechnic and College of Education was purposively used for the study. A self designed and validated questionnaire was used for data collection. Data obtained were analysed using the mean, chi-square and One Way ANOVA. The finding revealed that the women have adequate knowledge of the ICT tools that could enhance their effectiveness, they were found inadequate in the practice of ICT and a number of challenges such as family pressure, erratic power failure, unavailability of the necessary tools, lack of adequate training and others were faced by women. Recommendations such as creating an enabling environment that will encourage the usage of ICT by women in the tertiary institutions, establishing an effective and sustainable ICT policies and programmes that will enhance ICT usage by women were made. // Paper ID: 250Date
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