Scaling-up Quality in the Quantitative Papers Subscribed Through Distance Mode
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Based on a set of exploratory studies on the cardinals of teaching-learning process in the courses of statistics in distance education system, the paper attempts to put forth a case for reorienting instructional process and evaluation process for certification towards `scaling up quality’. The paper is divided into six sections. In the section 2, starting with some introductory references about quality in general and that in Open and Distance Education system, the methodology of for the paper is discussed. In section 3,based on feed-back of students in distance education, the `extent of content utilization’ is discussed. In section 4 `quality’ in certification is discussed in the light of scores of students in `internal assessment’ and `annul/term-end examinations’. After a discussion based on the results of sections 3 and 4, in section 6, a model, deemed more akin to the spirit of an open system, is proposed which promises to scale up the quality of instructions and evaluation.Date
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