Ценности университетского образования в философии Х. Ортеги-и-Гассета
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Излагаются взгляды испанского философа Х. Ортеги-и-Гассета на систему образования в условиях реформирования. Подчеркивается важность качества университетского образования и готовности к прогрессивным изменениям в границах сохранения самобытности. Приводится аргументация в пользу изучения опыта образовательных реформ европейских стран. Статья представляет интерес для исследователей в области философии образования и аксиологии.The article presents the views of Spanish philosopher and essayist J. Ortega y Gasset on the education system in the conditions of reforming. The importance of university education quality and readiness for progressive changes while preserving national originality is emphasized. The arguments in favor of studying the experience of educational reforms of the European countries are provided. The problem area of research is the shortcomings of Spanish education J. Ortega y Gasset noted, which are partially relevant to the modern Russian educational process. For instance, it is the pedagogical skills of professors and the quality of knowledge of students who receive higher education. The motivation in cognitive activity of the parties is considerably reduced, mainly due to neglect of knowledge. According to the author, the reason for this phenomenon is that both the young and the senior generations are not ready for reforms, they do not understand their importance for future society, and have different values. Following J. Ortega's reflections on the axiological purpose of education, the author notes a surprising insight of the philosopher in comprehension of the reasons of the difficult situation of Spanish education in his time. The idea of creativity on the basis of originality and denial of simple imitation in education is substantiated, when stagnancy of thinking and stereotypes of activity paradoxically expand the integration area. Ortega y Gasset's thought of interdependence of good school and tasks of educating a great nation, which should be solved together, not just by means of universities, is emphasized. As the key proof, the author uses the thesis of the philosopher that good school, higher or other, depends on a natural public environment rather than on an artificial pedagogical microclimate in an educational institution. Education in Russia is expected to adopt the best achievements of the European higher schools. The attention is focused on the fact that higher education in the European countries went a long and difficult way of formation before it reached its modern level of development. European education is characterized by many features of development, the knowledge of which will reduce the disadvantages of the models and preserve the traditions of the Russian higher school. One of the important issues of both general and professional Russian education is the mission of an educational institution. The term "mission" is gradually becoming familiar in the speech of professors, students and parents. The author understands the mission of an educational institution as the goal and purpose of an organization as a field of activity that includes a management tool, means and methods of achieving the goal. The article is of interest to researchers in the field of educational philosophy and axiology.