Bognar, BrankoKeywords
filozofija odgoja; kultura; odgoj; stvaralaštvophilosophy of education; culture; education; creativity
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عرض سجل المادة الكاملAbstract
U znanosti o odgoju – pedagogiji – postoje različite definicije temeljnog pojma odgoja. Autori se uglavnom slažu da je odgoj specifično ljudska aktivnost čovjekovog postajanja čovjekom. U svakoj od definicija odgoja autori eksplicitno ili implicitno polaze od određene teorije čovjeka oko čega, međutim, ne postoji suglasnost. U ovom radu nastojali smo objasniti po čemu se čovjek razlikuje od drugih životinjskih vrsta, a posebno nama vrlo sličnih predstavnika hominida. Ključna razlika u odnosu na ostale vrste leži u našoj sposobnosti stvaranja kumulativne kulture koja je omogućena evolucijski razvijenim sposobnostima suradnje i zajedničke intencionalnosti, ali se isto tako zasniva na kulturalnoj transmisiji i stvaralaštvu kao njenoj ključnoj odrednici. Stvarajući svoj svijet i sebe samog čovjek nadilazi svoje prirodne, ali isto tako i društvene potencijale odnoseći se prema svijetu i sebi kao svom djelu. Polazeći od rasprave o biti čovjeka u tekstu smo pokušali kritički razmotriti tri različita pristupa određenju pojma odgoja. Utvrdili smo kako normativna, ali isto tako i deskriptivna pedagogijska znanost ne uspijevaju dati razložno objašnjenje tog temeljnog pojma ostajući ispod razine čovjekovih povijesno dosegnutih mogućnosti. Za razliku od toga, Milan Polić uspio je pristupiti temi na konzistentan i neproturječan način dajući filozofsko određenje pojma odgoja koje doseže čovjekovu bit, a to je čovjek kao slobodno i samosvjesno biće koje stvara svoj svijet, a time i sebe sama.In the science of education – pedagogy – there are different definitions of the fundamental concept of education. Most authors agree that education is specifically human activity of becoming a human being. Authors, either explicitly or implicitly, base each definition of education on particular theory of human being without reaching an agreement on the matter. In this study, we tried to explain what makes humans different from other animal species, especially from representatives of hominids very similar to us. The key difference from other species lies in our ability to create a cumulative culture through evolutionary developed abilities of cooperation and mutual intentionality, but it is also based on cultural transmission and creativity as its key feature. While creating their world and themselves, humans exceed not only their biological but also social potentials by taking the world and themselves as their own creation. Taking into account a discussion about the essence of human being we tried to critically consider three different approaches in defining the concept of education. We have determined that normative, but also descriptive pedagogical science fails to give reasonable explanation of that fundamental term by staying under the level of historically achieved human abilities. Opposed to this, Milan Polić succeeded to give a consistent and coherent philosophical definition of education that outreaches human essence, and that is a human as a free and self-aware being that creates their own world, and by doing so, they create themselves.