SOCIAL CAPITAL APPROACH IN CORAL REEFS REHABILITATION ( A Case Study at Bontosua Island Community, Pangkep Regency)
Online Access
-Environment damage, especially, coral reefs crisis is a serious problem of community. The coral reefs, integrally, is the part of marine ecosystem as the main of economic resources for islands community. The effort of coral reefs rehabilitation needs local based community approach. Here, social capital is a very strategic social energy resource that existing in community. Therefore, the environmental management such as coral reefs rehabilitation, effectively, can be implemented in the setting of island community through social capital potential approach. Social capital has three powerful usages, they are; integrating community, bridging and networking establishment vertically and horizontally. This study determines focus and locus on social capital and environmental management, specifically on coral reefs rehabilitation at Bontosua Island in Pangkep Regency. It purposes to (1) map social capital potentials of island community in environmental management, (2) identify the contribution of social capital of community in the implementation of coral reefs rehabilitation at Bontosua island, (3) describe the dominant elements of social capital that most influence in optimizing sustainable island environmental management. The applied method in this study is qualitative. It aims to explore the social phenomena of Bontosua island community. The informants of this study are community leaders that consists of fishermen leader, cultural leader, religion leader, women leader and the Chief of Village. Data collection uses in-depth interview, field observation and focus group discussion (FGD). The study finds some results, they are: First, there are potentials of bounding social capital that play a role in the implementation of coral reefs rehabilitation for Bontosua island community; second, social capital contributes to develop community participation and community self-reliance, community awareness, cooperation, integration and sustainability of island development management, third, the dominant elements of social capital that most influence is trust based on value and homogeneity, community institution based on patron-client relation, value and Islamic teaching.