Informační vzdělávání v Itálii: projekty a aktivity v akademickém prostředí
Klimešová, PavlínaKeywords
informační vzděláváníHigher Education
Information Education
informační gramotnost
vysokoškolské knihovny
vyšší vzdělávání
User Education
Information Literacy
vzdělávání uživatelů
Academic Libraries
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This thesis deals with the issue of information education in Italy and focuses primarily on projects and activities in the academic environment. This thesis deals with the issue of Information Education in Italy and focuses primarily on Projects and Activities in the Academic Environment. In the introductory chapter several theses are formulated, regarding Italian environment in relation to Information Literacy and Information Education. In the second chapter many aspects and challenges of Information Education in Italy are briefly zoomed - a system of legislative efforts on the path towards the Information Society, a characteristics of the current state of Higher Education and Information Education at universities, the interpretation of terms Information Literacy and Information Education and their terminological pitfalls in Italian, characteristics and tools supporting Information Education, the issue of Plagiarism. The third chapter discusses several major Italian initiatives (including one European, based in Italy) from a non academic sphere. The fourth chapter discusses the status of libraries and librarians in Italy and their role in the educational process. The fifth chapter is devoted to analysis of specific Information Literacy Projects in selected Italian universities. The conclusion summarizes...Date