Reading Lefebvre from the periphery: Thinking globally about the rural
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What I want to do here is make some suggestions, drawing on the work of HenriLefebvre and Jacques Lacan, to continue the work of unsettling static conceptionsof what rurality is. In doing so, I will refer to rural education pointing to my owndesire to think beyond the confines of conventional educational theory which tendsto operate in a placeless temporal dimension, organized around imaginaries ofdevelopment and progress. I also want to think beyond spatial constructions thatimagine rurality as modernity's other, and that also imagine the compensatory educationthat should happen in rural places.Lefebvre's idea of the production of space is, I think, a useful tool for thinkingabout geographies of education and the way these geographies are made and remade.To do this I weave through the text an analysis of my own teaching practice that islocated in rural locations. This analysis is a self-study in the sense that my researchand teaching experience in rural areas have led me to consider in more detail howspace and place might be thought about more productively. What I offer here are thereflections of a place-oriented qualitative educational researcher provisionallythinking through spatial theory to understand a research trajectoryDate
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